Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Grace and Mercy Are Available

O. T. #2344 "Grace and Mercy Are Available"

Dec. 20, 2022

Malachi 2-Part 2 


Something stood out to me as I reviewed the first nine verses of this chapter. Maybe I just forgot or did not get it the time we studied the last part of Genesis. There was a covenant made with Levi, who was the third son of Jacob and Leah. Even though Levi was a murderer (Gen. 49) and supported selling his brother Joseph as a slave, God had mercy and grace on his descendants. The tribe of Levi observed the Word of God and kept that covenant. So they became the priestly tribe chosen of the 12 to teach the people of Israel the law of God and to offer prayers and sacrifices before Him-those sacrifices pointed to Christ. (J. Vernon McGee)

Descendants kept God's Word, revered His name, and lifted Him up before the people. Rome were Eli, Ezra, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and John the Baptist. Familiar names, huh? God used them in spite of their failures-called grace.

Today, our pastors are called to study and teach the Word of God. The deacons are to visit the sick and take care of the administration of the affairs of the church, as well as serve the tables and witnessing. (Acts 6:2) Now, believers can help in those areas, too. Are we using the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed upon us? Do you know what yours is/are?

I like how McGee put it-if the pastor is running all over the countryside visiting sick babies and burping them he is not spending that time in the Word of God and preparing to teach his people. Jesus gave His all in meeting the needs of people, loving them with God's love, and sharing the Word. Can we do less?


What does that have to do with our chapter? The Levites didn't get it. They didn't learn from their captivity in Babylon of 70 years. Malachi was sent to point out their failures, sins, and bring them to repentance, turning around back to worshiping God only. 

Although the Levites departed from The Way, (verse 8) and caused others to stumble at the Law, they heard the truth. 

Jesus is our High Priest who intercedes with God for us. He forgives our sins when we repent (confess and turn away from them). That is why Jesus came to earth, took on the form of a man-to be our Savior, the sacrifice for us because we can never be good enough to meet God's standards. 


Glory to God in the Highest!

Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Thank You for grace and mercy when we stumble and sin, Jesus.


  1. Love this! So thoughtfully to the point. Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season.

    1. Merry Christmas to you, my friend and your family.
