Saturday, November 30, 2024


 N.T.#435 "Enduring"

Dec. 2, 2024 

Mark 14-Part 13


Jesus and His disciples often went up the hill from Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives. Huge, short olive trees still stand there. (We were told they are around 500 years old.) It is a place away from the busy and loud city below. The Garden of Gethsemane is where the men went for solitude and prayer, peace and quiet. (Luke 22:39)

Gethsemane means oil press.

Probably, the owner installed a press on the grounds. Jesus told the disciples to sit, probably at the entrance, while He went to pray. (verse 32) Jesus' own will was being pressed out so He would do God's will.

Pray refers to pray to God; supplicate; worship. 

Jesus needed some time alone with the Father. Jesus took Peter, James, and John, the inner circle of friends, further into the garden. Jesus needed them to stay close and watch (guard) keeping awake in order to be prepared for whatever might come. (verse 34)

How much time do we spend in prayer? Are we burdened for our loved ones so we pray for a while for them?


Three expressions picture Jesus' inner feelings:

  1. He began to be sore amazed (astonish utterly). (verse 33)
  2. He was very heavy (to be distressed (of mind).(verse 33)
  3. His soul was exceeding (grieved all around) sorrowful (to distress; to be sad; grief) unto death. (verse 34)
The first reveals His initial shock at what was to come; the second, His overwhelming sense of distress; the third describes the extent of His emotions. The agony terrors exceeded His anticipations. We have a clearer picture of Jesus' humanity. He refused to allow inner feelings to direct Him, submitting to the Father's plan. (Falwell and Wuest)

Jesus expressed His true feelings, but He did not deny or rebel against God's will. He did not deny the terrible suffering He would have to endure to accomplish it. Anything worth having costs something. Jesus was willing to pay any price to gain what is priceless-eternal life for His people.

In times of great stress, we are vulnerable to temptation, even if we have a willing spirit. Keep watch, pray to God, seek support of friends and loved ones, focus on the purpose God has given us. (Life Application Study Bible)


Oh, what You endured, Sweet Jesus, for us!

Your mercy endures forever, Jesus.

Give us strength to carry on during this season, for You are the reason for the season.

May love lift us up today.

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