Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Unlimited Forgiveness

N.T.#220 "Unlimited Forgiveness"

January 10, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 10

For where two or three are gaythered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. (verse 20)


To me, forgiving the same person over and over again is such a hard thing to do. I keep having to apply today's lesson in my own life. How about you? But I know I need Jesus' forgiveness over and over again because I sin. Follow along as we tak a closer look at the conversation between Jesus and Peter.

This is one of the great Gospel promises with regard to prayer. Jesus says He will be in our midst when praying for the straying believer. We can claim and use His authority. The objective is restoration, assisting a wayward saint through the process of finding healing, hope, personal dignity, and purposeful living. We want a full recovery. 

We are all called to walk in righteousness and truth, holiness and godly living. We are to overcome past guilt and shame when forgiveness is given. 


Here goes Peter again. He asked Jesus how often he shall he forgve his brother who sins against him. Peter assumed 7 times was sufficient. However, Jesus regarded unlimited number of times to forgive. If we are to be a faithful, obedient follower of Jesus, then we are to practice this. Forgiving others is a requirement, not an elective in the curriculum of Christian living. 

The rabbis at that time taught one only need to forgive someone 3 times. Peter doubled what the rabbis said. The Pharisees held to legalism, but Jesus taught grace and mercy. did Peter calculate 70 x 7 in the sand or count on his fingers? It is unlikely that a fellow believer in Jesus would sin against us 490 times. Jesus' point was for us not to keep count, and certainly not to count at all.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. (Eph. 4:32)

Yes Sir. I think that can be our only answer. We want God's unlimited mercy shown to us so we must show it to others. Forgiveness has no limits. 


Help us let go of the offense and forgive the offender today.

How merciful You are Father. 


  1. And for me, with forgiveness comes the necessity of forgetting it as well.

    1. Amen sister. So often the devil tries to stir up those thoughts that we forgave.
