Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Called and Chosen

N.T.#235  "Called and Chosen"

Jan. 31, 2924 

Matthew 20-Part 1


Do you find it hare when we someone getting something they didn't earn or deserve? We think it isn't fair. Do we find ourself playing the comparison game? Are we struggling and grumbling? Maybe we think the person deserves something. Maybe the problem is our situation. We may not feel like we are receiving grace and mercy, generosity and goodness of God. It is not easy to hand over the situation to God and let Him handle it. Are we releasing it to God and relying on Him to do what is right and just? Do we acknowledge His wisdom and sovereignty in giving to His children how, what, and when He sees fit? [Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Matthew 16-28]


Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. (verses 15-16)

The vineyard owner was keeping his word by doing his part of the agreement giving the amount of wages for all the workers. It was a normal day's wage, sufficient to feed their families. Actually, the owner was being generous to the latter workers who did not deserve their payment. Really, the first workers had no grounds for accusing the owner of the vineyard of any wrongdoing.

In our verses above, called means invited, appointed; chosen means select, favorite.

If we consider this parable not about rewards, but about salvation, we see God's generosity and grace. Many may be called, invited to believe in Jesus for salvation, shortly before they die. Few may be chosen, selected years before death to become a Christian and servant in God's kingdom for a long time. Do we begrudge them heaven?. 

We should not be jealous of what God has given to another person. Instead, we should be thankful for what we have. All of us are sinners saved by grace, outcasts, undeserved for His love and forgiveness. 


Help us let go of jealousy, resentment, bad feelings toward others.

Thank You Jesus for loving me and giving me opportunities to serve You.

Help me be a good steward of my time, money, and attitudes.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Fair or Unfair

 N.T.#234 "Fair or Unfair?"

January 30, 2924

Matthew 20


We are to not let let earthly success, worldly gain, or the lack of to prevent us from sacrifdicing what is necessary to serve the Lord. 

Jesus told a parable about a landowner who hired laborers to work in his vineyard. The group of workers were hired at various times throughout the day. 

  • The first group was hired at dawn for a penny (a common day's wage). (verses 1-2) 
  • Other laborers, found in the common place of seeking employment, were hired at 9 am, noon, 3 and 5 in the afternoon, and for a wage that is right. (verses 3-4) 
  • Then the workers were paid their wages, every man received a penny. (verse 9)
A problem arose when the first hired workers found out they were paid the same as those who did not work as long and in the heat as they had. They felt they had been treated unjustly. However, they knew and agreed to their wage at the beginning. Also, the owner paid them what was promised. He had been fair to them and generous to the others.

Shouldn't the works who worked hard and longer in the vineyard receive 12 times more wage than whose who worked only a twelfth of the day? They grumbled to the landowner. Shouldn't it matter how long the workers worked? How long they agonized in the hot sun?


The Jews expected better treatment from God since they were chosen His special people. We Gentiles are shown compassion and grace.

Where do we fit in the parable?

God is both fair and generous to us. We should rejoice when God is gracious toward others and not resent it. 

We need to forget about the haves and have-nots of this world, put our hand to the plow, and continue laboring in God's kingdom. so what if we have been a faithful believer since childhood and some recent convert gets all the glory? That's God's business, not ours. What does it matter if we have been struggling believers and others coast through life? (Swindoll)

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name. (Hebrews 6:10)


Help us be faithful and generous with what You have given us, Jesus.

Thank you for Your grace and mercy daily.

Love through us to others.

Monday, January 29, 2024

First or Last

N.T.#233 "First or Last"

Jan. 29, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 10

But many that are first shall be last: and the last shall be first. (verse 30)


Through the years, when our family gets together, we know who will be first in line to fill their plate with food. It is kind of a joking matter, but we think it is lousy of that person. Jesus touches on the matter of being first.

What a contrast between the little children and the rich young ruler. Children are trusting, honest, moldable. The young ruler wasn't. He was self-sufficient and proud. Obviously, he loved his money and possessions more than God. He thought his good deeds merited him eternal life, when it does not. Faith and obedience pleases God. And then there was Peter, who wondered what the payoff for the disciples' commitment to Jesus was. 

Then Jesus says profoundly our verse above. 

Many who are viewed as successful in this world will be paupers in heaven, while many of the paupers in this world will granted greater authority in the kingdom of God. So don't let earthly success or worldly gain prevent you from sacrificing as necessary to serve the Lord in light of the rewards to be received in the world to come. (Tony Evans)


Jesus turned the world's values upside down. The rich and famous didn't get there by being humble and gentle. Are we willing to experience human disapproval in order to gain eternal rewards later? The next parable explains that we are all valuable and our sacrifices in kingdom work will not go unrewarded.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. (Colossians 3:23) 

God is fair. Shouldn't we stop grumbling about our lot in life and let God be God? Do we work for the reward or do we do things because we love God and the person?


Serve and love Jesus and others.

Let love abide in us.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Rewards or Regrets

N.T.#232 "Rewards or Regrets"

Jan. 26, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 9


In our struggles, do we sometimes wonder if it is worth staying faithful to Jesus? Do we wonder why things don't seem to work out? do we really need to give up everything for a life of discipleship?

The salvation of a rich sinner is just as miraculous as the salvation of a poor sinner. Both are only possible with God. (verse 26) Eternal life can't be earned and can't be bought. It is only through God's grace through faith in Christ alone that one gets salvation. That is what we just learned previously.

