Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Are You Prepared?


Feb. 13, 2024 "Are You Prepared?"

Matthew 21-Part 3


When I know we are taking a trip, I like to plan which clothes that I will take to wear. So I get the suitcase out a week ahead of time, do what laundry is needed, and start packing. My husband likes to plan out the roads we will take, some 6 months in advance. He loves the adventure. I like to be prepared. Jesus was preparing to take His last trip to Jerusalem for the last leg of His ministry. 

Jesus had no opportunity to make arrangements for His transportation. So He sent two disciples to a precise location for the animals and the disposition of the owners. This reveals His divine omniscience, for He knew where to get the colt and who would be willing to let Him use it for His Triumphal Entry.

The Jews would have recxognized Jesus fulfilling of the messianic prophecy (Zech. 9:9 and Isaiah 62:11). Matthew is the only Gospel writer who mentions the mare donkey. All mention the young age of the donkey or state that no man had ever sat on him. The mare was brought along so the colt would cooperate. (I think Jesus' gentle touch would have been enough. Probably it was so the disciples could easily get the colt there.)

Did you notice the word meek, which means mild, gentle, humble. 

Earlier, Jesus described Himself as meek. (Matthew11:29: Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me: for I am meek and lowly in heart.

If you are labored and heavy laden, in need of rest, Jesus will provide it. (Matt. 11:28) After all, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (verse 30)

Friend, Jesus is the answer to your problems, upsetting situation, and nearly impossible circumstance. He will give strength to the weary and rest to the tired, tired from the battle.


What closing events in our Lord's life do we see?

  • The disciples obeyed Jesus and brought Him a colt, never ridden, for Him to ride upon for His entrance into Jerusalem. In a time of peace, kings rode on a donkey, but in a time of wr, the rode upon a horse.
  • The disciples laid their robes upon the colt to make it more comfortable riding down the hill.
  • A great multitude spread their garments along the path, while others cut branches of palm trees and spread them in front of Jesus. It was like rolling out the red carpet before our President.
The King of the Jews was coming! The Jewish pilgrims were on their way to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem. What a day to have been alive and experienced this!

Dear one, have you prepared for the coming King Jesus? Have you laid down your old sinful self and your soul been washed in the blood of Jesus? Are you ready for Jesus' second coming? Do you know Him as your Savior and King of your life?


Let go of unbelief and believe Jesus is the Messiah, Savior, King of kings.

Let go of pride that blocks the way for Jesus to have His way in your heart.

Honor the Lord Jesus with your life today.

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