Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Honoring Jesus

N.T.#315 "Honoring Jesus"

May 29, 2024 

Matthew 27-Part 18


When the centurion and those watching, saw those things that were done when Jesus died, they feared greatly. Wouldn't you? They were saying, Truly, this is the Son of God." (verse 54)

The women who were there are mentioned in verse 56-Mary, Jesus' mother, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James (the disciple) and Joses, and Salome, the mother of James and John. Did you ever wonder why Jesus had them mentioned here? Perhaps it meant a lot to have their support during His death.

Then Joseph of Arimathaea went to Pilate, boldly begged for the body of Jesus. This was a rich man and a prominent member of the Sanhedrin (national religious Jewish council). He did this secretly for fear of the Jews. He lived nearly 20 miles away. Wealthy people in those days often selected their tombs while they were still living. Joseph had become a believer in Jesus. It was a personal risk for him to ask for Jesus' body in order to bury it. Joseph was described by Luke as being a good and just man. (23:50) Pilate granted permission.

John 18:39 tells us Nicodemus helped Joseph, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes to prepare the body of Jesus for burial. Together they wrapped the body in linen clothes with spices as was a Jewish custom. They had to hurry, for after sundown, the Sabbath began, and no such work would be permissible of Jews. These two guys wanted to honor Jesus with a proper burial. Are we honoring Jesus in what we do?

I did not realize or just forgot that it was the two men who stepped up and did what was needed. Where were the disciples? They were unprepared for sure. The women may have been willing, but did they have the supplies needed?

Are we prepared to meet the needs of others when Jesus send us?


I write this the day after the tornado struck northwest Arkansas where I live. You have probably heard about it by the time you read this. My cousin lives about 5 miles from us and had a bad hit. Giant trees were uprooted in his yard and along the road. We took food and helped pick up some of the debris that afternoon. Crews of helpful men were repairing the roof of his house, sawing up trees and digging up rooted stumps away. My cousin and his wife were in a daze as they worked. It took a lifetime to have such a beautiful farm and it was a mess in only minutes. My family of cousins jumped in to help Sunday. (Our area was without electricity so we had no church service as other churches were closed, too.) We tried to support them, listening. They will make it. Jesus is their Lord. It is only things.

A major street downtown Rogers was devastated, with businesses demolished. Schools are closed for the summer now due to damage. It was 12 hours before our power was back on. What is amazing is to watch people showing love to their neighbors, helping. but that is what we do in our area. Like Joseph and Nicodemus, we pitch in to meet needs. 


Fill us with You love, Lord Jesus, so we can show it to others.

After all, you denied Yourself, suffered and died for us to have eternal life in heaven.

Help us to deny ourself, take up our cross, and follow You.


  1. So sorry the tornadoes touched your family. We have lived through several and know it is not fun. Thankful you and your husband are safe. Praying for everyone.

    1. Thank my friend. Years of experience tell us to trust Jesus. We continue to show His love to those in need.