Bold Peter jumps in with both feet in mouth at the most ill-timed and selfish motive. He asked what was in it for them. After all, the disciples had left everything, prosperous fishing business, tax booth, medical field, and others, to follow Jesus. What was in store for them, what was the payoff for their commitment to Jesus?


From fishing nets to thrones, I think that is quite the reward! Being able to enter eternal life with Jesus will be enough, I think. Guys, whatever is sacrificed for Jesus will not go unrewarded.

The disciples will be allowed to sit in the throne room of Jesus' glory. They will judge Israel, literally, during the future millennial kingdom. They may have been on the bottom socially and economically in this world, but in the next they will be on top. They will receive a 100 times more what is given up for Jesus.(verses 28-29)

We aren't going to need stuff when we die. We can't take it with us. Which one are we going to be like-the rich young ruler who walked away from Jesus empty or the disciples who stuck with Him and are rewarded?

What will we regret not doing here and now when we get to eternity? Rejecting Jesus as Savior? Not witnessing? Not giving? Not loving? Not forgiving? Or will we have any regrets when we bow before King Jesus?


What do we need to let go to follow Jesus wholeheartedly?

Help us forfeit temporary benefits for eternal ones.

Keep us in Your will. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Letting Go

N.T.#231 "Letting Go" 

Jan. 25, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 8


 The Jews regarded material prosperity as a mark of divine favor, possessing riches as a kind of virtue, so it is not surprising that the rich young ruler was astonished that he lacked what it took for him to go to heaven. Here the guy was standing in front of the One perfect man and he claims to have kept all the Commandments. Really guy? What was his problem? Doing the right good deeds and avoiding certain sins did not meet the requirement. He might as well have thrown away his check list of good deeds. It was the man's source of pride, power, self-confidence in his riches and sins that blocked his way on the right path of righteousness. He was clinging to those possessions and money, not able to let go of them in order to love his poor neighbor. Maybe it was his social position that he was unwilling to part with.

The guy should have admitted to being a sinner in need of salvation in Jesus Christ. He needed God's mercy. but he couldn't do it and walked away grieved, on the wrong path. Had he tried to talk his way into heaven? He thought he was only 1 good deed away from the kingdom of heaven, but it was out of his reach. He wasn't willing to totally sacrifice and completely surrender all.

Which path are we on today? Are we walking by faith in Jesus, following Him or living for self on the wrong worldly path? We have to do it all God's way. It only take mustard seed sized faith.


 What did Jesus tell His disciples? Verse 23 tells us: 

  • A rich man can hardly enter the kingdom of God. Hardly means impracticably (incapable of being performed). The rich are often trust in and are attached in their wealth. Their thoughts are consumed by worldly treasures.
  • It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needly than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. We know it is impossible to squeeze a large camel through the eye of a tiny needle. We can't strip ourself of our pride and work our way to heaven.
  • Who can be saved? It is impossible for men to do it on their own, Salvation is impossible by human effort. It is God's grace through faith in Jesus that provides salvation. With God all things are possible. (verse 26)
Eternal life can't be earned and can't be bought. It can only be received by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. (Eph. 2:8-9) A rich person and a poor person both must humble themself to come to a perfect God. We are told to lay up treasures in heaven that cannot be destroyed, stolen, or lost. (6:20) Disciples of Jesus are not to pursue the things that unbelievers treasure. Doing so will keep them from getting their full rewards. Yet, if we give all our goods to feed the poor, and have not love, then it profits us nothing. 

No one will be declared righteous in (God's) sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. (Romans 3:20)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


Help us let go of the worldly things and cling to You, Jesus.

May we let go of what is keeping us from surrendering all to You.

In Christ alone is my hope and life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Eternal Life

 N.T.#230 "Eternal Life"

Jan. 24, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 7


Has money and wealth become our focus in our life? Jesus had just taught that we all need childlike faith, simple faith, to trust in Jesus as our Savior. Here came a young, rich ruler asking Jesus how he could obtain eternal life. Let's see how the conversation goes.

  • First, the young man addressed Jesus as "Good Master." He wasn't recognizing Christ as deity, but as a righteous teacher from God who apparently has eternal life and might know how he could get it.
  • Jesus wasn't disclaiming His own deity, but teaching the young man that all but God are sinners.
  • The guy's problem was his reluctance to confess his own utter spiritual bankruptcy. 
  • If he wanted to enter into life, the man must keep the high standards of God, but he could not keep the laws. The Ten Commandments show us our sins, thus we can't keep them every day.
  • Salvation isn't by our own merits. The man asked which Commandment he was required to keep.
  • Jesus knew what the guy was lacking-love for his neighbor above himself. Jesus gave those dealing with human relationships. (verses18-19)
  • The young man said he had kept all those laws. what did he lack? 
We can credit the guy with living a moral lfe and being well versed in Scripture and the laws of God. Did he know about God but not have love for Him in his heart? This self-righteous young man had a problem, didn't he? He would not admit to his own sin. Love and obedience supersede all. We love God and want to please Him. This guy loved himself more than his neighbors. He was rich, remember? His money stood between him and Jesus. We are sinners in need of a Savior. Is there anything that stand between us and Jesus? 

[Resource: Life Application Study Bible]


The guy asked, so Jesus told him the solution to his problem-go, sell, give to the poor. Then follow Jesus. That would result in his treasure in heaven. However, the rich young ruler couldn't do it. His love of his possessions was a stumbling block, so he rejected Jesus' lordship over his life. He walked away in unbelief. How sad. 

