Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sharing and Caring

N.T.#459 "Sharing and Caring"

Jan. 7, 2025 

Mark16-Part 2


Was Mary Magdalene obedient to what the Lord Jesus told her to do? Yes, the first one to witness the resurrected Christ went quickly on the first day of the week. I imagine she and the other women dropped their spices and ran with joy, trembling, fear, and amazement. (verse 8)

Mary M. did as her Lord commanded. How did the disciples react?

  • Three times in this passage the disciples resisted in believing Jesus was alive. (verses 10-13)
  • The disciples were weeping and grieving when Mary told them Jesus was alive and he had seen Him, but they believed her not. (verse 11)
  • Jesus appeared to two walking on the road to Emmaus. (It was Cleopas and another, which could have been his wife Mary.) These went and told the rest of the disciples, except for Thomas, neither believed them. (verse 13)
  • After that, Jesus appeared unto the 11 as they sat eating meat. Jesus rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen Him after He had risen from the dead. (verse 14, NLT)
In the meanwhile, the chief priests and elders gave large sums of money to soldiers to say someone stole Jesus' body while they slept. This is a common saying among the Jews today. (Matt. 28:11-15)

Does our faith believe Christ is risen from the dead? Has His Spirit spoken to you? 


Mark doesn't give much detail of the visit between Jesus and His disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem. He does record the Great Commission given by Jesus to His believers:

And He said unto them, God ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned. (verses 15-16)

Then Jesus spoke of signs that believers were protected in the book of Acts. those things are not for show, but His protection. Jesus remained with the apostles 40 days.(Acts 1:3) Peter and Paul performed many miracles as a confirmation of the reality of their claims. 

Friends, we have the Good News to share with others in our little world and in the big, wide world. Are we being faithful to do so?


How beautiful are the fee that bring Good News. (Isaiah 52:7)

Use us Lord Jesus to share what You have done in our life, Your grace and mercy.

As we go, may we minister to the needs of others and share Your love with them.

We pray for missionaries around the world and Your protection and encouragement to them, along with blessings. 

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