Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What a Ride to Come!

N.T.#403 "What a Ride to Come!"

Oct. 8, 2024 

Mark 11


On His last trip to Jerusalem, Jesus and His disciples stopped off in Bethany, where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived. The little town was just 2 miles on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives. John 12 gives us more details. It is like Mark put things out of sequence here. He skipped over in chapter 14 and filled in Mary's anointing Jesus' head with expensive perfume. This was 6 days before week of Passover celebration.  It was probably on Saturday evening at the home of Simon the leper, whom Jesus healed. Maybe the guys stopped off to visit with Simoon on their way to Martha's house. Then the group went on to have supper at M & M & L home, but there is a little confusion as to where the anointing took place. Mark 14 and Matthew 26 say it was at Simon's, but John 12 says it was at His friends' home. That should not be the main emphasis, the where it took place.

Before we look at how Jesus made His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, let's see how He did not go. He did not ride on a white warhorse like a conquering hero Roman general, wearing a red cloak. He came not as a warrior king with a magnificent parade down main street trumpets sounding the arrival.

How did Jesus enter His beloved city?

  •  Jesus was the gentle and peaceable King riding into their presence, the Son of God.
  • Preparations were made. Jesus sent two disciples to get a colt donkey in the village. Details of the particular one included: the colt was tied up outside a man's door, the man was willing to give it to Jesus, it was an unridden and unused donkey.

  • The owner was told ,"The Lord hath need of him."  (verse 3)
  • The disciples brought Jesus the colt and cast their outer garments upon the colt. 
Did you notice that the little borrowed wild colt did not buck Jesus off? It had never been ridden before. This shows Jesus has dominion over the creatures. The animal submitted to the Master's control. The owner did, too. What a privilege it is to have Jesus us and our things for His purpose. Borrowing the animal showed Jesus being humble, as well as the owner. 
Another thing, did you notice that Jesus knew where to send the disciples to find the way to meet Jesus' need? He knows the future, for He planned it out beforehand.

Do we surrender our things to be used by the Lord Jesus? How about our self? Are we willing to give our time and energy for the Master to use for kingdom work? What a blessing it is! 


What is the overall significance of this event? 

Zechariah 9:9 tells us, Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!

                                     Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem!

                                      Behold, your king is coming to you;

                                      He is just (righteous) and endowed with salvation (victorious),

                                      Humble, and mounted on a donkey,

                                      Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Don't overlook where Christ received the donkey-where the two ways met. Christ came to direct us along the Right Way, His Way, for Jesus Christ is The Way. He tells us not to take the wrong way of life. He is the Only Way to heaven, there is no other way.

Which way are your friends and family on? 


Open our hearts and hands so we are willing to give to those in need.

Use us for Your Kingdom work, Jesus.

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