Is Jesus requiring you to give up something in order to faithfully and fully follow Him? Are we willing to give up anything if God asks us to do so. Are we allowing anything to come between us and our God? We may not be asked to sell all and follow Jesus, but it is our attitude toward our money and possessions that can hinder us in total surrender.

Whatever the Lord speaks to us, it will require and adjustment in our life. What good is it to read the Word and not apply it to our life? Don't be sorrowful like the rich young ruler and turn away from Jesus. What blessings you will miss out on. What joy in serving Jesus you will not experience,. What love will be passed by you. 


May Help us love and serve You Father with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Bless Your faithful children today.

Keep us in Your will.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Do You Have Child-like Faith?

 N.T.#228 "Do You Have Childe-like Faith?"

January 23, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 6


Sunday I was blessed to lead children's church. We have preschoolers in the class. How refreshing and inspiring it was to see them singing, listening to a Bible story, and sharing about their life. Jesus loves the little children. We adults could learn from their trusting ways. 

In verses 13-15, we see into the heart of Jesus. Our Savior did not need His disciples to be his body guards or bouncers. Jesus was approachable, available, and accessible to everyone. He touched every kind of person-young and old, poor and rich, sick and healthy, corrupt and honest, harsh and courteous, hateful and loving, humble and proud, the devoted follower and the cruel critic. There was no need for an appointment, invitation, or special permission to speak with Jesus. The most important man who ever walked the face of the earth took time for people. His compassion was evident in these verses.

A group of parents brough their little children to Jesus for a blessing and a prayer. However, the disciples did not want to be bothered with the youngsters. They rebuked (forbid; censure or admonish0  the group. Probably they were trying to send them away.

How did Jesus respond to the situation?

  • He told the disciples to suffer (to send; remit; let alone) the little children. 
  • Forbid (prevent (by word or act; keep from) them not to come unto Him.
  • For the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like these children.
  •  Then Jesus laid His hands on their head and blessed the children before He left.
Oo, Jesus rebuked the disciples. Anyone could bother Him. I wonder how many children He has touched through the ages. Child-like faith to trust in Jesus is what we need to be saved and a child of the King. Don't we all need that kind of faith?
Jesus loves the children. He died for them, too. Do we witness to children of Jesus' saving grace and love?


Adults could do well to observe the simple faith of children. Their simplicity, openness, honesty, and wonder perfectly illustrates the kind of person we all need to be. Children have no agenda, reluctance, pretenses, no self-consciousness. They can praise the Savior and believe in Him so much easier than adults. Spend time with those with runny noses, unpleasant odors, toothless smiles, and silly questions. It won't be wasted. (Swindoll)

Adults let pride and stubbornness get in their way to Jesus. Neediness is so important. Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be Your Savior? 


Help us receive little children, pray for them, show Your love to them, Jesus.

May we care for and protect God's children.

Thank Yo for allowing us to become children of God.

Monday, January 22, 2024


 N.T.#228  "Singleness"

Jan. 22, 2024 

Matthew 19-Part 5


It was not what God originally intended, divorce. Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to hard hearts. Although, sins can be forgiven when repented. Previously, we listed various scenarios and exceptions allowing for divorce when reconciliation is not possible. YIf you didn't see it, you may want to check it out. 

Swindoll gives us some good principles concerning marriage/divorce

  1. Marriage should be an indissoluble union between one man and one woman. Mutual commitment, love, faithfulness results in harmonious and fulfilling relationship only death can end.
  2. Life is not, and never can be, tidy, orderly, or perfect. Since we are all sinners, we need to learn to use the words forgive and sorry.
  3. We who are not a part of a marriage cannot fully (or even correctly) evaluate the depth of the misery. Behind closed doors one can act differently than they do in public. 
  4. To expect two people who find themselves in such incurable misery to remain bound to a lifetime of unhealthy disharmony-and possible danger-seems unrealistic. If the couple tried to resolve and rectify the situation without success, then divorce is reality.
God shows us mercy and grace and teaches us to do so to others. When possible, differences need to worked out between troubled couples. Our life should be an example to our children and others. God can change hearts, so we must continue to pray for it. Divorce does result in pain, especially for children. So may we work on being a faithful believer. 


There are some people who can remain single and faithfully to God. Jesus mentions eunuchs, who was typically a male servant who was castrated as part of his dedication to his master's service. Those include:

  • ones who were born with some kind of physical defect so they are unable to have children;
  • those who had bee castrated for special service;
  • those who voluntarily chose to live as if they were eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom.
Singleness, like marriage, is not for everyone. Some people are not meant for marriage. Some could marry, but they want to give their full attention to the things of Christ and His kingdom. God doesn't call a person of divorce so they can be fully in ministry. It is important for people to seek God's will for their life. So it is an individual decision.


Glory to God in the highest!

Help us honor You in our marriage and walk.

Friday, January 19, 2024


 N. T. #227 “”Exceptions”

Jan. 19, 3024

Matthew 19-Part 4


There seems to be no list for permissible divorce. When a man and woman marry, especially from two different backgrounds, adjustments can be hard. Communication is important, as well as compromise. Unfortunately, you can’t really know a person until the marriage covenant and I do’s and living together. 

However, we live in a world that is fallen, fallen into sin. Paul said it is better to live a life of singleness if one can. (1 Cor. 7) Some are not meant for marriage. Those meant for marriage glean privileges and delights when marriage is their high calling of permanence.


