Thursday, April 11, 2024

Giving All

N.T.#283 "Giving All"

April 11, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 7


We are still in the Upper Room with Jesus and His disciples. "It is not I, is it?" the disciples asked Jesus. He gave the hint who it was-the one dipping bread in the relish dish with Him. It was better for Judas if he had never been born. Then, when Judas asked if it was him, Jesus replied, You have said it." (verse 25, NLT)

I wonder if reality hit the disciples when Jesus brake the bread and gave them to Take, eat; this is My body. (verse 26) 

The bread of affliction which our fathers ate in the land of Egypt. Jesus knew about the real suffering they went through. Jesus gave His body on the cross as a sacrifice so we can have forgiveness for our sins. He willingly gave it. Such love!

Then, Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many remission of sins. (verse 27-28) 

In the Greek language, remission is the word aphesis (of'-es-is) which means freedom, deliverance; pardon; forgiveness; liberty.

the death of Jesus was necessary to enable God to forgive sins. Do you need to be set free from the burden of sin, my friend. Come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you. He is waiting. What a cost for our redemption! It is a demonstration of grace and mercy for our salvation was not free to Jesus but cost Him everything. 


What a Redeemer! 

We give thanks to Jesus for shedding His blood and body for us so we don't have to pay for our sins. We remember what Jesus did for us as we participate in the Lord's Supper at church. Dear one, have you Jesus as your Savior and Redeemer? What about other family members?

Jesus vowed that He would not drink with His disciples again until His earthly millennial kingdom. (verse 29) (Tony Evans)

And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives. (verse 30)

Whatever song they sang, the disciples' supper had concluded, and they began the short trip through the city, across the Kidron Valley, to the Mount of Olives. As they did, they stepped into the same dark night that Judas had slithered into earlier. And while they ascended the hill to continue fellowshipping with the King, Israel's long-awaited Messiah, Judas descended into the depths of treachery, seeking to betray the King for a paltry reward. (Swindoll)

Do you have a relationship with Jesus by grace through faith?


Help us let go of sins in our life so we can be a holy living sacrifice given to You.

We owe You our everything, King Jesus.

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