Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wearying and Robbing God

 O. T. #2367 "Wearying and Robbing God"

Jan. 31, 2023

Summary of Malachi

God has a way of slowing us down. Our area has received sleet, ice, and snow yesterday, and expecting more today and tomorrow. How grateful I am that we do not have to get out and go to work. We can enjoy the beauty of the white fallen snow. However, the cold is not that enjoyable. but this too shall pass. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

We are continuing on with the statements and questions or answers that God had with His people through the prophet Malachi. 

4. You have wearied the LORD with your words. (2:17) How have we wearied Him? The said that all who do evil are good in the sight of the Lord and He was pleased with them. The Jews had it wrong when they said God prospered the evil doers. With the incline of immorality and political corruption they though what was the use.  Where is the God of justice? I think they should rather have the God of mercy than justice, for they were guilty of sins, too.

5. For I am the LORD, I change not. (3:6) What was required of their forefathers was required of them. The Israelites were not keeping God's ordinances and not tithing. Return unto Me and I will return unto you. How can we return when we have never gone away? Pride, pride. Israel was engaged in idoltrous worship and prostituting their bodies. 

6. Ye have robbed Me. How? (verse 8) It was through tithes and offerings. Although hard times was upon them, the Jews should have remained faithful in that area. God owns all we have. Is it too much to pay a tenth back to Him?

God was ready to pour out blessings that they could not contain. He would open the windows of heaven for them, give good crops. Nations would call them blessed and their land would be such a delight. However, they thought, "What's the use?" 

The thing is, God so loved them and us that He sent His only Son to save and redeem His people. But they killed and rejected Him as the Messiah. so the Gospel was sent to the Gentiles and the grace of God saves us through faith in Jesus. That whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life. In spite of our sinful ways, God still loves us.

Do you believe in Jesus?

Monday, January 30, 2023

How Have We?

O. T. #2366 "How Have We?"

Jan. 30, 2023

Summary of Malachi

When we have been accused of something, do we tend to ask" how?" We want to know what made the person think we did something wrong. Let's review the accusations of God against Judah.

The timeline shows us that:

  • Cyrus, the Person king, allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild it after the Babylonians wiped it out. (538 BC) and the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon.
  • So Zerubbabel and Joshua lead about 47,000 Jews there. (537 BC)
  • Construction had stopped, so God sent Haggai to prophesy (520 BC)
  • Four years later the Temple was completed. (516 BC) 
  • Malachi to prophesy. (465 BC) because the Jews strayed away from God.
  • About 8 years later, the Feast of Purim started. (473 BC)
That happened before the second group of Jews returned to Judah, led by Ezra the priest. The third group was led by Zerubbabel, who became their governor.

Nothing is known about Malachi's personally, his lineage or history. Although his messages were not delightful to bring, Malachi faithfully delivered them, for it was true and what the Jews needed, whether or not they liked it. 

The Jews consistently spurned their loveing God, breaking the covenant, following other gods, and living for themselves. So their relationship with Him is shattered. Failing to live according God's will, caused the prophet to preach to the priests and then the people that were sinful.

God made some statements and then the people questioned Him:
1. I have loved you, saith the LORD (1:2), yet the people questioned, How have you loved us?
    God had delivered the Jews after 70 years in slavery in Babylon. Sometimes we wonder if God really loves us when things are not going our way, nor He took our loved one. God's love is unconditional. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) 

2. Where is My honor? (1:6) How have we despised Thy name? God had redeemed Israel from the Egyptians  and delivered them to the Promised Land, so He deserved praise and loving obedience. Yet they would not devote themselves to the Supreme Creator and Ruler of the universe. Are we setting aside time to worship God with other believers and tithe to Him?

3. Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaming the covenant of our fathers? (verse 10) Why are we unfaithful to one another? The leaders left the Levitical priesthood, marrying foreign wives and divorcing the wives of their youth. (chapter 2) Israel was unfaithful to one another. Priests used their position for money, men yielded to the temptations of foreign women, children are confused. Jesus is faithful and is looking for a faithful Bride, the church. Are you included?

You are the same God who forgave Adam and Eve of their sins, who disciplined Israel and Judah when the strayed from You, are merciful to us sinners. How we need You today, Jesus! Keep us in Your will so we don't get in Your way of working.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Bright and Morning Star

O. T. #2365 "Bright and Morning Star"

Jan. 27, 2023

Malachi 4-Part 5 


Yesterday, I went with my husband visiting his church members in the hospital. Folks, we have a lot to be thankful for today. A man had back surgery, and I can walk. Another cannot breathe without help of a machine, and I can breathe freely, another was in a wheelchair being pushed, and I am not sick today. We didn't make it to another hospital where a lady was having a port inserted so she could begin dialysis and my kidneys are functioning on their own. I went to the ophthalmologist and my eyes are maintaining with a disease and cataracts and I can see. the stars at night. And I will sing of the goodness of my God!


In 4:2, Malachi says there will rise one who is the Sun of Righteousness. The Hebrew word for Righteousness is tsdaqah (tsed-aw-kaw"), which means justice; virtue; right (eous). 

Before we wrap up the book of Malachi, I wanted to share what J. Vernon McGee had to say.

