Monday, January 2, 2023

Calling Evil Good

O. #2350" Calling Evil Good"

Jan. 2, 2022

Malachi 2-Part 8


As Malachi continue his message, the people continued their resistance to God's truth. They had argued with him about God's love (1:2), God's name (verse 6), and God's teaching about marriage and divorce 2:14), Now they would argue about 3 other matters: the justice of God, giving to God, and serving God. People who argue with God rarely receive blessings from God. It's when our mouth is stopped and we submit to His will that we can experience the grace of God. (Rom. 3:19)                             [Resource:The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

Malaci did not stop preaching, but went on dealing with those "sins of the saints."

You have wearied the LORD with your words. How have we wearied Him? (verse 17a)

Wearied means to be exhausted; to tire; faint.

 In verse 17, we find the answer: You have wearied Him by saying that all who do evil are good in the LORD's sight, and He is pleased with them. You have wearied Him by asking, "Where is the God of justice?"

God does not get weary in a physical sense because He has no body:28), but He does get weary of some of the things His people say and do. The Jews were divorcing their wives and marrying pagan women who worshiped idols. They brought defiled sacrifices to God. They robbed Him of tithes and offerings. Also, they complained about having to serve the Lord. Had God blessed them, it would have meant approving of their sins. The Israelis had forgotten the terms of the covenant and conditions of blessings that God had laid down in His Law.

God was tierd of the Jews' pious prayers, testimonies, hypocritical service. God lays it on the line, tells it like it is. God saw the rich racals getting richer while the poor got poorer. The poor saints of God were the ones who were not prospering at all. 

How faithful are we to God? So we surrender our all to Him or just half-heartedly worship and give to Him? Are our words backed up by our actions? 


Does it seem that it pays to do evil? New morality seems to be prevalent today. Least we think so, remember Elijah thought he was alone as he served God. Keep in mind that the God of justice sees all, hears all, and knows all. Judgment will eventually come, perhaps tomorrow. The evil ones may seem to be getting away with sin, but eternity is coming for all. 

Because sentence against evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. (Eccl. 8:11)

Mankind does not seem to changed, God was tired of the way the people of Israel had cynically twisted His truths. He would punish those who professed a counterfeit faith while acting sinfully. We know that God was silent for 400 years, before sending John the Baptist to prepare the way of Jesus. Sad, isn't it?

If we are honest, we have wondered where God's justice is now. Why does He wait to execute it? Friend, let us not grow weary in well doing. He is working out His plan. Sifting the wheat. Will we be found faithful?


Let us draw near to God with a faithful, humble heart.

May we do what we say and say what we so.

God is faithful.

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