Monday, January 2, 2023

Old and New Years

 O. T. #2351 "Old and New Years"

Jan. 3, 2023

Malachi 3


Happy New Year, ya'll! I forgot to say that yesterday. I like turning over those spiral devotionals sitting on my desk to the beginning of a new year. How many times have we started over our dedication to God? Suppose it doesn't matter the number, but that we do it. Isn't it good to make resolutions? It forces us to look at ourselves, be honest about our failures, and our need to change. We need God's forgiveness of our falling short of being what we ought to be. Like Paul, I have not attained His perfection. Yet, Jesus dusts me off when we fall down, and sets my feet on the right, clear road again. 

Thank you, friend, for walking with me through the Old Testament. There have been some long and hard roads, hard words to absorb. But we are about to come to the end of this path and turn on another path of the New Testament with Jesus. I am so glad that I don't have to walk it alone. Although the road has been rough, rougher for some than others, we carry on, trusting in Jesus, the perfector of our faith.

 May you look forward to the year ahead with confidence in God-He loves you more than you can imagine, and cheers you on to fulfill His purpose for you. May your walk with God be closer than ever and your spirit in tune with His will, so that you will never lose your footing or courage along the path of life. (from Day Spring) May He give you the desire of your heart (His desire) and make all your plans succeed. (Ps. 20:4)

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. (Ps. 20:7)

What' your spiritual game plan? The following is a good guide: Seek the Lord on a regular basis. Treasure His truth in your heart. Openly tell others of Him. Rejoice and delight in God's workings. Spend more of your free moments meditating on His principles. Give God your full respect. (Swindoll)


With that said, let's look at the third chapter. Who is God's messenger that He is saying will prepare the way? Bible scholars say it is John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus. Did you know that Jesus quoted the first verse in Matthew 11:10? 

Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 

What was special about this John?

  • He was a man with spirit and power of Elijah. (Luke 1:17)
  • He prepared the people for the coming of the Lord.
  • He turned hearts of the fathers to their children.
  • He caused the rebellious to acdept the wisdom of the godly.
  • Of all who ever lived, there was none greater than John the Baptist. (Jesus said that in verse 11)
  • He is called the last of the old covenant propjets. (The old covenant did not end with the birth of Jesus in the manger, but by the death on the cross.)
  • He presented Jesus to Israel as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. 
  • John preached repentance of their sins, baptized them, and introduced Jesus.

John prepared a way for the King to come, leveling the roads and removing the obstacles so that the King might enjoy an easy and comfortable trip. (Wiersbe)

Are we preparing people for the second coming of Jesus? Are we helping others come to know Him as Savior, by not being a stumbling block, judgmental? Is His love abounding in us, overflowing to others? (These questions are always for me.)


Forgetting those thing behind, let's press on to the mark God has for us to attain.

Be grateful for last year and for a new year ahead.


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year. Hope you are staying safe from all the weather that has been happening. I think of and pray for you as I hear the reports. Don't know exactly where you live, but I pray for God's protection to cover you and your family.
    Also, thank you for being faithful in doing these studies.