  • In the Old Testament Chirst is presented as the Sun of Righteousness. 
  • In the New Testament, Christ is presented to us as the Bright and Morning Star. (Rev. 22:16)
  • As David was King of Israel, so Jesus is King who will reign on this earth in a new way.
  • He will arise with healing in His wings (verse 2)
  • The Old Testament closes here in Malachi with God directing mana to look toward the heavens, and it is well that man looks up. 
  • Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse, (verse 6) and the curtain comes down before the human story is over.
  • Darkness closes in on man, but the play is not over. There are the good guys and the bad guys, and the good guys haven't won yet. There is a promise of a sunrise and a song.
  • Christ will come out of the east, like thunder to put down all unrighteousness. The end of man's sin is coming.
Isaiah 60:19 says, The sun shall be no more Thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an Everlasting Light, and thy God thy glory. 

Jesus is the Star out of Jacob. (Numbers 24:17) The Star points to a manger, and to a cross. It speaks of the fact that He came to bear my sins and yours upon the Cross.


O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (1 Cor. 15:55)

These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Job said that "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. (Job 38"7) A day is coming when the Day Star shall appear, and He shall take the church out. We ought to be like the wise men who were looking for the star. The eastern star led them to the Messiah-Jesus Christ.

You are Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness; my God, that is who You are.

Dear friend, do you know Him as your Savior?

Thursday, January 26, 2023

With Whom Are You Walking?"

O. T. #2364 "With Whom Are You Walking?"

Jan. 26, 2023

Malachi 4-Part 4


In the hard and tough times, we need help to carry on. Jesus will walk with you if you ask Him. He is our hope for life everlasting. With whom do you walk daily?

During the last half of the Great Tribulation, Moses(represents the Law) and John the Baptist, another Elijah (represents the prophets), will come as two witnesses. (Revelation 11) Had John not come, the hearts of the fathers would not have turned to their children and visa versa.  At the end of the 7 years, one of the same kind of work Elijah-Jesus.

Then the earth would have been smitten with a curse. Perhaps Jesus, the Messiah, would not have come to die for our sins, leaving us without hope. We can thank God for Christ who came and became a curse for us sinners, so we providing a way for our eternal life in heaven. 


During the Millennial reign of Christ upon the earth for a thousand years, the Jews will believe His the truly The Messiah, nationally, and universally in the world.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jesus said in John 14:6.

He shows us the way to live; Jesus is the truth of our salvation and the Bible; He is the life, which is eternally provided.

Dear one, have you asked Jesus to be your Savior? What a wonderful life it is to walk and talk with Him! 


Thank You, Jesus, for all You provide for us.

What a wonderful Savior, Jesus my Lord!

I am a child of the Most High God and He is for me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

What a Wonderful Day is Coming!

O. T. #2363 "What a Wonderful Day is Coming!"

Jan. 25, 2023

Malachi 4-Part 3


As mankind and living on this earth gets worse, I am sure looking forward to living in the peace and love of heaven. There will be no more killings, pain, nor disease. Tears will be wiped away. Joy is forevermore! What a glorious day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see; and I look into His face; be in awe of His grace!

God told Israel to remember the law of Moses. (verse 4) It was to be their life; it was God's Word for them. Words to live by, I call it. The Ten Commandments show us that we are sinners in need of a Savior.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. (verse 5)

As Moses represented the Law, so Elijah represented the prophets. The promised Elijah is considered to be John the Baptist, forerunner of Christ. John preached repentance of the people. (Luke 1:17; Matt. 11:14) John was doing the work of Elijah. Israel had sunk to a spiritual low in both times. 

John said, "...Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)

What was so special about Jesus? He is the Son of God, sent into the world to be the sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Jesus had a miraculous birth (no earthly father), lived a sinless life, and died on the cross to take our place as punishment for our sins. Do you believe this, friend?

We only get to heaven through believing those things about Jesus and trusting Him to be our Savior. Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, the curse of sin came upon the human race and upon the world. (Plus the serpent.) Therefore, we all have a sin-nature and cannot live righteously without the blood of Jesus covering our sins.


 Jesus came to earth to fulfill the Law, not change it. Some consider those two, Elijah and Moses, being the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-12. After they have accomplished their purpose, the Lord will pour out His wrath upon earth.

However, since the "great and terrible day of the Lord" did not occur during the Old Testament times, then it is in our future. Jesus will return to get His church by rapturing them out before the Great Tribulation happens. Jesus will reign as King of kings and LORD of lords for a thousand years. Whatever order it is in doesn't matter to me. I am secure in Jesus and He has me in the palm of His hand.

When we put our hope in Jesus, we have a new day coming for us. The Sun of Righteousness will rise and spiritual light will break through the darkness of sin on the earth. (Wicked ones will be destroyed.)


Are we helping our loved ones prepare for that day?

There is coming a day, no more sin and sorrow, no more pain.

What a glorious day when my Jesus I shall see!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Remember the Ten

 O. T. #2362 "Remember the Ten"

Jan. 24, 2023

Malachi 4-Part 2


Malachi is speaking about the millennial reign of Jesus that is to come. The arrogant and evildoers will be destroyed, burnt up like ashes, and the righteous will be delivered. The sun of Righteousness will gently warm and heal those that fear Him. They will be so joyful like calves let out of the stall. They will escape the judgment of the wicked. 

