Monday, April 13, 2015

Written in Stone

O. T. #498  "Written in Stone"
April 13, 2015
Joshua 24-Part 3
And the people said unto Joshua, the LORD our God will we serve, and His voice will we obey.
Joshua 24:24


Have you heard the expression "it is written in stone?" That means it will not be changed. It will remain that way forever, always. What things are written in stone? I have seen the name of housing additions, cities, states, monumental and historical sites names written on a nicely cut stone. The site of the Battle at Gettysburg, during the Civil War, and Lexington, the place where the first shot was fire during the Revolutionary War have huge stone monuments marking their special place. Washington D.C. has many stone monuments to remind us our forefathers and those who gave their lives in several wars in which our nation participated. Even the statue of Liberty has a purpose to remind us of our national freedom. Also, headstones at the graveyards are usually cut from granite with words, names, and dates written on it, which remind us of people.
Joshua cut a special stone to remind Israel of something. Continue to find out what it was.

Israel would serve some sort of god-either the gods of the heathen or the true God, Jehovah. Joshua challenged them to continue to serve his God and their God. Three times the people assured him that they would serve the Lord (verses 16, 21, 24). Joshua warned that discipline, chastening, and loss of land awaited them if they turn to idolatry.

God had made a covenant with Israel at Sinai (Ex.20). This covenant had been renewed by the new generation under Moses in Deuteronomy. However, each generation needs to reaffirm its faithfulness to God, so Joshua renews the covenant with the people.

What did Joshua do next?
  • Joshua wrote the words in the Book of the Law. 
  • He took the great stone and wrote the covenant on it.
  • The he set it under the oak tree by the sanctuary as a reminder of the vows.
  • Then Joshua said, "Lest ye deny your God."
This time it was in stone that Joshua made a covenant (Hebrew berit,means cut a covenant, a common Hebrew, Greek, and Latin expression for the formation of a covenant which was accompanied by a sacrifice cut into pieces and offered to the deity.) The practice of chiseling a covenant in stone (like the tablets of the Mosaic law), was common in the ancient Near East.
Liberty Bible Commentary

Are you ready to serve the Lord and obey His voice?


Of anything that I put before God, let it go.

Of any thoughts that are not pleasing to God, let it go.

Of any words that are not honoring to God, let it go.

Surrender to God my body, soul, and mind for His purpose and use.

Let it be written in stone that the Lord is my God and Him alone I love and serve.

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