Monday, November 13, 2023

Showing Compassion

N.T.#183 "Showing Compassion"

Nov. 13, 2023

Matthew 15-Part 9


Has the Lord met your needs lately? Has He provided for you in unexpected ways? What about His boundless grace and love? Continue as we read about it in the end this chapter.

In the latter part of this chapter, we have a feeding of 4,000 men, not including woman and children. Before we get into those details, what was Jesus doing near Decapolis, located on the southeast shore of Galilee? 

  • Jesus made the lame to walk.
  • He caused those blind to see clearly.
  • Those who had been disabled now danced with joy.
  • Those that had been speechless were now singing praises.
  • And many other illnesses and disabilities were brought to Jesus for healing. Scripture doesn't elaborate what problems they had, but Jesus took care of them with healings.
  • The crowd glorified God. (verse 31)
Do we consider helping those who are disabled, sick? Whenever our loved one gets well, do we glorify God for the healing?


Now the crowd had been on the mountainside with Jesus for 3 days. He didn't have the disciples take on the role as bouncers or bodyguards. He was not like an unreachable superstar. 

Instead, in verse 32, Jesus said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with Me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest, they faint in the way.

Where were the disciples to get food for such a crowd. guys, did you not learn about the power of Jesus earlier whenever He fed the 5,000 men (about 20,000 total)?

With 7 loaves of bread and a few fish, Jesus gave thanks, brake it into pieces, and gave to the disciples to distribute. (Seven large baskets were left over.) This isn't a flashback nor a retelling of the same story.

What can we learn from this? Don't ever think there's a need too big for God.  (Phil. 4:19; Eph. 3:20) Don't forget the times He answers your prayers. (Ps. 103:2)


Thank You for providing for our needs, Jesus.

How compassionate You are, Savior!

Help us show compassion to those in need and hurt.


  1. The "Let It Grow" really made me consider, do I praise God for all He has done, in my life, in my family for the many healings, for being with them?

    Hope you are getting settled in your new home. Hope your foot is doing well and you overall!

  2. Thank you dear friend. We have been blessed and our cup runs over. Praying for you and your family.
    Linda, a servant of Christ