This remnant is exhorted to remember the law of Moses, judgments and statutes.

  • The Law was the Ten Commandments, which revealed the righteous will of God. (Exodus 20)
  • The statutes referred to the Ordinances given to govern the religious life of Israel. (Ex. 24-40)
  • Judgments referred to the Judgments, which were given to govern the social life of Israel. (Ex. 21-24)
This will be God's Word to Israel as His silence of 400 years is coming to Israel. They were under the Mosaic system until the angel appears to Zecharias to announce the birth of John the Baptist. 

We must still obey the moral laws because they apply to all generations. The commandments are a nation's civil, moral, and ceremonial life. 


What does this say to us living in a wicked world? Don't give up. On the planned day, Jesus will break through the clouds and separate the righteous from the wicked as He promised. 

So even though God seems silent in our lives, hold on to this promise. As believers in Jesus, we are under grace, but should still practice the righteousness of the law through the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. (Rom. 8:1-4) Moses may be one of the two witnesses coming back in Revelation.

The main points of the Ten Commandments is to love God and love others. That is our assignment today.


Charry the love of God with us wherever we go today.

Jesus, You are so gracious to us. We thank You.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Will You Be Joyful or Hiding When Jesus Returns?

O. T. #2361"Will You Be Joyful or Hiding When Jesus Returns?"

Jan. 20, 2023

Malachi 4


Did you play Hide and Seek as a child? It hides their eyes while others hide, then goes to find them before they come to base, free from being the nest "it." Friend, we will not be able to hide when Jesus returns to earth. Will you be joyful or hiding?

Can you believe this is the very last chapter in the Old Testament? I'm not sure how long it has taken us. (I can't lift the tub that has my notebooks in it.) I know it has been a while. (Started this blog almost 12 years ago in the New Testament.) so I say thank you to those who have been faithfully reading and studying with me. I have learned so much. But what I have found is an Awesome God is each book.

We are going to read about the coming judgment:

  • The arrogant and evildoer destroyed;
  • The righteous delivered;
  • The exhortation to remember Moses;
  • The promise to send the New Elijah. [Liberty Bible Commentary]
I like how Tony Evans described the day that is coming:
It refers to the moment when Jesus Christ brings history to a climax. (1 Thess. 5:1-5) God always exercises His Sovereignty-He rules, controls, and governs all things. Absolutely nothing happens anywhere, anytime, anyhow that God does not either cause or allow. There's not a single hair that falls from your head of which He is not intimately aware. (Matt. 10:30) When Christ returns to earth on that final day, His sovereignty will be seen by all. Are you ready?

When the Day of the Lord, it will have a two-fold effect: bringing down the wicked and lifting up the righteous. It is only the righteousness of Jesus that clothes our soul, for we have none. None is righteous, no not one.

On that day, the Lord will show up and make all the wrongs right. He will come like an oven, a furnace, He intends to cleanse and purify, not coddle.
For our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29)

*The wicked shall be as stubble. (verse 1)
 When we lived in the eastern part of our state, we saw what was left of the winter wheat fields after harvested-stubble. Then the farmer would burn the stubble off and nothing but ashes was left. 

Stubble is referred to as (dry) straw, in the Hebrew.

Our works will be revealed through fire. (1 Cor. 3:12-13)

*There will not be a root or branch of the wicked left. (verse 1) The entire tree will be destroyed, all of the wicked.

*The wicked will be as ashes, trampled under the feet. (verse 3) That is the answer to the question back in 3:14-What is gained by following the Lord? Victory over the unrighteous. 

That is a consolation for us-endure the wicked acts of the wicked, staying faithful to God.


Those that fear God (righteous) will be delivered during that time. They will be comforted by the Sun of Righteousness, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It conveys images of a brilliant morning and the sun's rays going forth providing warmth, heat, and comfort to those under it. This is the only reference in the Bible of Jesus as the Sun of Righteousness.

There will be healing in His wings. It is a spiritual healing from sin and separation from the Lord. What a jubilation and celebration! Like a calf kept in a stall of a barn all winter, when let out, it jumps with excitement.

Are we skipping for joy when we think about Jesus coming to rule in the cruel wicked world? Are our loved ones ready?


I can only imagine what that day will be like.

Whether in heaven or on earth at His second coming, all will bow before the Savior, Sun of Righteousness.

May we make the most of our time here-sharing who God is.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

An Appraiser is Coming

O. T. #2360 "An Appraiser is Coming"

Jan. 19, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 11


Are you one of God's special possessions that is faithful to Him? If you are a believer in Jesus, who has trusted Him to be your Savior, then you are God's very own treasured possession. Israel hasn't valued pearls very much, but Gentiles have. The church is the pearl of great price, purchased with His own precious blood. We will make up His jewels. Will you sparkle for Jesus?


An appraiser is someone who examines something and sets a value on it. When we appraise God, we see what He is absolutely worthy of all our love, reverence, and service. When Jesus returns to reign for a thousand years, He will discern/appraise between whom? (verse 18) God will judge between the righteous who served Him and the wicked who did not. He will destroy the wicked and deliver the righteous. The wicked may prosper for a while, but judgment is coming for them. the righteous may suffer now, but glorious deliverance is coming for them.

