Monday, March 30, 2015

Conquest of Canaan Completed

O. T. #491 "Conquest of Canaan Completed"
March 31, 2015
Joshua 22-Part 1
Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.  Joshua 22:3


There is no feeling like completing a task, assignment, or job. Israel must have felt the same way. Now they could go home.

The conquest of Canaan is completed. Do you recall back in Deuteronomy 32, the 2 1/2 eastern tribes promised Moses they would help their brothers fight for their land west of the Jordan River before settling down? Everything was conquered, so Joshua called those tribes, Reuben, Gad and 1/2 Manasseh.

They had patiently and diligently carried out their duties. Follow-through is vital in God's work. Beware of the temptation to quit early, and leave God's work undone. (Life Application Study Bible)

They deserved commendation, having stayed in the thick of the battle these many days, which literally means great many days, indicating a prolonged and difficult period of time. They had fought the good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7). (Liberty Bible Commentary)

Joshua called those tribes to come to Shiloh, blessed them, and sent them away to their new home.

Liberty Bible Commentary explains:
Joshua's blessings consisted of three aspects:
  1. to commend them on their faithful and valiant service to the other tribes; (verses 2-3)
  2. to commission them to return to the land of their inheritance; (verse 4)
  3. and to charge them concerning their continued responsibilities to the Lord God. (verse 5)

Do we diligently and patiently serve the Lord? Are we staying in the thick and thin of things to complete God's will?


Jerry Falwell tells us:
Although their military commitments were ended, their spiritual commitments would never end. The writer employs six infinitives to emphasize the seriousness of Joshua's charge. The passage is a series of quotations from the book of Deuteronomy.
The tribes are:
  1. to do (perform) all the commandments of the law (Deut. 6:1);
  2. to love the Lord always (Deut. 6:5);
  3. to walk in the Lord's commandments;
  4. to keep the commandments of the Lord (Deut. 6:2);
  5. to cleave unto Him heartily;
  6. to serve the Lord with all your heart and soul (1 Sam.12:24).
How faithful are we to do, walk, and keep God's Word? Do we love, cleave to, and serve the Lord God?


Stay faithful to Jesus.

Keep His Word, do it, and walk in it.

Love the Lord, cleave to Him, and serve Him.

Complete the assignments He has for us.

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