Thursday, May 23, 2024

It is Finished

N.T.#311 "It is finished"

May 23, 2024 

Matthew 27-Part 14


Before He died, Jesus made sure Mary, His mother was taken care of, so He chose John to do so. His mother, her sister, and Mary Magdalene stood by the cross, along with His disciples. Even as He hung dying on a cross, Jesus fulfilled His obligation to care for His widowed mother.

Do we take care of our elderly parents as Jesus did? Is our family more important than our job or responsibilities? Our family is a precious gift from God so we should value and care for them under all circumstances.

why didn't Jesus assign the task of caring for Mary to His brothers? As the oldest son, Jesus entrusted His mother to a person who stayed with Him at the cross-John.

 After that, Jesus said two things-He thirst and It is finished. (John 19:25-30)

In the Greek language, finished means to war against. 

The battle was over and Jesus won. He endured the beatings, the accusations, the pain, and death on the cross as our Passover Lamb that takes away our sins. Through it all, Jesus did not sin. The requirements were met-a perfect blood sacrifice for our atonement, redemption, and salvation. Glory to God! 

Bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit.  (John 19:30)

As Paul says, Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. (1 Cor. 5:7) 

Then Jesus declared His work of atonement for sin was done. The demand of the law had been met. The debt for sin had been paid in full. (Tony Evans)

No one took Jesus' life from Him, but He willfully laid it down on His own. (John 10:18) Those religious leaders did not rob Jesus of His life, vor He voluntarily laid it down. 

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

do you sacrifice your time in order to listen to a friend's troubles? Are you living and giving to others?


Sometimes we don't consider the details surrounding the death of Jesus. It has helped me to put it all together, even though the Gospel writers told it from different perspectives.

Normally, it took crucifixion victims days to die. The Romans would have left the men on the crosses. But since it was the preparation day for the Passover, the Jews did not want the bodies to remain on the cross on the Sabbath. Also, for a cursed man to remain hanging on a tree overnight would defile the land. (Deut. 21:22-23) Therefore, the Jewish leaders ask Pilate to have the men's legs broken so they would die and could be buried. Victims hanging on a cross put weight on their legs in order to lift themselves to breathe. Without the use of their legs, they would die of asphyxiation. (Tony Evans.)

When the soldiers came to Jesus to break His legs, He was already dead. (John 19:33) 

He keeps all His bones; Not one of them is broken. (Psalm 33:20)

So the soldier pierced His side with a spear causing blood and water to flow out. (John 19:34) Our sovereign God was fulfilling His Word. 


What a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord!

Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin hath left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

Friend, do you know my Jesus today? If you died within the hour, where would you spend eternity? Jesus loves us so much that He gave His all for you.


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