Serve the Lord with gladness. (Ps. 100:2)

Philippians 2L1-14 describes the ideal servant of Christ. 

We will receive a reward, yet that is not to be the thing that keeps us serving God. It should be our love for Him. How faithful are we?


Keep me as the apple of Thine eye. Ps. 17:8

Help us run the raise before us, faithfully.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

You Are a Precious Jewel

O. T. #2359 "You Are a Precious Jewel" 

Jan. 18, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 10

And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of Hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. (verse 17)


Do you have any jewels in a jewelry box? Throughout the years of marriage, my husband has bought me several. Recently, for our 50th anniversary, he took me to a jewelry store, along with a stone he bought in Brazil, and had me pick out a necklace that I wanted it put into, so I did. The stone had been in my jewelry box some 10 years. I had forgotten about it. How special it is to me now.

Do you know that you are a jewel of God's? Even if you don't feel special, you are. 

In the Hebrew language, jewels means wealth; peculiar (treasure); special.

Those faithful Jews were special treasure and possession to Jesus. He will bring them safely into His millennial kingdom.  The God of the universe looks at you as His private treasure, as the object He highly values and protects next to His heart.

Now that makes me feel special.


Look at the last part of our key verse. Malachi said God would spare the righteous as a man spares his own son who serves him. Isn't that an amazing promise of God? Not because of what we have done, strayed or sinned, but because of the promises He made in His Word-that is why God spares us.

God's memory knows no limits and His book misses no records; His record book is true and His actions are unfalteringly just. 


Jesus, we lift high Your great name!

Worthy is the Lamb of God of praise, glory, and worship.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

What do You Fear?

O. T. #2358 "What Do You Fear?"

Jan. 17, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 9


Do you keep a scrapbook? How about pictures in an album? Do you smile when you go back through them? We like to review our memories of good things and the ones we love, don't we? It seems that God keeps a book of remembrance before Him. (Yet His memory is like a perfect computer.)

What happened in verse 16?

  • Those who feared the LORD spoke with each other.
  • The LORD listened to what they said. 
  • A scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared Him and always thought about the honor of His name. 
This remnant of faithful believers in God were discussing something. Maybe it was about what Malachi had spoken. Were they faithful tithers to the Lord? Had He blessed them because of it? What was different about this group of people? They feared the Lord. And He paid attention to what they were ssaying. It is not recorded here, though.

Feared means reverence or respect or awe; to be afraid, stand in awe; to be terrified, dread.

Thought regard, value, hold, purpose.

Do we come together and discuss what the Lord has done for us recently? Do we recognize how powerful He is? Does a bright red sunset cause us to stand in awe of the Lord?

Although we do not know of any book written to record our good deeds, for God remembers everything, He does recall those who are His and are in proper relationship to Him. (Repent of sins often, praise His name, share His grace and show His mercy to others.)


Have you thought upon various names of God's lately? I like to praise God by reconizing His various name:

El Elyon-God Most High, Creator;

El Shaddai-All-Powerful God;

Jehovah Jireh, God Provides;

Jehovah Rophi-God Heals






Which one do you need today, friend? God will be what you want or need Him to be. Just ask.


Just give me Jesus. There's nothing I desire or need, but Jesus.


Monday, January 16, 2023

How Do You Think of God?

O. T. #2357 "How Do You Think of God"

Jan. 16, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 8


Thanks all for the prayers. As I write this Saturday, I am some better, just weak and one-eyed. (The Band-Aid is up to my eye since it is still swollen.)

We learned that the Israelites withheld their tithes, since the crops were failing. And since the crops  were failing, it was because they withheld their tithes from God. A cycle, huh?

What was another declaration from God concerning them? Verse 13 tells us their words had been stout against the Lord. 

Stout means to be strong; conquer; severe.

They said terrible things against God? What did they say against God? Verses 14-15 give us the answers:

  • What's the use in serving God?
  • What have we gained by obeying His commands?
  • What's gained by trying to show the LORD of Hosts that we are sorry for our sins? 
  • From now on we will call the arrogant blessed. Because those who do evil get rich, and those who dare God to punish them suffer no harm.
The heart of the problem was a problem of the heart. If you are not tithing to God, then you are not trusting Him to provide for you.


Guess what? The Lord was listening to them. A scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared Him and always thought about the honor of His name. (verse 16)

What did God have to say about those faithful ones who fear God? 
  • They will be His people.
  • When judgment day comes, they will be His own special treasure.
  • God will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.
  • Then they will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

To fear God is to reverence Him, stand in awe of Him. The God of the universe looks at you as His private treasure, as the object He values highly and protects next to His heart. God loves you!


Lord, I stand in awe of You, Jesus!

Please bless and protect Your children today.

