Thursday, May 30, 2024

Stones Can Be Rolled Away

N.T. #318 "Stones Can Be Rolled Away"

June 3, 2024 

Matthew 27-Part 21


We have studied so much in this chapter-Jesus' six trials, Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, The beatings and sufferings of Jesus, His crucifixion, forgiving the thief on the cross, His burial, the hatred of the Jewish religious leaders,  

There was only one entrance into the tomb hewn out of rock in the side of a hill. Did you know it was sealed with a cord across the stone covering the opening? The cord was sealed at each end with clay. This was a precaution so that Jesus' body remained inside. It would be known if anyone rolled the stone away. Also, guards were placed at the tomb's entrance. The Pharisees failed to understand that no rock, seal, guard, or army could pr3event the Son of God from rising from the grave.

For the LORD of Hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Isaiah 14:27)

In the Hebrew language, disannul means to break up; scatter; make a breach.

Of course, no one can stop or break up God's will being accomplished. Not even the corrupt Pharisees.

Do you need Jesus to roll away any stone in your life that is blocking you from serving Him wholeheartedly? He can, friend! After all, He (angel of the Lord) rolled away the stone blocking the entrance into Jesus' tomb. (Matt. 28:2) 

The stone did not need to be rolled away to let Jesus out of the tomb, but to reveal that it was empty and He was gone already! (Falwell)


Chapter 28 begins by telling us the time of the events taking place.

When: It was at the end of the Sabbath, the beginning of dawn on the first day of the week. Saturday 

             night to the Jews is our Sunday (Roman calendar). The Jewish day ended at sunset, then the

              new day began. 

Who: Mary Magdalen and the other Mary (either the wife of Cleopas or mother of James and 

            John),and the angel of the LORD

What & where: The women went to see the sepulchre where Jesus had been laid. An earthquake happened.

How: An angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled back the stone from the 

          door, then sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as


Don't you know this scared those women to death? They didn't run away, though.

Are you trusting Jesus in your situation? 


Lord, we have experienced Your hand of protection from tornadoes. Thank You!

We have seen how quickly everything can change. We trust You are in charge of it all.

Help us share Your grace and mercy with those around us today.

Thank You Jesus for giving Your life just for me!

Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, my God-that is who You are!

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