Wednesday, January 25, 2023

What a Wonderful Day is Coming!

O. T. #2363 "What a Wonderful Day is Coming!"

Jan. 25, 2023

Malachi 4-Part 3


As mankind and living on this earth gets worse, I am sure looking forward to living in the peace and love of heaven. There will be no more killings, pain, nor disease. Tears will be wiped away. Joy is forevermore! What a glorious day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see; and I look into His face; be in awe of His grace!

God told Israel to remember the law of Moses. (verse 4) It was to be their life; it was God's Word for them. Words to live by, I call it. The Ten Commandments show us that we are sinners in need of a Savior.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (verse 5)

As Moses represented the Law, so Elijah represented the prophets. The promised Elijah is considered to be John the Baptist, forerunner of Christ. John preached repentance of the people. (Luke 1:17; Matt. 11:14) John was doing the work of Elijah. Israel had sunk to a spiritual low in both times. 

John said, "...Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)

What was so special about Jesus? He is the Son of God, sent into the world to be the sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Jesus had a miraculous birth (no earthly father), lived a sinless life, and died on the cross to take our place as punishment for our sins. Do you believe this, friend?

We only get to heaven through believing those things about Jesus and trusting Him to be our Savior. Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, the curse of sin came upon the human race and upon the world. (Plus the serpent.) Therefore, we all have a sin-nature and cannot live righteously without the blood of Jesus covering our sins.


 Jesus came to earth to fulfill the Law, not change it. Some consider those two, Elijah and Moses, being the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-12. After they have accomplished their purpose, the Lord will pour out His wrath upon earth.

However, since the "great and terrible day of the Lord" did not occur during the Old Testament times, then it is in our future. Jesus will return to get His church by rapturing them out before the Great Tribulation happens. Jesus will reign as King of kings and LORD of lords for a thousand years. Whatever order it is in doesn't matter to me. I am secure in Jesus and He has me in the palm of His hand.

When we put our hope in Jesus, we have a new day coming for us. The Sun of Righteousness will rise and spiritual light will break through the darkness of sin on the earth. (Wicked ones will be destroyed.)


Are we helping our loved ones prepare for that day?

There is coming a day, no more sin and sorrow, no more pain.

What a glorious day when my Jesus I shall see!

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