Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another Lesson on Serving

N.T.#399 "Another Lesson on Serving"

Oct. 2, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 9


Really guys? You didn't hear a word Jesus had said. He was preparing for rejection, humiliation, suffering, torture, and death, while you focused on being second and third in command. (verse 37) It was like they said, "We're going to ask You for something; promise You'll grant our request. We want you to do this for us." (verse 35)

We know how that turned out. We know how life ends for Jesus. Yet, His disciples did not understand. James and John were more concerned what was in it for them. After all, they had already heard this ending twice before. If there was something to it, they sure wanted a front row seat, on the top right next to the King. Shame on you guys! They wanted to sit one on the right and one on the left of King Jesus in His kingdom.(verse 37)

Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? (verse 38)

Those two men had no idea of the destiny they had committed themselves to fulfill. James would become the first disciple to be killed for the sake of the gospel. John would live to see all of his friends baptized in persecuted and drink the bitter cup of martyrdom. (Mark moved to Rome with Peter and stayed there until Peter and Paul died. Mark was an interpreter for Peter.) Then he moved to Alexandria and founded a church which later became quite influential.) It is good to know that Peter and James remained a faithful follower of Jesus, even to their death. (Peter preached and 3,000 got saved in the book of Acts.)

Are we remaining faithful to our Savior?


What else did Jesus go on to say? It wasn't for Him to give. God rewards His servants according to faithfulness. A position in heaven is granted, not upon request, but for whom it is prepared, based on faithful service. (Falwell) (verse 40)

That selfish request caused dissension among the disciples, stirring up a hornet's nest. (verse 41) To be a servant in the Greek and Roman world was considered slavery and a shameful existence. Not so in God's world.

But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister.  (verse 43)

Minister means a serving deacon, a waiter in the Greek.

How well are we serving others? Colossians 3:17 tells us, and whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

As we are scrubbing dishes and floors we should honor God. If we are teaching a class, we are to honor God. And don't forget to give thanks to God that we are able to do it. I seem to leave that part out.


Help us to not pray selfishly, but for others' good and Your will be accomplished.

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