Monday, February 9, 2015

Making Plans

O. T. #455  "Making Plans"
February 9, 2015
Joshua 6-Part 1
And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the kind thereof, and the mighty men of valour.  Joshua 6:2


We are getting to "that" age where you start thinking about retirement and making plans for the future. So we are thinking of the possibilities and options that lie before us in a few years. Joshua was at that point, but he was not ready to retire. God had several things that needed to be done, for this man close to 90 to complete. Shall we see what the first assignment was?

In the last chapter we learned that Jesus appeared before Joshua with his sword, ready for the battle of Jericho. Perhaps there should have not been a separation of chapter 5 and 6. Maybe it should have been one continuation.
In our key verse, we read of a promise of God to Joshua and Israel. Jesus says, I have given into thine hand:
  • Jericho,
  • the king,
  • the mighty men of valour.
Valour refers to a force; an army; a band of men (soldiers).

Here, God has announced certainty before the fact. (Falwell)
God told Joshua that Jericho was already delivered into his hands-the enemy was already defeated! (Life Application Study Bible)

What assurance and confidence Joshua must have had, since Jesus Himself came to deliver the message.
Romans 8:37 tells Christians that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. This means every child of God can enter every spiritual battler with the assurance that the war has already been won and through obedience, the outcome is certain. (Jeremiah)

Are we listening for Jesus' instructions for our life today? Are we willing to follow them by faith?


Now look at verse 1. Were the inhabitants of Jericho ready for the invasion of Israel? I would say so. After all, the city was shut up, with no one going in or out, because of Israel and what their God had done.

Why begin conquering with Jericho? Commentaries inform us about this city:
  • It was one of the oldest cities in the world, built thousands of years before Joshua was born.
  • In some places, the wall around the city was 25 feet high and 20 feet thick.
  • Soldiers standing on top of the wall could be see for miles.
  • Jericho was the symbol of the Canaanite military power and strength, considering it invincible.
  • In order to occupy the rest of the land, Jericho had to be brought down. If Israel could defeat Jericho, they could defeat anything else they would face in Canaan.
  • This frontier town was a key city in a string of fortresses protecting the eastern frontier.
God had a mysterious method for taking Jericho. It was an unusual one, at that. Jesus already had it worked out. Joshua and the Israelites had a part to play, but it required faith, trusting God. We will get into His divine plan next time.


Keep my focus on God's plan, not mine.

Follow by faith.

Share the  wonderful works of God in my life.

Go where He goes and stay where He stays.

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