Friday, January 13, 2023

 Jan. 13, 2023

 Sorry everyone for not posting a study. I had a cancer removed from my face and it was a larger incision than I thought it would be. Anyway, I have been in bed Wednesday -Friday. Hope to be back Monday. Have a blessed weekend.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How to be Blessed

O. T. #2356 "How to be Blessed"

Jan. 11, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 7

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith saith the LORD of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (verse 10)


What have you given lately? Have you provided a meal for the hungry? Have you phoned the sick one to encourage them? Have you given your tithes faithfully? Are you sharing love to those who feel unloved? Sunday, I was almost walking on cloud nine as I went to give an offering to the foreign missionaries in our denomination. My heart was blessed that I was able to give and bless those who share the Truth and love of God around the world. How about you? (Not said to toot my horn, but as an illustration of yesterday's post.)

How did Israel rob God? By not giving their tithe to God which they owed. Let's do some more reviewing, for this is a big deal, an important way for the Christian to show their love for God. 

The payment of tithes and offerings was a recognition of their submission to God, and a recognition that God owned them and all that they had. Failure to recognize the sovereignty of God and be in subjection to Him, was the same sin of Lucifer. Since God's love had bestowed upon them in choosing them for His own. (1:2-3) The whole nation did not recognized its obligation (Falwell)

What was the result of this sin? They would be cursed, robbing themselves of blessings. Their crops  failed, resulting in a lack of harvest and famine,  (3:11) and they wondered why it happened. Hmm.

Malachi urged the people to stop holding back their tithes to stop keeping from God what He deserved.  


What has God instructed the Jews to do? Bring all the tithes into the storehouse. Their first-fruits were the corn, wine, and oil. (Deut. 18:4) There the priests and Levites had their food from this source. 

The word tithe means tenth; prove refers to test, to investigate, in the Hebrew.

What is the result of our tithing? God will open the windows of heaven and poor out a blessing so great that you won't have enough room to take it in! God challenges them and us to test Him. Crops will be abundant, for He will guard them from insects and disease. Grapes won't fall off the vines before they are ripe, too. 

The important thing is that all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight, Israel.

How significant it is to follow God's standards and ordinances. 

In 1 Corinthians 16:2, we are told, Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.

What does Paul instruct us to do? On Sunday, the Lord's Day, all of us are to lay aside systematically, the proportionate (1/10) as God has given. 

But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 8:6-7)

The challenges are: Are we tithing to God in the church? Are we giving it cheerfully? Not only monetarily, but do we give our time, skills, spiritual gifts, and love of Jesus? Are we praising god and thanking Him for what He has given to us?

Corrie Ten Boon learned to not hold things too tightly, for when God required it, it would be easy to give.


I choose to praise and glorify the name above all name, Jesus.

You are so faithful, loving, giver.

Help us remain faithful in giving all things.

Bless those who give faithfully week after week.

Are You a Hilarious Giver?

O. T. #2356 "Are You a Hilarious Giver?"

Jan. 10, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 6


My uncle was a preacher of the Gospel and a pastor back in the 50's. Sometimes, he would be paid by the church members in chickens and vegetables from the garden. I suppose that is why preachers like fried chicken:) 

Malachi urged the people to stop holding back their tithes, keeping from God what He deserves. The tithing system was established during the time of Moses, although Abraham did tithe, also. The problem was that the Levites did not possess land of their own so they could not grow food for their families. So they had to go to work and earn a living, resulting in the neglecting their God-given responsibilities to care for the Temple, and the worship of God. 

Dr. Feinberg lists the tithes to be given by Israel: 

  1. Of the first-fruits, not less than 1/16 of corn, wine, and oil. (Deut. 18:4)
  2. Of the remainder after the first-fruits, 1.10 was to be given to the Levites for their livelihood (Lev. 27:30-33)
  3. Paid by the Levites was 1/10 to the priests (Num. 18:26-28)
  4. The second tenth paid by the congregation for the needs of the Levites and their own families at the Tabernacle. (Deut. 12:18)
  5. Another tithe was to be paid every third year for the poor. (Deut. 14:28-29)
Those were established so the kingdom work could progress. Since we are under grace in the New Testament church, we are still giving a tenth of our income in worship of God to the church. The church is to distribute to the pastor a salary so he and his family can live comfortably at the level of the standards of the congregation, to the needs of the church for the bills, to missions, and the needs of the poor. 

Everything we have is from God; so when we refuse to return to Him a part of what He has given, we rob God. That is why He answered that the Israelites had robbed Him.
Do we selfishly want to keep 100% of what God gives, or are we willing to return at least 10% for helping to advance God's kingdom? (Life Application Study Bible)

Give, and it will be given to you. (Luke 6:38)

The blessings of God may not always be material nor experience completely here on earth, but we will certainly receive them in our future life with Him.


I think it is appropriate to mention some of the great businessmen of the past who were Christians that gave to God generously. 

The founder of Hershey Chocolate Company and the founder of the Wrigly Gum Company. The J. C. Penney stores were started by a preacher's son whose father died when he was a boy. No arrangements had been made for his mother, except people saying, "The Lord bless you." As a little boy, he had to go out and collect the clothes which his mother washed for a living. He said, "When I grow up, I'm going to make money and see to it that no preacher's widow has to work like this." Penney mad good, and he established villages where retired preachers and their wives can live. God has blessed these men in the past who have recognized Him.

 [From J. Vernon McGee's book The Prophets, Malachi]

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 8:7)

In the Greek language, cheerful means merry (hilarious); willing.

