Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A Gracious God Loves You!

O. T. #2169  "A Gracious God Loves You!"

April 13, 2022

Jonah 4


Well, it took Jonah 3 chapters to get to Nineveh where God had told him to go preach. Through the running, sailing, sinking, and existing in a whale's stomach for 3 days, God was still watching over His prophet, and ready to use him for His purpose. What does it take for God to get our attention and surrender to Him?

Jonah told the people that in 40 days, God would destroy them. Talk about a revival! Everyone in Nineveh was turning to the Lord and turning from their sinful ways. God had conquered the hearts of thousands in one of the mightiest cities of the Assyrian Empire! In fact, 120,000 got saved while Jonah preached.

Wouldn't it be so wonderful if revival broke out in each of our cities this week? After all, people know Jesus died on a cross and rose from the grave 3 days later. But are we sharing this as the true meaning of our Easter celebration? Just as God was merciful and forgiving to those evil Ninevites, so He is waiting to be for others. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God, lived a perfect life without sinning, and loves us so much that He died in our place so we don't have to pay for our sins? New life is awaiting for the sinner who asks God to forgive their sins.



When God saw what happened, and their evil ways were stopped, He did not carry out the destruction He had threatened. (3:10)

But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry. (verse 1)

Why did Jonah get very angry when God changed His plans? The Jews did not want to share God's message with Gentile nations in Jonah's day and Paul's day. (1 Thess. 2:14-16) The original purpose of Israel was to be a blessing to the rest of the world by sharing God's message with other nations. (Gen. 22:18)

Jonah though God should not freely give His salvation to a wicked pagan nation. He forgot the free grace that Jonah received in the belly of a whale. This is exactly what God does for all who come to Him today in faith. God does not give us what we deserve-hell. Instead, heaven awaits the Christians at their death. What a gracious God we serve!


Yours is amazing grace!

Yours is amazing love!

That You, Jesus would take my place!

Jesus, praise to You for all that You have done for us.