Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Who is the Greatest?

N.T.#211 "Who is the Greatest?"

Dec. 27, 2023 

Matthew 18


On their way back to Caesarea Phillipi, the disciples were disputing over who would be the greatest in the kingdom of God. Jesus knew what was going on, so He asked them. (Mark 9) The guys were silent.

The question was, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 

Arguing over their place with pride? Really guys? Sometimes we get that way. We try to separate ourself from the worldly and fleshly desires and get puffed up about us not doing this and that like unbelievers (or believers).

Jesus didn't answer that question, did He? We should be concerned with just getting to heaven when we die, not our position. Even though we have been a faithful servant, it won't matter our position in heaven, don't you think? The magnificence of heaven will be overwhelming and humbling, I think. And, our focus will be upon the Savior, the One who provided a way for us to get ther in the first place. 


Jesus used a child to demonstrate the answer to His disciples. Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. (verse 3)

In the Jewish society back then, a child was a person of no importance, subject to its elders, not taken seriously except as a responsibility, one to be looked after, not one to be looked up to. (R.T. France)

The child had no pride, no arrogance, no conceit, no expectations, no desire for promotion, no spirit of entitlement, and no phony piety. (Swindoll)

In other words, those who humble themselves like a child, depending upon mercy and grace of Jesus for their admission and position in relation to Him, will be regarded as greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (verse 4)

It's all about Jesus. He is the greatest!


You have never let me down, Jesus.

You alone are Savior, Sustainer, always with us.

You are the giver of life and Everlasting Father.

Glory to God in the Highest!

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