April 22, 2015
Judges 2-Part 1
And the angel of the LORD came down from Gilgal to Bochim, and said... Judges 2:1
*I would like to ask for prayer for my husband, Roger, today as he has surgery again on his heart. I am writing this on Monday, so the study will continue. However, if nothing is posted the rest of the week, I hope you will understand. I'll try to keep updates posted. Thanks friends in Christ.
Has anything broken your heart lately? Have you wept bitterly, uncontrollably? Israel did. Wonder why? Continue to read dear one.
Israel accomplished so much with God's help and Joshua's leadership. However, they failed to conquer all of the land. This was due to their failing to obey the Law by making covenants with the heathen nations and joining themselves with their gods.
Israel's backsliding resulted in the Lord appearing to them in human form, called a theophany. What happened?
- First, the Lord went from Gilgal to Bochim, which means weeping, with a message.
- He reminded them that He had delivered them from Egypt into this land.
- God never broke His covenant with Israel. (verse 1)
- He told them to not make a covenant with the people of the land, but to break down their altars. Israel did not obey.
- God tells Israel that He will not drive out their enemies, but will make them as thorns in their side and their gods would be a snare to them. The privileges of the original covenant was forfeited due to her idolatry. (Num. 33:55)
Isn't it good to be reminded of that?
The result of Israel's disobedience would be oppression.
Not only had Israel disobeyed God, but they rejected Him.
How did the children of Israel react to such words from the Lord?
They wept aloud, then offered sacrifices to the Lord. The place was called Bokim.
When we disobey God's commands, we can be sure that the consequences will be regrettable.
Do we still weep over our sins and the sins of our loved ones?
Do we weep for those lost?
Repentance means not only confessing sins and asking God to forgive us, but also abandoning our sinful ways. Tears alone are not enough. When we are aware that we have done wrong, we should admit plainly to God rather than try to cover it up or hope we can get away with it. (Life Application Study Bible)
Repent, ask forgiveness, abandon my sinful ways, or the consequences will be coming.
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