How will we give this Sunday? Will it be given grudgingly or hilariously? Is our tithe given with a willing heart, realizing that all we have comes from God? It think it is a matter of trusting God in our heart. 

Folks, God has been so faithful to provide for us throughout the years of ministry. In the early years, I had to work in order to help support our family, when my husband was pastor of small churches. God was faithful then ans is faithful now. As we give to Him, He seems to always give back more. We can't outgive our God. 

May the Lord bless you as you give to Him.


How loving and faithful You are God!

Open our eyes to the needs of others.

Use our hands and feet for kingdom work and Your glory.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Fetch Home Again

O. T. #2355 "Fetch Home Again"

Jan. 9, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 5

Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from Mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of Hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? (verse 7)


When our son was young, he had a friend that lived down the street about his age. They would play in the neighborhood streem and wooded area. When it started getting dark, I would call him in for supper. I wanted him to return home again. So it was with Israel, for they had wandered away from God's ordinances, and He was calling them to return home, fetch home again.

What is the problem that God has with His people? Even from the days of their ancestors, Israel had scorned God's decrees and failed to obey them. They had disobeyed for so long that the Jews did not even realize their true condition. 

What smart alecks they were! They did not know that they had gone away from Him. They had been going to the Temple for all the services; they tithed to certain extents. They did this, that, and the other, so how could they return when they had not even left God, so they thought.

Today ritualism has been substituted for relationship; pageantry for power; feeling for the Holy Spirit. They may know the right vocabulary, but not the power of God or salvation. They Jews should have known the ordinances of God, since He gave it to them so long ago, but they had not followed them.

Return means turn back; fetch home again. 

Repentance is walking in one direction, realize you're going the wrong way, then turn right around and go the opposite way. They agreed with God against themselves. When we repent of our sins, we ask God to forgive us and we change our ways. The lost believe in Jesus as Savior, then turn away from those sinful ways.

Like the prodigal son who went into a far country, God says to repent and come home. Fetch home again, Christian. God loves us and wants us to live for Him so He can bless us. Return to God and He will return to you. Do you know folks needing to do this?


When we were in college, preparing for the ministry, we had 2 small children. A lady from our home church would send $25 monthly to us, anonymously, which helped buy milk for our children so many times. We gave back to the Lord in our tithes. He always took care of us. (Although the kids and I wore hand-me-downs, we were grateful.)  How great is Jehovah Jire! I try to give to those struggling in college financially, to spread that love.

How can we return to God when we have never gone away? That is what the people were asking Him. And God told them right up how in verse 8:

Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings.

They had cheated God of what was due Him, with tithes and offerings. Those outside the church don't tithe. Tell them to repent of their sins. Yet, judgment begins at the house of God. The Israelites robbed God by:

  • not giving God a tenth of one's grain, fruit, animals, or money, thus robbing God; (Lev. 27:30-34)
  • robbing themselves; not fulfilling the covenant they made with God, so He couldn't fulfill His promise of bless them; (Neh. 10 and 13)
  • robbing others; meeting the needs of the poor and those in need.
The Macedonians had given to Paul and he told the Corinthians: How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. (2 Cor. 8:2)
Those believers had an overflowing generosity as they gave to the poor in Jerusalem, even while they were poor, too. This resulted in overflowing joy. Although we live in the day of grace. we still realize that we should live only on 90% of our income and give God the 10%. It is a matter of the heart, a heart of worship and a heart of generosity. Do we give out of a loving heart? Are we helping those in need?


Help us give out of a loving heart, Lord, not out of a routine.

Remind us that You have given us all that we have, that You own it all and are lending it to us.

Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Change or Not Change

O. T. #2354 "Change or Not Change"

Jan. 6, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 4

For I am the LORD, I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. (verse 6)


When someone makes accusations against us, don't we tend to get on the defensive? But when we realize those things are true that they are saying about us, we shrink into humility, right? I suppose it is easier for others to see our faults than for us. 

Israel thought God was being unfair in all His accusations against them. However, the accusations were true. I think that is what the priests and people did not want to admit. They had sinned against God and against their brothers. God was blunt to point out the specifics, too. 

God is faithful. He always comes through with His promises. He is, was, and will always be holy, holy, holy. God will always do what is right. They should have been thankful that He did not kill them all and wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the earth.

The word change, in the Hebrew language, means hate. 

It is impossible for God to hate, for love is His nature. Now, we have read of times when He got angry and impatient, even silent for 400 years, but not hating.

God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the Son of Man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19)

God keeps His Word and promises and covenant. There is no one like Him. Our God is greater, stronger, healer, awesome in power, our God.

So, are we like Israel and deny our sins, or do we admit with God that we have sinned? Grace is always shown to us and God forgives when we admit it and ask His forgiveness. Have you done so today, friend?


As I have read commentaries, I realize that those men did not consider the meaning of the word change. The do not speak about God not hating, but they focus on God not changing in our terms. 

For instance, Billy Graham sid this about our key verse: God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And because He is unchanging, He is utterly trustworthy and faithful. God is unchanging in His holiness. (Is. 6:3) He is unchanging in His demand for holiness and integrity in our lives. (Lev. 11:44; 1 Peter 1:15-16) He is unchanging in His judgment; God will judge all the earth, welcoming some into His eternal presence and sending others to eternal death. (Matt. 7:22-23) God is unchanging in His love: He sent His Son to die on the cross for us sinners.