There are various scenarios and exceptions allowing for divorce when reconciliation is not possible:

  • mental or emotional cruelty
  • physical danger of spouse or children 
  • ongoing brutality and abuse
  • abandonment
  • immorality, adultery, incest, idolatry, fornication.
When marital bonds have been severed by sin or selfishness, and unfaithfulness, a believer must pray and decide their outcome. I know some couples who have saved their marriage when there is repentance.

Let me throw this out: as a believer, we must guard our witness. Being faithful to God and His teachings is of utmost importance.  Forgiveness and love can cover a multitude of sin. 
I do not claim to be an expert nor a counselor. Even commentaries vary on the subject. Individuals must must make decisions they can live with. God can change hearts. All things are possible with God. 


Help us find Your will for our life, Lord Jesus.

Use us in kingdom work.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Is Divorce Permissible?

 N. T. #226 “Is Divorce Permissible?”

Jan. 18, 2024

Matthew 19-Part 3


Our heat is back on  Thank You Jesus! I know today’s lesson is so controversial, but please read all of it  Our purpose in life is to love God, obey His Word, and bring Him glory in our life. 

Marriage has been established between one man and one woman since the creation of both. As a result, offspring would come. Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, a bond of love and faithfulness until death part them, as well as a covenant with God for them to do so.

Humans have changed the order and rebelled against it down through the ages. Men with men and women with women is an abomination to God. When one person gets tired of their spouse or another person appeals to them more, then they want out of the marriage. This is not to happen or be. Marriage is forever until one dies.

The Pharisees were trying to set a trap for Jesus when they asked Him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? (verse 3)

Jesus pointed out that divorce was not an intention of God nor for the marriage to fail or end. The married couple was to be joined together, not separated or divided. No one or nothing was to come between them.(verse 6)

Are you in agreement with all of this?


So why did Moses allow divorce? It was due to the hardness of the heart. When fornication, adultery, or abandonment happened, Jesus allowed divorce. 

In verse 9, fornication means harlotry (including adultery or incest); idolatry.

This is not limited to premarital sex only, but includes all types of sexual sin: adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, etc. (Falwell)

Indecency, shameful exposure, improper behavior were terms used by the Pharisees interpreting Deuteronomy 24:1. Uncleanness is nudity, disgrace, blemish, shame.

The thing is, Moses permitted divorce, not commanded it. It is best for us to remain married for life, not split up and remarry.

Who has no family that hasn’t been mated by divorce? It can be painful. Especially painful for children involved.

I know it is hard to maintain a happy marriage. We have been working at it for 51 years. But it is possible to do with Jesus’ help.


I pray we let go of selfish ways and love our spouse as ourself, Lord.

Help us obey Your Word.

Keep us in your will.

Bless faithful marriages today.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Priorities in Marriage

 N. T. #225 “Priorities in Marriage”

Jan. 17, 2024

Matthew 19-Part 2


Hats off to those of you living in the northern parts of our nation. It has been a rough week for us. With below zero temperatures for 2 nights and single digits during the day, topped off with snow, we southerners are not managing well. And to beat all, my central heater froze up and blew only cold air yesterday. Living in 58*-62* in the house is not my my cup of tea. And we worked hard to prevent the farmhouse water from freezing up. Should have camped out there. Anyway, that has been my challenge of the week. (My guys put a heat lamp in the attic to help thaw out the problem.) Hopefully, it will work today. Praying ya’ll are staying well and warm. 

Matthew recorded a conversation with the Pharisees and Jesus again  They were testing His wisdom on the controversial topic of divorce.  And it continues today, right?

Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? (verse 3) It is found in Genesis 1:27.

First, Jesus went back to the beginning, literally. Have you not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female? (Verse 4) It is found in Genesis 1:27.

Those verse shoots down today’s excuses for being homosexual. 

Second, when marriage is involved, the man is to leave his parents’ authority and cleave to his wife , becoming one flesh. (verse 3) Genesis2:24 is His reference  

Cleave means to glue to; adhere; join self, in the N.T.

In the O.T., it means cling; adhere; be joined together; pursue hard; follow close.

The couple is to be faithful sexually and always considering their spouse top dog, so to speak  God is first, spouse second, children third. This is the order of our life together which God has established. When others and things get substituted, then there are problems. Are we making our spouse a priority?


Thirdly, what therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. (verse 6)

Asunder means to be in (give) space; enter; to hold; admit; receive.

No other person is to be given first place, talking about people, not God because He is always number one. We have to be careful to not let another take our thoughts more than our spouse. We are not to hold another in our heart and love them more than our spouse. That includes our own self.

 Is there anything or anyone more important in our life than our spouse? If so, then we are sinning. Especially watch out that children or parents do not interfere in our marriage. Be careful that a coworker does not get more time with us than our spouse. Make sure sports or hobbies have their appropriate place in our life. 

It is always good to take a priority check.


Help us place people in the right order that you have established. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What is Ahead?

N.T.#224 "What is Ahead?"

Jan. 16, 2024 

Matthew 19


In the last chapter, we learned how to deal with offenses, church discipline, and forgiveness Jesus' way. Then Jesus left the Galilee area and went east of the Jordan River into Judea. (verse 1) Great multitudes followed Him and He healed them. (verse 2) Jesus stayed only a few months there because He would soon make His final journey to Jerusalem just before the Passover Week. He had previously told His disciples what would take place there-suffering, killed, raised up on the third day. (16:21)

Jesus was determined to carry out His mission of manifesting the divine power of the coming kingdom. Through those miracles, He revealed to those who had eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus was, in fact, the King, Israel's long-awaited Messiah. (Swindoll)

Not everyone was willing to see the truth right in front of their noses. This included the Pharisees, the religious guys. They actually despised Jesus and were jealous of His popularity looking down on His teachings. They tried to discredit Jesus in the eyes of the general public. They looked for incriminating evidence to arrest Him, try Him, and execute Jesus. Would Jesus contradict the Law of Moses? The controversy of marriage, divorce, and remarriage after divorce was among their posing questions.


