Monday, May 20, 2024

Who is Your King?


May 20, 2024 "Who is Your King?"

Matthew 27-Part 11


Who is your King? Is it Jesus, self, or a political figure?

While the Roman soldiers rolled dice or flipped a coin (verse 35), The Savior suffered above them on a cross. Many had the same experience, yet Jesus was the only One pierced because of our sins (Isaiah 53:5) so He might atone for the sins of the world. (Tony Evans)

Above Jesus' head was a sign with the accusation, This is Jesus the King of the Jews. (verse 37)

John said it this way in 19:19, And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, 


Since Christ had not been found guilty of a crime, Pilate placed a title above the cross. It was written in Aramaic/Hebrew, the language of the Jews; Greek, the language of culture, and Latin, the official language of Rome. (Falwell)

In crucifixion, a sign called a titulus indicating the name of the criminal and the crime was hung above the victim's head so everybody passing by on the road below could see the price that was paid foar serious infractions of Roman law. (Swindoll)

The chief priests were so troubled by this label that they asked Pilate to clarify that Jesus had claimed  He wasKing of the Jews, (John 19;21), but he did not do so.


What I have written I have written. That was Pilate's response in John 19:22. 

Little did Pilate realize how true this intended mockery of the Jews really was. What an honor for Jesus, for He was not a pretended Savior or King. He had committed no crime because He hung there truly The King. He did no evil nor did Jesus sin. The expected Messiah had come and look how the religious Jews treated Him. Shameful for them.

Matthew revealed Jesus as King throughout his Gospel.

People followed and watched and observed it all. Followers of Jesus saw His agony and suffering for us. It was the only way to please the Father. It was their plan all along. This was a way of including us Gentiles, by faith in Jesus, so we can be a part of God's Kingdom. 

Are you a follower of Jesus?

Are you going to be a part of God's Kingdom in heaven?

What about your family and friends? I hope to one day see you you there, my friend. Let's sit down and talk together.


You're King of kings and Lord of lords, Almighty God, Lord of everything.

You are Emanuel, the Great I Am, the Prince of Peace, the Risen Lamb.

My Savior, Messiah, Redeemer and Friend, and I love You Jesus!

You're my Prince of Peace and I will live my life for You.

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