Saturday, October 5, 2024

Be Made Whole

 N.T.#402 "Be Made Whole"

Oct. 7, 2024

Mark 10-Part 12


Have you been made whole, dear one? Is something lacking in your life? Read on.

Although His mind was probably on what lay ahead of Jesus in Jerusalem, He took the time to stop, listen, and heal blind Bartimaeus. There's more than meets the ey for those who have eyes to see. The man's physical blindness reflected his spiritual condition. It was his proclamation of Jesus being the Son of David, the Messiah, that revealed Bartimaeus' faith. 

Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way. (verse 52)

Whole means deliver or protect; heal; made well; I save.

Not only was Bartimaeus saved from his blindness, but he was saved from sin's penalty. He received physical and spiritual sight that day. He began following Jesus that very day and continued for the rest of his life. That was his response when he met the Savior.

Friend, have you met my Jesus? He sees our hear, tears, and wounds and wants to heal them. He loves us so much that Jesus paid our penalty for our sins on the cross. It only takes faith the tiny size of a mustard seed to save us.

Are we following Jesus out of duty or love?


What can we learn from Bartimaeus?

  1.  Persistently pursue Jesus.
  2. Don't worry about what others think.
  3. Get rid of what holds you back.
  4. Have faith.
  5. Be grateful for what God has done for you.
  6. Follow Jesus wherever He leads.
  7. Let your life reveal Jesus to others.
  8. Remember who you really are-a child of the King.
  9. Remember what you really need-mercy.
I found this on the internet, not sure who the writer is. 


Grow our faith, Lord Jesus.

Open our eyes to see the needs of others.

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