Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Deception is Coming!

N.T.#266 "Deception is Coming!"

March 19, 2024 

Matthew 24


Jesus wrapped up His heated conversations and warnings with the scribes and Pharisees. He and His disciples left the Temple area, heading for a 2-mile hike to Bethany. They went through the Kidron Valley and up the steep hill up to the Mount of Olives, where they stopped, paused, for a few moments. This event is often referred to as the Olivet Discourse because it includes a lengthy instruction for Jesus' disciples while standing there, looking down upon the Temple. 

The men saw the great handiwork of Herod the Great who funded the construction. He built a huge, massive retaining wall around the Temple in the city of Jerusalem. A portion of the western wall still stands today. It is made of gigantic rocks stacked upon each other, reaching 62 feet in height. The wall is only 1,601 feet long that remains. Today, Jews come into the area to place prayers within the crevices. They wail there because their Temple of worshiping God has been mostly destroyed. While visiting there, women would sit in lawn chairs and pray and cry out to God. Children sang Jewish songs of lament. It was a solemn courtyard. (We were inspected before entering the sacred place) You can google information and history of this area.

During Jesus' day, the Temple was made of white marble and its eastern front was covered with plates of gold which reflected the rays of the rising sun. It was a man-made splendor.( During the Ottoman Empire, the ruined city walls were built (1535), taking 4 years to complete.)

Jesus told His disciples the great buildings would be completely demolished. The Romans conquered Jerusalem in 70 AD, fulfilling Jesus' prediction.

There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. (verse 2)

While there on the Mt. of Olives, high above the city of Jerusalem,, the disciples asked Jesus three questions: 

  1. When will this happen?
  2. What will be the sign of these things about to be fulfilled, the sign of Your coming?
  3. What will be the sign of the end of the world?
Jesus' Second Coming will not take place until after the church age.  Down through the ages folks have made their predictions. Yet, we are still awaiting the coming Messiah and King's entrance to finish things here on earth and set up His Millenium reign.
Are we ready?


(I am no theologian, only reading what our great preachers have written on this topic.) My resources include: Swindoll's Living Insights on Matthew 16-28, Liberty Bible Commentary, The Tony Evans Bible Commentary)

The signs of the end times will include:

  1. A widespread deception by a growing number of false Christs. (verse 4-5) The arrival of the Antichrist figure and his False Prophet will entail worldwide satanic deception. (Rev. 13) the Holy Spirit will withdraw His restraining power during the time of the Tribulation. (2 Thess. 2:6-7) It will be an era of spiritual, moral, and political turmoil. When the church is raptured out prior to the 7-year Tribulation, the children of light will be removed from the world of darkness. (1 Thess. 5:1-8) Truth will be twisted; lawlessness will be here. Right now, spiritual wickedness is restrained while the church is here.
I sure don't want my loved ones to experience this. Doesn't it seem as though our nation is heading in that direction today? God's Word is ignored, people pervert their intended sex and lifestyle. People are focused on power and their way. Christians are shamed, persecuted, and even killed if they stand up for the Truth.


Jesus, we know You are in control. 

Protect Your children form evil.

Holy Spirit, keep us in Your will.

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