Monday, February 5, 2024

Want to Be Great?

N.T.#238 "Want to Be Great?"

Feb. 5, 2024 

Matthew 20-Part 4


So Aunt Salome, the mamma of James and John, asked a favor of Jesus-command that her boys be given a place to sit on Jesus' right hand and left hand in His kingdom. Those were the place of honor. Did the guys put her up to it? Jesus did not answer yes or no, but it wasn't His place to grant such a thing. Father God is in charge and it is already determined. 

Were James and John able to drink of the cup (a lot or fate) from which He would drink? Were they able to suffer and die for Him? They answered that they were able and they did in fact did remain faithful disciples and martyred for the kingdom work. Are we able and willing to suffer for the sake of the Gospel to be spread? Are we willing to endure whatever comes our way?

The other ten disciples heard that conversation and how did they react? They were moved with indignation. 

Indignation means to be greatly afflicted; be much (sore displeased.

How dare these guys think their kingdom work was more important than the others! They were not loved more by the Savior than they were. What made them think they were more special? 

Jesus handled the situation in a great manner like He always did. He called the disciples together and said, "You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. But among you it will be different. (verse 25-26a, NLT)

Following Jesus as a disciple means that suffering comes before significance, brokenness before usefulness, humility before authority, the bitter cup of pain before the sweet glories of promotion. (Swindoll)

The high position in the kingdom isn't something earned or can be inherited. God had already assigned those places according to His plan and purpose. No need to squabble, guys. God's kingdom is not like the kingdoms of this world, but not one of His followers got it.


In God's kingdom, whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. (verse 26)

In the Greek language, minister means to run errands; attendant; teacher, deacon. 

And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.

Chief refers to the high priest; a type of Jesus. 

Servant means a slave; in a sense of subjection; bond.

In a dog-eat-dog world of earthly success, you reach greatness by stepping on others. In the kingdom of God, you reach greatness by serving others in love. Ask God how you can use your skills and talents to make the biggest possible kingdom impact. When it comes to the people of God, servants-not celebrities-are on top. (Tony Evans)

I think we can sum this teaching up by saying: Love Jesus and love others; serve Jesus by serving others. Are we doing this?


Help us let go of self being most important.

Fill us with Your love, Master.

Use us to show Your love as we serve others.

To You be the glory forever and ever.

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