Friday, January 3, 2025

When It Doesn't Make Sense

N.T.#457 "When It Doesn't Make Sense"
Jan. 3, 2025 

Mark 15-Part 13 


When unexpected things happen quickly, don't you sit and try to make sense of it all? I know I did concerning my brother's death. The doctor gave him 2 months to live because cancer was eating his live. Then five days later he was gone. Similar were the events surrounding Jesus' death. Read on to get the details.

Who is going to bury Jesus? the Sabbath was coming quickly, so it had to be done right away. The women had the spices for preparation. Where were His disciples? Weren't they going to do it? What about the tomb? So many questions unanswered. Deuteronomy 21:22-23 requires their body of an executed person be buried the same day. They better hop to it. Then up steps a man who asked Pilate for Jesus' body. It was Joseph of Arimathea. Where were Jesus' brother and sisters, closest friends, disciples?

Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

  • He was from Arimathea, not Jerusalem. Arimathea was located some15-20 miles northwest of Jerusalem. the birthplace of Samuel. 
  • He was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin council. 
  • He opposed Jesus' condemnation. (Luke 23:51)
  • Joseph boldly approached Pilate and asked for His body. (verse 43)
  • He and a few others watched the soldiers removed the Lord's corpse from the cross.  
  • Joseph, Nicodemus, and others rinsed Jesus' body, anointed it with oil and spiced resins, and then wrapped it in a linen cloth, as was customary in the Jewish traditions. John 19:39) (Swindoll)
Did you notice that Pilate marvelled (to wonder) if Jesus was already dead. Then he asked the centurion about it. The eyelids stiffen from rigor mortis immediately. Death was obvious to those observing. Rigor mortis sets in quickly if the person had been strenuous physically previously. Jesus' outstretched arms would have needed to be massaged since He was on the cross 3 hours. (Swindoll)
What love for the Messiah was demonstrated.


They laid Jesus' body in a sepulchre which was dug out of a rock. (verse 46) Located on a limestone hill with a garden close by is the place. The tomb had never been used. A great stone was rolled in the doorway. (Matt. 27:60) The group was intending to return to complete the burial process after the Sabbath.

Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were watching this take place. (Matt. 27:61) They wanted to know the location of Jesus' body so they could complete 

After a long, exhausting, traumatic day, the women sat before His tomb, staring, trying to make sense of it all. (That is how Swindoll describes them.)

Our family has often been astounded by the sudden death of our loved ones. My parents and brother went suddenly. It is like you don't get to say good by to them, share your love for them, and are alone.

But Sunday is coming! Jesus had told His followers that would all happen, yet on the third day He would rise. And it was so.

Do your loved ones believe in Jesus as their Savior and hope of eternal life? What about you?


 Trust Jesus with all your heart that He does things right.

Don't lean on your understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

We are not alone, for Jesus never leaves us nor forsakes us.

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