Monday, May 27, 2024

The Day Things Were Shaken Up

N.T.#313 "The Day Things Were Shaken Up"

May 27, 2024 

Matthew 27-Part 6


Has there been a day that shook up your world? We probably have all had at least one. Probably the sudden deaths of loved ones would be included. Even a phone call can do it or test results. Mom called me on the morning of January 27, 1987 to tell me Dad had passed away. My life was changed forever. However, Jesus is the Rock that held me together through it all.

During the time of the celebration of the Passover, Jesus died on the cross as The Passover Lamb that takes away our sins when we believe in Him as our Savior. One day we will all die and our soul will live eternally. Where will you spend it-heaven or hell?

The two thieves who hung on both sides of Jesus started down the same road that day but chose different paths. One chose to believe Jesus to be God's Son and the Savior, while the other scoffed Him.

 Can you imagine hanging on the cross for 3 hours of darkness? Jesus was bearing all the sins of mankind during that time. When it was finished and Jesus endured it all without sinning, He yielded His Spirit to God. 

That is when things occurred spectacularly:

  • The  vail of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. this vail separated the Holy of Holies with the rest of the Temple. Behind it stood the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy seat. once a year the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies and sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the Mercy Seat for the sins of the nation of Israel. Now we have access to our High Priest Jesus, who is our blood sacrifice for our sins, and sits at the right hand of God interceding for us.
  • The earth did quake. (verse 51) We don't know how far from Jerusalem that the earth quaked. God shook up things didn't He? The Jewish Law was fulfilled. Now we come to God by faith, not by good works. 
  • The rocks rent. Hearts as hard as rocks, were broken in pieces; stony hearts were taken away and hearts of flesh given. (What a powerful earthquake to split the rocks.) Certainly, Jesus rocked the city.
  • Graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. Tombs were often caves in hillsides. Now that was the unusual!
Matthew is the only Gospel that mentions the earthquake, much less the resurrections. Those which arose were probably recently dead, not ancient ancestors who would not be recognized. Aren't we curious as to what happened afterwards? They went into Jerusalem, according to verse 53. What a sign of Jesus' resurrection power!


Friend, do you believe in the resurrection power of God? One day we will all be caught up with Jesus in the clouds to live with Him forever. Even the saints dead will join us. What a day! Are you ready?

Dear one, is there anything that can shake your faith from you? I pray not. Cling to Jesus.


I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.

Here I am to worship, bow down, and say that Your are my God.

You are altogether lovely, worthy, wonderful to me!

How wonderful you are to me, Jesus!

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