Monday, January 30, 2023

How Have We?

O. T. #2366 "How Have We?"

Jan. 30, 2023

Summary of Malachi

When we have been accused of something, do we tend to ask" how?" We want to know what made the person think we did something wrong. Let's review the accusations of God against Judah.

The timeline shows us that:

  • Cyrus, the Person king, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild it after the Babylonians wiped it out. (538 BC) and the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon.
  • So Zerubbabel and Joshua lead about 47,000 Jews there. (537 BC)
  • Construction had stopped, so God sent Haggai to prophesy (520 BC)
  • Four years later the Temple was completed. (516 BC) 
  • Malachi to prophesy. (465 BC) because the Jews strayed away from God.
  • About 8 years later, the Feast of Purim started. (473 BC)
That happened before the second group of Jews returned to Judah, led by Ezra the priest. The third group was led by Zerubbabel, who became their governor.

Nothing is known about Malachi's personally, his lineage or history. Although his messages were not delightful to bring, Malachi faithfully delivered them, for it was true and what the Jews needed, whether or not they liked it. 

The Jews consistently spurned their loveing God, breaking the covenant, following other gods, and living for themselves. So their relationship with Him is shattered. Failing to live according God's will, caused the prophet to preach to the priests and then the people that were sinful.

God made some statements and then the people questioned Him:
1. I have loved you, saith the LORD (1:2), yet the people questioned, How have you loved us?
    God had delivered the Jews after 70 years in slavery in Babylon. Sometimes we wonder if God really loves us when things are not going our way, nor He took our loved one. God's love is unconditional. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) 

2. Where is My honor? (1:6) How have we despised Thy name? God had redeemed Israel from the Egyptians  and delivered them to the Promised Land, so He deserved praise and loving obedience. Yet they would not devote themselves to the Supreme Creator and Ruler of the universe. Are we setting aside time to worship God with other believers and tithe to Him?

3. Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaming the covenant of our fathers? (verse 10) Why are we unfaithful to one another? The leaders left the Levitical priesthood, marrying foreign wives and divorcing the wives of their youth. (chapter 2) Israel was unfaithful to one another. Priests used their position for money, men yielded to the temptations of foreign women, children are confused. Jesus is faithful and is looking for a faithful Bride, the church. Are you included?

You are the same God who forgave Adam and Eve of their sins, who disciplined Israel and Judah when the strayed from You, are merciful to us sinners. How we need You today, Jesus! Keep us in Your will so we don't get in Your way of working.

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