Either way, we can agree that God is immutable and does not go back on Hia Word/Covenants. Israel will not be destroyed because of the covenant He made with Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel). It is not what they can do for Him, but what God can and will do for them. They have a future. 

If it were not for God's intervention and love, they would pass out of existence. (Falwell)

The Jews should have been grateful that God was unchanging in His nature, purposes, and promises. (Wiersbe)

God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. 


Thank You Father for forgiveness, love, faithfulness.

Help us to be forgiving, loving, and faithful, too.


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Doing Unto Others

O. T. #2353 "Doing Unto Others"

Jan. 5, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 3


Here are some things for us to consider. Do unto others like you would have them do unto you. How do you give to others as a Christian? Do you fill a shoebox of toys for children? Do you give gift cards to those who lost their job? Do you take a meal to a family of a sick loved one? Do you support help in the local church? How much time do we give to the Lord? Are we available to give a hug to the grieving? 

When Jesus comes to reign during His Millennial time as King: 

  • He will come unannounced. His appearance will be sudden and unexpected. He will judge sinners and establish His kingdom on earth. (Matthew 24:36; 1 Thess. 5:3) (verse 3)
  • There will be an unprepared people. (verse 1) There will be a worldwide terror when the wrath of God is poured out on sinners. No one will be able to stand before His judgment seat.
  • The unclean nation of Israel will be cleansed and accepted by God through water, fire, and blood. Jesus shed His blood for sinners so they could be cleansed from sin. (verse 3-4) (Zech. 13:1)
  • Once the priests and people are cleansed, their sacrifices will be acceptable to God. 
  • There will be an unsparing judgment. (verse 5)
  • He is an unchanging God. (verse 6) (Wiersbe)
He is our Everlasting God, our Hope, our Deliverer. He is the defender of the weak and comforts those in need. What a time it will be! The King of the world will reign supreme!


Malachi is clear as to whom God will judge in verse 5:

  1. Sorcerers. It was forbidden because it means trafficking with demons. (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:27) Idolatry and witchcraft are a part of this.
  2. Adulterers. The Israelites divorced their wives in order to marry heathen women. 
  3. False swearers. This kind of witness dishonors God and is a sin. (Ex. 20:16; Deut. 19:16-20)
  4. Those that oppress the hireling of the wages; widows, fatherless, and turn aside the stranger. Those people are helpless and at the mercy of others. (James 5:1-8)
When we help give to those listed in need, we are honoring God and showing His love. Who have we helped lately? When it is well with my soul, then I reach out. 


Open our eyes and heart to help those in need. 

God has given us so much, so we should give to others. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Soap and Fire Can Cleanse

O. T. #2352 " Soap and Fire Can Cleanse"

Jan. 4, 2023

Malachi 3-Part 2


There is a time which I can recall, that I got mad at a person, blowing my stack under my breath. Spittin' and spudderin' around.  My attitude was lousy. I allowed another's actions to dominate my attitude. Then the Lord humbled me and showed me that I was the one with the wrong attitude. (Maybe their motives were of love but carried out in the wrong way. Their controlling ways could be controlled by God if I turned it over to Him.) God has a way of putting us in our place, whether it be through physical suffering or mental anguish, or emotional breakdown. He knows how to bring us to repentance and change our heart and mind. In the scheme of things, the situation really did not matter a hill of beans. Everything worked out. Lesson learned: I am to love that person and help them with their controlling weakness. Maybe you have been through a similar situation.

Malachi is referring to the second coming of Christ in the Millennium in verse 2. Two questions are put to the Israelites:

1. Who may abide the day of His coming?

2. Who will stand when He appears?

In the Hebrew language, abide means forebaring; sustain; to keep in; stand refers to continue; worry; sorrow.

If Christ came right now, who of us could endure, remain the same, carry on life as usual? I think we will all fall down before Christ, the Holy One of Israel, and worship Him, as well as repenting of our sins. For we are sinners that would be in the presence of a Holy God. How can we face Him when He appears?

New Living Translation says it this way: For He will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or a strong soap that bleaches clothes. 

What will happen?

  • Jesus will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. (verse 3)
  • He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so they may offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord. 
Refining metals involves heating with fire the raw metal until it melts. The impurities separate from the liquid metal and rises to the surface. They are skimmed off, leaving the pure metal. (That is when the reflection of the worker appears in the smooth pure surface. Without the heating and melting, there is no purifying. When we are refined by trials, we are purified, and it is clearer to those around us that we belong to Jesus. 

Don't we want to be more like Jesus? Even if the process requires being put in the fire, suffering, or loosing things, will be able to give thanks in everything? Testing is never fun, but it for a purpose.


Have you ever bleached clothes or linens and discovered something colored got in the mix somehow? Well, the colored item lost its color when bleach hit it. Jesus will cleanse the hearts of sinners in a similar manner. 

The cleansing "lye" was alkali used to whiten cloth. The washing and bleaching of cloth is used here as an additional symbol for the purifying process. 