In this chapter, Jesus is teaching about divorce, celibacy, surrender, and who can be saved.  

The Pharisees did not realize that Jesus gave the Ten Commandments to Moses. He taught the Truth. He did not contradict it. He is the Creator of all things. He established standards for people to live by and follow. Although the Pharisees considered Jesus to be just an uneducated hillbilly, He was a genius, who shed light on His adversaries' own ignorance.

Jesus is teaching on divorce, the confrontation with the rich young ruler, a parable, and a miracle. (Falwell) That is what is ahead in this chapter. so stay with us, friend. We all probably will be questioned about those topics. We need to settle on them beforehand.


You never let me down, Jesus.

You are all wise.

Direct us in truth, for You are Truth.

Glory to God in the Highest. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Harboring Unforgiveness?

N.T.#223 "Harboring Unforgiveness?"

January 15, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 13


This is a story of the unforgiving debtor.

Forgiving a wrongdoer goes against all the stuff your old nature wants to see happen. However, we are most like men when we judge. We are most like God when we forgive. (Swindoll)

Shouldn't we have mercy on our fellow servant just as God has mercy on us. The angry king sent the first man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt. (verse 34) That is what our heavenly Father will do to us if we refuse to forgive our brothers and sisters from our heart. (verse 35) 

If God cancels our sin debts, we must do the same for those who sin against us. we cannot expect or demand mercy that we're unwilling to give. According to Jesus, we should offer forgiveness in the same way and to the same degree that we desire it from God. Why? Our debt to God is infinitely greater than our brother's debt to us. Recognizing that positions us to receive from God the very thing that others desire from us. (Tony Evans)

Do unto others like we want them to do to us, right? I know some people and offenses are difficult to forgive. Yet, with Jesus in our heart, we can forgive. Remember, we are most like God when we forgive.

Is there someone we need to forgive? 


Every sin we commit is a debt to God. There is an account kept of these debts, and we must shortly be reckoned with for them. Our sin debt is so great that we are unable to pay it. Silver and god, sacrifices and offerings, good works are not sufficient to pay it. Our merciful and compassionate God is ready to forgive when we humble ourself and confess our sins. Jesus paid our sin-debt for us.

Can't others see when we harbor unforgiveness in our heart? Doesn't it show through in our words, actions, and intents? We tend to want to be forgiven but find it hard to forgive others. Most of all, unforgiveness offends God, who chastens His unforgiving children severely. (verses 32-34) (MacAuthur)

We want to avoid the chastening hand of God. Believers are to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. We are to be pure and undefiled before our God.


Amazing love, how can it be, that You my King should die for me.

Amazing love, I know it's true, and it's my honor to honor You, in all I do.


Friday, January 12, 2024

N.T.#222 "Mercy, Forgiveness, Compassion, Pity"

Jan. 12, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 12 


This chapter is hard to study, isn't it? Like a cow that lies down chewing her cud after eating grass or hay, I have been pondering and chewing on Jesus' Words. Is there someone we need to forgive? Help is here. 

In the story, after the king spoke to the servant who owed him an extravagant amount, threatened to put him and his family in prison, the king had compassion on the debtor, loosed him, and forgave him. How marvelous is our God who forgives us of our sins.

Then the servant turns right around and does the same thing to one who owed him. The indebted man asked for patience so he could repay his debt. But the first man would not and put him into prison. His fellow servants went snitched on him to the king. That didn't sit well and the king. 

The king asked his forgiven servant, "Shouldn't you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?" 

Jesus used the words compassion and pity. They use the same word in the Greek. It means compassionate (by word or deed, especially divine grace); have (obtain, receive, show) mercy (on).

The king was right wasn't he?  


Mercy is a gift. It is undeserved. If not for His mercy, He (God) would punish us each time we sin. But rather than letting us hear the full punishment for our sin, God demonstrated His mercy when He paid the penalty for our sin Himself. Jesus commanded His disciples to extend the same mercy to others that they had received from God. (Blackaby)

Could any offense committed against us be as undeserved as the abuse hurled against the sinless Son of God?

Nehemiah 9:17b says, ... but Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and forsookest them not. 

If we find it difficult to forgive others, we may need to meditate on the mercy of God. 

These are not easy words to read , much less apply.


Lor, how merciful you are!

Help us show mercy to our enemies, unloving person, grouch.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

When We Need Forgiveness

N.T.#221 "When We Need Forgiveness"

January 11, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 11


Peter learned from the Master that forgiveness is unlimited. Jesus would later demonstrate forgiveness when He hung on the cross to die after being beaten half to death. He forgave those who hurt Him and even caused His death. 

Now Jesus told a parable illustrating unlimited forgiveness. Why didn't Jesus just say, "Show forgiveness to others with the same limitless mercy God has shown you?" Maybe because stories tend to illustrate a truth that involves our emotions and we can apply them to our life easier.

