Thursday, January 2, 2025

Women are Important

N.T.#456 "Women are Important"

Jan. 2, 2025 

Mark 15-Part 12


While my husband has been healing from his knee replacement, a wonderful lady in our church has brought us two meals. How appreciative I am, for I, too, was worn out from the drive, waiting, helping to keep him comfortable. Love was shown just when we needed it and a lift up of our spirits. Women can have an active part in ministering to others. Women are important to Jesus. We will see how in today's lesson.. 

In Luke 23, we read of the conversation between Jesus and the thieves on the cross, which Mark leaves out. The earth was dark for three hours, then the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. 

Then with a loud voice Jesus said, Father, into thy hands I commend My Spirit: and having said thus, He gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:46)

Time was of the essence, for the Jewish Sabbath was upon them. It began at 6PM and now it was after 3PM. Jesus' body needed to be taken off the cross and prepared for burial. 

On the darkest day in history, women stood afar off due to the soldiers. They had faithfully followed Jesus through His 3 years of ministry, tending to His and the disciples physical needs out of their own resources.  (Peter off somewhere was weeping; Judas had hung himself; other disciples left for safety sake.) Who were the women mentioned in Scriptures which stood a distance away from the cross, observing the events?

  • Mary Magdalene, who was delivered from demon-possession,
  • Mary, the mother of James the disciple and Joses,
  • Salome,
  • the mother of the disciples James and John, (Matt. 27:56)
  • Mother of Jesus,, as well as a coworker
  • Jesus' aunt,
  • Mary, the wife of Clopas. (John 19:25),
  • and many other women who came with Jesus to Jerusalem.
Those women continued to support their Master as they had since the early days in Galilee. Women tend to have a tenderness and see the needs of others. They were important or God would not have mentioned them in Scriptures.


Ladies, don't underestimate your importance in the Lord's work. We can teach the Word, provide meals for the sick and bereaved, love the unlovely, help those strays, being Jesus hands, feet, and mouth here in our little world. We can be missionaries, wives, mothers, and a friend as well as a coworker. Blessings to those who do such things.


Use us, Jesus, for kingdom work today.

Fill us with Your love to show love to others.

Help us let go of ourself and tend to others. 

To You be the glory forever and ever. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Hope in the New Year

 N.T.#455 "Hope in the New Year"

January 1, 2025 

Mark 15-Part  


Looking back, it has almost been 14 years since I started this blog. I have grown so much through studying the Bible with you. I appreciate your loyalty in joining me as we walk deeper in God's Word. It's my prayer that your walk of faith has become stronger, too. You are such a blessing to me. Last year we studied Matthew and Mark together. Now we are about to wrap up the book of Mark. 

It is always good to look back on the year. The Lord brought us through the valley of the shadow of death twice-my father in law in Jun and my brother in October. What a comfort it is to know they are with the Lord Jesus in heaven.

We were in the Temple as the veil tore from top to bottom, allowing us access to God the Father through Jesus the Son. this happened when Jesus died on the cross. (verses 37-38) The veil was a heavy curtain that separated the Most Holy Place from the rest of the Temple. (Falwell)

Jesus is our intercessor to God in our prayers.  Jesus Himself said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6)

There is no other way to enter heaven but through faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you want to know the Father and our Creator, we must come to Him through His Son Jesus. Where are you spending eternity, dear one?


In verse 39, we read about the centurion's declaration, Truly this man was the Son of God.

Jesus is our hope-in this life and after life. 

Through it all, the centurion had been in charge of Jesus, through His:

  • Stripping Jesus naked,
  • laid the cross beam on His shoulder,
  • hung the title above His head while on the cross,
  • prodded Him along the Way of suffering, 
  • got Simon to carry His burden,
  • supervised the hammering of the nails and erecting the cross,
  • witnessed the taunting of Jesus,
  • and studied the Lord's response.
This man had seen hundreds die by crucifixion. He recognized what experts of the Law did not. He saw the truth about Jesus before the Resurrection. (Swindoll)

Have you seen the Truth in the Word? Is Jesus your way of life?


Your love never fails, never gives us, never runs out on me. Such love, Lord Jesus, that You would die for us sinners.

May God be with you through this new year. 

May He fill your heart with love, cheer, and comfort. 

May mHopeany blessings are sent your way.

Happy New Year!