Thursday, November 10, 2022

He's Got This

 O. T. #2314 "He's Got This" 

Nov. 10, 2022

Zechariah 12 


Did you get a chance to see the lunar eclipse Tuesday? I thought it was during the night instead of morning before dawn, so I missed it. However, the last two nights we have seen a full, orange, blood moon. It seemed so close and beautiful, yet it did not collide with earth. It reveals the sovereignty of our God again to me. Don't we need the reassurance that God is in control still? He's got this!

We get a panoramic view of God's purposes with this world and with Israel in the future as we finish this prophetic book, as J. Vernon McGee put it.

This second burden of Zechariah's was from the Lord, of course, and he was to share it. The main theme of the last two chapters is: God's people will be conquerors because they will experience cleansing.  We are going to be studying about the Messiah and His Kingdom to come. We read about the fate of Israel.

The new word from the Lord was for Israel. How does God describe Himself? 

  • He is the One who stretched forth the heavens. Stretched means to spread out; to bend away; deliver; extend; stretch (forth, out); turn (aside, away).
  • He laid the foundation of the earth. He made the crust, the mantle, and the core. We are aware of the outside layer being made of solid rock, mostly basalt and granite. 
  • He formed the spirit of man within him. It is a God-thing, I would say, for only He could do that.
Every now and then, I think it is good to stop and let the act of God's creating everything soak into our mind. He spoke it and it was, plain and simple. He spread out those planets and moons, placed the sun just so. The earth was made so humans, animals, and plants could live on it. What a magnificent place for us to live, right? Then God mad man in His and Jesus' image-spiritual.

Only God could do it, for He is all-powerful. He planned it all and did it all. He sustains it all, too. He is using it to bring about His purposes. This is not a story, but Truth from the Word of God. 

The burden of the word of the Lord was for Israel. Burden means a heavy, weighty thing.   It was grievous for Zechariah to deliver to his family. Israel. 
Here is an outline for us found in Liberty Bible Commentary:
  1. the coming siege and deliverance of Jerusalem and Judah (verses 2-9)
  2. the spiritual restoration of Israel-their recognition and reception of Messiah (verse 10-13:1)
  3. the removal of idolatry and false religions from Israel (13:2-6)
  4. the restoration of the remnant to Israel (13:7-9)
  5. the return of the Lord to the earth to set up His kingdom (14:1-8)
  6. the millennial reign of the Lord (14:9-11)
  7. the plague on all of Judah's enemies (14:12-15)
  8. the millennial conduct (14:16-21)
There are some good things to come, so hang in there with us. 
Tony Evans said it this way, "The Creator of the universe is powerful enough to accomplish all His will. If He declares something, it's as good as done."
Can simply place our future and the world's future in God's hands? 
Can we place our burdens in His hands and let them go?
Do we trust the Creator of everything with that thing which has us weighed down?
His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will toward men.

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