First, in this story is a king who decides to settle accounts. A servant owes the king an overwhelming amount of money that is impossible for him to repay. (Millions of dollars in our society) So the king could get his money, he demanded the servant to be sold, his family, and all he owned. Yet, the amount would only be a drop in the bucket. (I always wondered how the king could expect to be paid the remaining debt when the man was in prison.) A lifetime of work could never repay the debt. The servant was doomed to whatever fate the king decided. 

Then the doomed man begs for mercy from the king, who is moved with compassion and forgives him the debt. (verses 26-27) He is freed from the debt of sin.


How does this apply to us? We owe a sin debt that we can never pay. Jesus paid our debt for us, although He did not owe any. The One who lived a sinless life willingly gave up His life, dying on the cross as our substitute, the righteous in place of the wicked, canceling the debt owed for all our sin. What good news! [Resource: Swindoll' Living Insights of Matthew 16-28]

All that is required is to believe Jesus did this for us, ask His forgiveness of our sins, and be our Lord and Savior. Then we are free from the penalty of sin. Have you done this, my friend?

We are subjects to King Jesus and Father God and owe Him our love, honor, obedience, and our everything.


Have mercy on me a sinner, Jesus.

May I show You honor, obey Your word, and love You with all my heart.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Unlimited Forgiveness

N.T.#220 "Unlimited Forgiveness"

January 10, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 10

For where two or three are gaythered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. (verse 20)


To me, forgiving the same person over and over again is such a hard thing to do. I keep having to apply today's lesson in my own life. How about you? But I know I need Jesus' forgiveness over and over again because I sin. Follow along as we tak a closer look at the conversation between Jesus and Peter.

This is one of the great Gospel promises with regard to prayer. Jesus says He will be in our midst when praying for the straying believer. We can claim and use His authority. The objective is restoration, assisting a wayward saint through the process of finding healing, hope, personal dignity, and purposeful living. We want a full recovery. 

We are all called to walk in righteousness and truth, holiness and godly living. We are to overcome past guilt and shame when forgiveness is given. 


Here goes Peter again. He asked Jesus how often he shall he forgve his brother who sins against him. Peter assumed 7 times was sufficient. However, Jesus regarded unlimited number of times to forgive. If we are to be a faithful, obedient follower of Jesus, then we are to practice this. Forgiving others is a requirement, not an elective in the curriculum of Christian living. 

The rabbis at that time taught one only need to forgive someone 3 times. Peter doubled what the rabbis said. The Pharisees held to legalism, but Jesus taught grace and mercy. did Peter calculate 70 x 7 in the sand or count on his fingers? It is unlikely that a fellow believer in Jesus would sin against us 490 times. Jesus' point was for us not to keep count, and certainly not to count at all.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. (Eph. 4:32)

Yes Sir. I think that can be our only answer. We want God's unlimited mercy shown to us so we must show it to others. Forgiveness has no limits. 


Help us let go of the offense and forgive the offender today.

How merciful You are Father. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Getting Back on the Right Path

N.T.#218 "Getting Back on the Right Path"

Jan. 9, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 9

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (verse 18)


 I have always had problems understanding this verse. It seems, Jesus continues to speak of church discipline and resolving conflicts. The spiritual one is to go to the offender or person bound in sin and discuss the problem with them. If they will not repent, they are to take two other witnesses. If there is no resolution, then the matter is to be taken before the church. 

The church's decisions should be God-guided and based on discernment of His Word. Handling problems God's way will have an impact now and for eternity. (Life Application Study Bible)

When the church says the unrepentant person is bound in sin, the church is saying what God says about that person. When the church acknowledges that a repentant person has been loosed from that sin, God agrees. (MacArthur)

We are responsible to pray for the one bound in sin, that they come to repentance. The Lord may use us to confront them in gentleness. 

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. and be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:1-2 NLT


In verse 19, we are assured that if two of us agree about a matter we pray for, then it will be done by our Heavenly Father. Our prayers are more powerful than the superficial agreement of thousands, because Christ's Holy Spirit is with them. The key is praying according to God's will, not our own, as well as faith that God can do it. 

Touching means matter; circumstance; how it will go with.

Is our faith strong enough to believe God can do what we have asked? Is it in accordance to His will?

Remember, Jesus is speaking about discipline with this promise. As soon as the proper process of accountability, confrontation, and discipline begins, Jesus is present, and God the Father is working through the interactions that take place. (Swindoll)

Conformity with His Word is the objective. 


Lord, You love this brother or sister of our who has strayed away from Your Word more than we do. Give us wisdom, gentleness, humility, and understanding. 

We need Your strength to confront them. 

To You be the glory.

Your will, Your way.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Do You Care Enough to Confront?


Jan. 8, 2024 "Do You Care Enough to Confront?" 

Matthew 18-Part 8


It is amazing that my Aunt Mary is 96 years old today. Oh, she has had her battles-heart surgery, diabetes, a husband in the air Force during WWII, lost a daughter and husband. But her mind is sharp for her age. What a joy it is to be with her. Last year the family celebrated her 95th with her. I would like to ask her how she handled relationships throughout her life, but that would be personal.

 Already, we learned how to handle it whenever a person offends us. We are to go talk with them privately, go tell them what made you mad or hurt your feelings. If you can work it out among you two, then you gain a friend.

What if they did not want to talk about the situation? If they don't think they were in the wrong (fault), now what?


Jesus has the answer for that too. Take two witnesses and discuss the matter, so they know what is going on. (verse 16) Then everything you say may be confirmed by the witnesses.


 If the person refuses to mend the broken Christian fellowship, what is next? Take your case to the church. Then if he or she won't accept the church's decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. (NLT, verse 17)


Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trepass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness. (Ga. 6:1)

If a believer is living in sin, damaging the witness of the church, we are to follow the same procedure. 

