Thursday, December 15, 2022

Undeserved Love

O. T. #2340 "Undeserved Love"

Dec. 15, 2022

Malachi 1-Part 3


Like other prophets, Malachi had a difficult calling and responsibility, which was to rebuke the people for their sins they were committing against God and one another.  Also, he was to return to the Lord. Delivering the truth of God's Word is not always easy. Especially when one knows they may be treated badly for sharing the message God gave them. 

What was the first message Malachi delivered? I have loved you, saith the LORD. (verse 2)

Did Israel take God's love seriously? It was what Israel needed, yet eight times they questioned God's affirmation. How did God prove His love for Israel?

1. First was His sovereign choice of Israel. Israel was the smallest of nations. It was His plan to bless them through their faith in God and obedience to His Word. We have read about Abraham being faithful to his call to leave his country and go to a land God had designated for his descendants to inherit as their Promise Land flowing with milk and honey. Then Isaac was born to the elderly couple as the promised child. Can you imagine such joy in their lives when he was born? 

Abraham must have taught his son to listen to God's voice, obey all God's requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions as he did. (Gen. 26:5) Isaac experienced the faithfulness of God as he experienced God's provision as a ram was provided in his place as the sacrifice unto God. 

Then the twins came to Isaac, but Jacob was the chosen son for God's purpose. He became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel, another name for Jacob. That family multiplied and became the nation of Israel. Throughout the Old Testament, we read of the love of God. His ultimate evidence of love came when He came down to take on flesh in the form of a human-Jesus Christ. Jesus lived the perfect life without sin, as a lamb for the sacrifice offered Himself for sin of the Jews and Gentiles alike. Love to the max! 

How has God loved you? Anyone who believes Jesus is the Savior and asks forgiveness of their sins, will experience the love of God in their heart and soul. Jesus is the only way to heaven. (John 14:6)

2. God proved His love for Israel through His sovereign preservation of them. 

You are not here by accident, friend. Have you ever come to Jesus by faith? He awaits.


How does God love Israel? Though they (like Edom) sinned and rebelled against Him, God still had mercy on them. Though He cursed Edom (1:4), the Lord continued to pursue, love, and forgive Israel. Though He sent His people into exile, He brought them back. Israel, though, had forgotten the Lord's love and mercy. (Tony Evans)

God declared His love. God's love is unconditional. We can't earn it. We don't deserve it. Yet, He graciously lavishes it upon us. God shows His love through His election of us as His child. It is not based on our performance, position, or power. We don't deserve the Grace of God. 

While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) As God delivered Israel from slavery, He wants to deliver us from the chains of slavery to sin. Have you been freed? No one will ever love you like God loves you. (1 John 4:9, 19)


Such love, Jesus!

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