N.T.#185 "Does Your Faith Require a Sign?"
Nov. 15, 2023
Matthew 16
It is good to review what we have learned thus far in our study. What a challenge of our Christian beliefs and teaching us about the life of our Savior.
So far, this tax collector/disciple called Matthew has made the announcement and arrival of the King of the Jews-Jesus Christ. In chapters 1-4, we read of His unusual birth, baptism, perfect man/God passing Satan's tests. Then, Matthew witnesses the proclamation and reception of the King in chapters 5-15. Jesus' extraordinary teaching through the Sermon on the Mount, and parables reveals the Savior's insights and mysteries of the kingdom. We read how He was challenged by the religious leaders of the time,yet continued to perform miracles and show compassion to the sick and disabled.
Now in chapters 16-25, we will see the opposition and rejection of King Jesus by the Pharisees and Sadducees, as well as the Roman government and Israel's long-awaited Messiah. The passion and triumph of King Jesus will indicate His power over death and commissioning His disciples to a new mission of sharing salvation by faith in Jesus.
[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights-Matthew 16-28]
Can we put down the years of our life in a few paragraphs for our funeral? Have we endured testings and challenges which have have an impact upon us? Have we shared with our children and grandchildren the faithfulness of Jesus and His goodness in our life?
Before we left church Sunday night, the western sky was lite up with red. What a gorgeous sight. Jesus reassures us He is in control. we just need to trust Him is our situation that we are facing. Yet, does our faith require a sign? Then it wouldn't be faith, right? Jesus was confronted by two groups of people asking for a sign from Him.
The Pharisees had previously confronted Jesus, but now the Sadducees joined them. These two Jewish religious groups had little in common, but their disdain for Jesus brought them together to test Him and ask for a sign from heaven by Jesus. The miracles Jesus had performed wasn't enough for these religious leaders to believe Jesus is the Messiah, they desired Jesus to prove Himself with a supernatural sign.
The Pharisees had a strong belief in the sovereignty of God, predestination, angelic beings, and afterlife. The held to the rewards or punishments after death and the resurrection of the body. Oral traditions were strong and so was holding to the five books of Moses' writings. However, the Sadducees rejected the doctrine of predestination and emphasized human free will. They denied the existence of angels, continuation of the soul after death, and the resurrection of the body.
Jesus wasn't going to succumb to their demands for miraculous signs. He knew these guys' hearts. His critics were weather-wise, but spiritually foolish. What a meteorological lesson. We know a saying about the red sky at night being the sailor's delight and the red sky in the morning being the sailor's warning.
If the miracles Jesus had performed wasn't enough to convince these fellows of the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, nothing else would. This pursuit of a sign was evil because they rejected what God had done through Jesus, yet they commanded a custom-tailored performance.
They wanted a sign? Jesus was going to give them a whopper-His resurrection from the dead. God provided the greatest sign ever done. Easter morning is our proof that Jesus is who He says He is and can do what He says He will do.
Sometimes the greatest act of faith is not to ask for a miracle. The three Hebrews didn't, for they simply obeyed God by not bowing down and worshiping an idol. Their faith knew God had the ability to rescue them from the fiery furnace. Yet it didn't require such a thing in order for them to continue to believe in God.
Does our faith require miracles to sustain it? Or do we trust God totally?
Personally, my faith does not require a sign. When I almost died, not breathing after surgery, I did not have an out of body experience. I was simply asleep. Jesus didn't come to me, like many say happened to them. I believe He wasn't finished with me yet and showed His power to those around me. Glory to God in the Highest!
Lord God, You are still God of us, no matter what happens to us.
We will continue to trust You know best.
Jesus, You are alive, so live in us today.