Swindoll gives us 5 principles to follow:

  1. Confronting serious sin is loving. We are to love Jesus and each other. Our love for the offender is to help them be restored to a Christian lifestyle.
  2. Confronting serious sin requires us to have the fortitude to do what's right.. We need to study God's standards and carefully and prayerfully apply them. We are to take seriously the witness of our church, stand for what is right, bring sinners to repentance.
  3. Confronting serious sin is not optional. Meditate on the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-20. 
  4. Confronting serious sin is not penal but remedial. We aren't to irritate the wandering saint, but show them their error of their ways, shepherd them back to repentance and fellowship. 
  5. confronting serious sin is not for outsiders but for insiders. Church discipline is to be carried out by believers and for believers. If the person will not repent, then we are to remove the person from among ourselves. (1 Cor. 5:12-13)
Our response is to be in love, not putting the person on the defensive., not ignoring the matter either, praying for them is not enough. We are to exhibit a caring, compassionate, gentle attitude, so the straying believer will listen. If they repent, donfess the sin, seek forgiveness, they we are to forgive.(a brother has been gained.)

A personal confrontation may be inconvenient, in that it takes planning, time, energy, and possibly money. It will be worth it, especially if our brother or sister in Christ is convicted and takes steps toward restoration.

Fill us with Your loving Spirit, Lord.
Show us the right words to say so fellowship can be restored between me and them, me and Thee.
Help us forgive and go on.

Friday, January 5, 2024

What to do When Another Hurts Us

 N.T.#217 "What to do When Another Hurts Us"

Jan. 5, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 7


Anyone offended you lately? Anyone hurt your feelings? Has someone said offensive words to you? Have they slighted us? What are we to do about it? Jesus gave us some guidelines in dealing with those who sin against us. They are meant for:

  • Christians, not unbelievers,
  • sins committed against you and not others,
  • conflict resolution in the context of the church, not the community at large. (Life Application Study Bible) 
When someone wrongs us, we often do the opposite of what Jesus teaches. We often turn away in hatred or resentment, seek revenge, or engage in gossip. By contrast, we are to go to that offender first, as difficult as that my be. Then we are to forgive that person as often as he or she needs it. (verses 21-22)

Who comes to our mind? Sometimes we need a fresh look at the Word for us to follow. does our heart desire to restore our relationship with that one?


Wouldn't it be great if all believers were walking on the straight and narrow path, seeking and doing God's will for His glory? It would make ministry, marriage, parenting, and life in general so much easier. If we discerned what was the right thing to do or say, confessing our sins when they occur, what a different world we would live in, right? If only we could bring back "I'm sorry, forgive me." But then, it would be heaven on earth and it isn't time for that (when Jesus reigns as King).

Let's take a closer look at Jesus' instructions.


Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. (verse 15)

Who is our brother? Brother means one that resembles another in manners; any one closely united, an associate as a band of brothers. (Strong's Concordance)

So brothers may include a fellow wayward believer. Jesus could have used "sister" or "brother or sister." However, Jesus was speaking to the disciples, comrades who committed a sin against them that called for accountability. This is a matter of the family of God. We want to have a loving relationship in unity with each other. Thus we glorify God in doing so.

Words hurt us as much as sticks and stones. We need to let that person know they hurt our feelings and not let it build up resentment or harboring of hard feelings toward that person. If a person trespass against us, then we are to go to them privately and discuss the matter one-on-one.

Trespass refers to miss the mark (and so not share the prize); to err; to sin; offend.

Here is a brother or sister in the faith who has offend us or sinned against us. Maybe they critized us or our work, then gossips to others about us. Perhaps one has interrupted our work for Jesus and made us mad in the process. We must go to them and tell them. They may not realize they hurt us or else they did it on purpose to hurt us. Obviously, we must be the one to go to them and share the fault between us.

Fault means convince; convict; rebuke; reprove; tell a fault.

I know this is not easy. We need to pray about what to say and go in the love of Christ. Watch our words and tone. Work out a compromise if need be. Give and take. Listen and speak softly. Forgive when they acknowledge the sin. Then we have gained a brother or sister in the faith. It will all be worth it.

Teach me Your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path. (Ps. 27:11)

When others come to me to help correct me, give me strength to ask forgiveness. We wish we could undo things or that hurts never happen. Only Jesus can change us and others. Pray for them. Make our enemy our friend.


How do You want me to work things out with this person?

Give me words of love.

Help me forgive them of the offense as You forgive me of my sins.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Pray, Seek, and Help the Straying

N.T#216 "Pray, Seek, and Help the Straying" 

Jan. 4, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 6


In verses 12-14, we have the story of the lost sheep. If a man has a 100 sheep and 1 of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the 99 others on the hills and go out to search for the 1 that is lost? If he finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the 99 that did not go astray.

Astray means cause to roam (from safety, truth, or virtue); deceive; err; seduce; wander; be out of the way.

Shepherds are known for their dedication to all their sheep and for their diligence in seeking out even one that has wandered away, gotten sick, or been injured. (verse 12) We are to have compassion like a good shepherd that would not let it be an annoyance but a priority and a passion to minister to the person gone astray. We are not to consider how much it would cost us to help that one in need. 

Are we available to go help the one person who has wandered away from church, who has been deceived by false teachers, one who has been seduced into sin, or strayed from the Truth, Jesus? No one is too young, too old, too lost, too sinful, too insignificant, too unsophisticated, or too poor to be valued. 

