Friday, December 2, 2022

Skillets, Pots, and Bowls

 O. T. #2331 "Skillets, Pots, and Bowls"

Dec. 2, 2022

Zechariah 14-Part 5


All is well. Doesn't our heart long to be able to experience all being well in our life, our family, and our world? There will be a time in this world when all will be well. Continue to read about it as the prophecies of Zechariah come to an end.

In that day, of the Millennial Kingdom Age, when Jesus Christ will reign as King-Priest, the earth will be a wonderful place in which to live. And it will last 1,000 years. Hard to imagine the peacefulness of such an environment in which to live, isn't it? All of those who survived the Tribulation, remaining a faithful believer in Jesus, will enjoy such a place. If there is rebellion by not going to Jerusalem to participate in the Feast of Tabernacles, then their land would have no rain and thus no crops for food. Open rebellion against the Messiah will be quickly crushed, because Jesus will be ruling with an iron rod.

In that day,

  •  the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: Holiness Unto The LORD; (verse 20) Even such a lowly item will be used for the glory of God.
  •  the cooking pots in the Temple of the LORD will be as sacred as the basins used beside the altar; (verse 20) The bowls and cooking pots were to be made of gold, which were used in the first Tabernacle for offerings.
  • even in the private homes, vessels are holy unto the Lord. (verse 21)

In that day, everything will be sacred, and the whole earth will be permeated by the holiness of the Lord. (Tony Evans)

That skillet you have, the pot for cooking beans or cabbage, in that day, all will be for the service of God. Everything will be dedicated to Him. ((McGee)

Holiness will pervade the land and become the way of life. Every unbeliever will be removed, and there will be none in the service of God unless they belong to Him. There will be no longer a distinction between sacred and secular, in that day. Every aspect of daily life will be a manifestation of holiness.

For the believer today, the Old Testament version of 1 Corinthians 10:3 applies, Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 

Everything comes from God and should be used for His glory, now and in time to come. Are we using our "things" for His glory?

This knowledge of God's glorious future for His people should motivate believers of every age to endure and obey. Let us joyfully worship the One who will bring history to its divinely ordained conclusion. (Evans)


Our hope is in You, Jesus, for You are in complete control of the world and our life.

Holy God, You are Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, that is who You are God.

All that we have is Yours and You and provided it all for us.

May we use it for Your glory.

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