Saturday, March 7, 2020

A New Path and an Unfamiliar Way

O. T. #1643  "A New Path and an Unfamiliar Way"
March 6, 2020
Isaiah 42-Part 5


New paths, highways, can be a little stressful for me, especially if I am driving alone. I like to stick to those familiar roads. Of course, there have been times that I was forced to go on those new paths. Now, if it is a new job or new house or new church, that is another thing. Those can be exciting times in our life. We meet new people and have new challenges ahead. Are you ready for something new in your life, even if it is unfamiliar?

Have you been singing unto the Lord a new song of praise? Are you looking for the new things God is going to do in your life? Are you listening for Him to tell you before He does it? Those things we previously learned in verses 9 and 10. I don't know about you, friend, but am certainly ready. The thing is, are we willing to move or experience change in order for the new things to happen in our life?

Our focus today is on verses 11-17. Here we read of 6 lets and 11 I wills.

In the Hebrew language, let means to give, used with great application(put, make); bring forth; bestow; offer; yield.

What is God telling Judah and us to let?
  1. Let the desert towns and wilderness and cities join in chorus.
  2. Let the villages of Kedar rejoice.
  3. Let the people of the rock sing.
  4. Let them shout praises from the mountaintops.
  5. Let the whole world glorify the LORD.
  6. Let them sing His praise. 
The joy of the Lord is my strength. In the darkest of times and in the good times. Judah was going to go through dark times. They were going into captivity and forced to move to another country, the fierce Babylonian Empire. Their Temple was going to be destroyed and its silver, gold, and brass contents removed.  Yet, God was going to be with them. We see evidence through the lives of Daniel, Ezekiel, and others.
The new thing God was referring to was the Gentiles will be fellow heirs with the Jews, in Christ. (Ephesians 3:5-6) The coming Messiah would be a New Covenant, one of faith and not of works.

So like the Jews, we are to rejoice, sing praises to Jesus, praise Him from the mountaintops and on the rocks and in the desert. Let us praise our Savior wherever we live-villages, cities.
He alone is worthy of praise. We are like Israelites, in that we are set free from our sinful lifestyle (they worshiped idols).


What does God say He will do?
  1. He will march forth like a mighty hero. (Verse13). 
  2. He will come out like a warrior full of fury. 
  3. He will shout His battle cry and crush all His enemies. 
  4. He will say, "I have been silent; restrain Myself." 
  5. He will cry and groan and pant like a woman in labor, destroying and devouring at once.   (Verse 14)
  6. He will level the mountains and hills, dry up all their herbs. (Verse 15)
  7. He will turn the rivers and pools into dry land. 
  8. He will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. (verse 16)
  9. He will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. (verse 16)
  10. He will do these things.
  11. He will not forsake them. (verse 16)
What does God say concerning those who trust in idols? They will be turned away greatly shamed.
(verse 17)
In His first coming, Jesus was meek and a lowly Servant, but in His second coming, He will come judging the world. The Tribulation Period will result in devastation. However, the spiritually blind will come to the light of God's glorious truth.

Are we ready for a new path and ready for God to guide us along an unfamiliar way? Then we must keep following Jesus. He will not forsake us, His loved children.

I will sing Your praises, for Jesus is mine.
You are so faithful and keep Your Word.
Lead me down a new path and unfamiliar way.

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