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Is there someone who needs the love of Jesus poured on them? Has one strayed from the Word that needs it?


And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. (verse 13)

The shepherd rejoices when he finds that lost sheep. So does our Good Shepherd rejoice whenever His straying child returns back to Him. 

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (verse 14)

That is good news for the parent of a straying child, for the faithful church member who sees a straying member, for the prayer warrior who continues to pray for the stray. Don't give up or give in, don't quit loving them back to Jesus.


Strength arises when we wait upon the Lord.

You are the Everlasting God; You won't grow faith nor grow weary.

Lift us up on wings like eagles. 

Pour Your amazing grace upon us sheep.

You can do anything.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Guardian Angels

N.T.#215 "Guardian Angels"

Jan. 3, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 5

Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven. (verse 10)


Did you know that there are individual guardian angels for believers? Like children who live under a special watchful eye of heaven, those with simple, childlike faith are watched over by the angels themselves. 

Angels are God's messengers, spiritual beings created by God and under His authority. (Col. 1:16)  Angels have several functions:

  • serving believers (Hebrews 1:14)
  • protecting the helpless (Matt. 18:10)
  • proclaiming God's messages (Rev. 14:6-12)
  • executing God's judgment (Acts 12:1-23; Rev.20:1-3).Life Application Study Bible
Therefore, we are not to despise children and the humble because God is their advocate and assigns angels to watch over them. He goes to great lengths to rescue them.

Little ones which believe in Christ are worthy to be respected. After all, they have angels which report to God the Father. Christ said this, and He knows, for He came from heaven and knows about the world of angels, right? Angels' ministries are for good. They receive orders directly from god, face to face, and then perform their duty.

Isn't it marvelous to think about this?
I know my son's guardian angels were busy protection him whenever he was young. One time he was a toddler and was walking out a door, which had concrete blocks as steps and could have tumbled down with serious injuries, but was lifted up. Two other times involved water. He fell into a pool and one of the guys there rescued him. Another time, he walked out into a swimming pool and didn't stop when it was over his head. Again, a guy rescued him. Yes, I believe in guardian angels.


For the son of man is come to save that which is lost. (verse 11)

Salvation is not just a privilege to be enjoyed by the elect, but is also to be shared with the lost that they too may be saved. (Falwell)

Lost refers to separation; perish; die.

Those who die in their sin without forgiveness of Christ Jesus. They will be separated from those in heaven, perish, die. Do we know folks in that condition?

May we not hinder the work of Christ, to save the lost, which was His purpose. 


How amazing is Your grace, Jesus!

Be merciful to lost sinners; help them to believe You love them and are the only way to heaven.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Stumbling Blocks

 N.T.#214 "Stumbling Blocks"

Jan. 2, 2024 

Matthew 18-Part 4


Previously, Jesus was speaking of the consequences of offending little ones, whether children or young spiritual Christians. (verse 6) 

It is one thing to be a stumbling block to yourself. It's far worse to be a spiritual stumbling block to others. Jesus pronounced woe-judgment-upon those who cause offenses, those who make people spiritually stumble. (Tony Evans)

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! (verse 7)

In the Greek language, woe refers to a rebuke; warning; calling attention to; offences are snares; a thing that offends; stumblingblock; occasion to fall.

In other words, if we are the source causing one to fall into sin, then woe to us. The present world is an evil world, so full of of offences, of sins, snares, and sorrows. It is a dangerous road we travel on in life, so full of stumblingblocks and false guides. There will be no excuse for the offenders. 

What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. (New Living Translation Bible)

Seriously, we must take notice as to what we wear, how we speak, things we do so we do not cause others to fall into sin. We must beware of those things which cause us to be drawn away into lust and sin. Watch out that our heart doesn't become corrupt. 


In verses 8 and 9, Jesus wasn't calling for self-mutilation. Sin ultimately begins in the heart and mind. (5:21-30). Jesus called for radical efforts to avoid hell-fire. (verse 9) The spiritual is vastly superior to the physical. People must be willing to avoid eternal judgment at any and all costs. (Tony Evans)

If magazines, television shows, shiny things lead us down the wrong path, then we need to eliminate them. If we are friends with a worldly person, find a believer who loves God's Word. 

Jesus wants us to help weak believers, love and teach the lambs in Christ's flock. 

Are there less noticeable members of our church that need ministering and encouraged to, then do it. Jesus loves them, too. Is there a program, person, or teaching that threatens the spiritual growth and not the Truth, then we need to remove it. 


Help us let go of those things in our life that are displeasing to You, Savior.

Show us if there are things in our life that is causing others to stumble into sin.

Give us strength to do what is needed.

Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, praise the Lord.

What a Father, Savior, and friend, He is!

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Years Day Blessing

 Happy New Year!

Numbers 6:23-26 says what is on my heart today.

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee; The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD life up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

This was probably the blessing the people were waiting to hear the priest Zechariah utter (Luke 1:21-22) when he was struck mute by the angel Gabriel. (Falwell)

A blessing was one way of asking for God's divine favor to rest upon others. A blessing was supposed to convey hope that God would:

  1. bless and protect His people;
  2. make His face shine on them (be pleased with them);
  3. the gracious (merciful and compassionate) to them
  4. show them His favor (give them His approval);
  5. give them peace. (Life Application Study Bible)
Are we willing to show love and encouragement to others by quoting this prayer for them?
Have a blessed day and year, dear one! God loves you!