Monday, April 1, 2024

Which Kind of Servant Are We?

 N.T. #275 "Which Kind of Servant Are We?"

April 1, 2024 

Matthew 25-Part 2


Here is a parable of the talents or the story of three servants. A man was going on a long trip. He entrusted his money to 3 servants while he was gone. What was each given, according to their abilities, and how did they use what they were given?

  1. The first servant was given 5 bas of silver or a talent (75 pounds), He invested the gift and doubled the amount received. Therefore, the master called the servant a good and faithful servant, for he was faithful in handling a small amount, thus, given more responsibilities.
  2. The same thing happened to the second servant, only he was given 2 talents, yet doubled its amount. Both pleased their master and they celebrated together.
  3. The third servant was given only 1 talent, but used it in a different way. He didn't invest it, but hid the talent, afraid of losing the master's money. The servant called the master a harsh man who harvested crops that he didn't plant and gathered crops he didn't cultivate. We have to give the man credit for not squandering  it. The master said the servant could have at least deposited the money in the bank to gain interest. This was a wicked and slothful servant, caste into outer darkness where weeping and gnashing of teeth is-hell.
Which servant are we like? What talents and spiritual gifts has Jesus given to us to be used for kingdom agenda? Are we a faithful servant or a slothful one?


What can we learn from this?

  • Jesus is our King who expects us to love faithfully with a kingdom agenda. One day He will call us by name and we have to give an account for the use of our time, talents, and treasures.
  • The faithful servant will receive rewards.
  • The unfaithful servant will not receive rewards.
How do we respond to what we have heard? Is our salvation by faith in Christ alone? Are we living as if Jesus will call us home this very moment? Is our heart new living with the Holy Spirit?


I let go of all and let You, Jesus take over.

To You be the glory forever.

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