The Lord first brings judgment, in order to bring blessing. God has to refine and purify His people, removing what does not belong so they can receive His covenantal benefits. He is fire and furry, sacred and beautiful. God disciplines His children for a reason. (Hebrews 12:3-11)

Worldwide terror will come when the wrath of God is poured out on sinners. Those covered in the precious blood of Jesus will survive. (We will be judged upon our works.)

Are you prepared, dear one?


He's still working on me, making what I ought to be.

That is grace, mercy, and love.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Old and New Years

 O. T. #2351 "Old and New Years"

Jan. 3, 2023

Malachi 3


Happy New Year, ya'll! I forgot to say that yesterday. I like turning over those spiral devotionals sitting on my desk to the beginning of a new year. How many times have we started over our dedication to God? Suppose it doesn't matter the number, but that we do it. Isn't it good to make resolutions? It forces us to look at ourselves, be honest about our failures, and our need to change. We need God's forgiveness of our falling short of being what we ought to be. Like Paul, I have not attained His perfection. Yet, Jesus dusts me off when we fall down, and sets my feet on the right, clear road again. 

Thank you, friend, for walking with me through the Old Testament. There have been some long and hard roads, hard words to absorb. But we are about to come to the end of this path and turn on another path of the New Testament with Jesus. I am so glad that I don't have to walk it alone. Although the road has been rough, rougher for some than others, we carry on, trusting in Jesus, the perfector of our faith.

 May you look forward to the year ahead with confidence in God-He loves you more than you can imagine, and cheers you on to fulfill His purpose for you. May your walk with God be closer than ever and your spirit in tune with His will, so that you will never lose your footing or courage along the path of life. (from Day Spring) May He give you the desire of your heart (His desire) and make all your plans succeed. (Ps. 20:4)

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. (Ps. 20:7)

What' your spiritual game plan? The following is a good guide: Seek the Lord on a regular basis. Treasure His truth in your heart. Openly tell others of Him. Rejoice and delight in God's workings. Spend more of your free moments meditating on His principles. Give God your full respect. (Swindoll)


With that said, let's look at the third chapter. Who is God's messenger that He is saying will prepare the way? Bible scholars say it is John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus. Did you know that Jesus quoted the first verse in Matthew 11:10? 

Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 

What was special about this John?

  • He was a man with spirit and power of Elijah. (Luke 1:17)
  • He prepared the people for the coming of the Lord.
  • He turned hearts of the fathers to their children.
  • He caused the rebellious to acdept the wisdom of the godly.
  • Of all who ever lived, there was none greater than John the Baptist. (Jesus said that in verse 11)
  • He is called the last of the old covenant propjets. (The old covenant did not end with the birth of Jesus in the manger, but by the death on the cross.)
  • He presented Jesus to Israel as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. 
  • John preached repentance of their sins, baptized them, and introduced Jesus.

John prepared a way for the King to come, leveling the roads and removing the obstacles so that the King might enjoy an easy and comfortable trip. (Wiersbe)

Are we preparing people for the second coming of Jesus? Are we helping others come to know Him as Savior, by not being a stumbling block, judgmental? Is His love abounding in us, overflowing to others? (These questions are always for me.)


Forgetting those thing behind, let's press on to the mark God has for us to attain.

Be grateful for last year and for a new year ahead.


Calling Evil Good

O. #2350" Calling Evil Good"

Jan. 2, 2022

Malachi 2-Part 8


As Malachi continue his message, the people continued their resistance to God's truth. They had argued with him about God's love (1:2), God's name (verse 6), and God's teaching about marriage and divorce 2:14), Now they would argue about 3 other matters: the justice of God, giving to God, and serving God. People who argue with God rarely receive blessings from God. It's when our mouth is stopped and we submit to His will that we can experience the grace of God. (Rom. 3:19)                             [Resource:The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

Malaci did not stop preaching, but went on dealing with those "sins of the saints."

You have wearied the LORD with your words. How have we wearied Him? (verse 17a)

Wearied means to be exhausted; to tire; faint.

 In verse 17, we find the answer: You have wearied Him by saying that all who do evil are good in the LORD's sight, and He is pleased with them. You have wearied Him by asking, "Where is the God of justice?"

God does not get weary in a physical sense because He has no body:28), but He does get weary of some of the things His people say and do. The Jews were divorcing their wives and marrying pagan women who worshiped idols. They brought defiled sacrifices to God. They robbed Him of tithes and offerings. Also, they complained about having to serve the Lord. Had God blessed them, it would have meant approving of their sins. The Israelis had forgotten the terms of the covenant and conditions of blessings that God had laid down in His Law.

God was tierd of the Jews' pious prayers, testimonies, hypocritical service. God lays it on the line, tells it like it is. God saw the rich racals getting richer while the poor got poorer. The poor saints of God were the ones who were not prospering at all. 

How faithful are we to God? So we surrender our all to Him or just half-heartedly worship and give to Him? Are our words backed up by our actions? 


Does it seem that it pays to do evil? New morality seems to be prevalent today. Least we think so, remember Elijah thought he was alone as he served God. Keep in mind that the God of justice sees all, hears all, and knows all. Judgment will eventually come, perhaps tomorrow. The evil ones may seem to be getting away with sin, but eternity is coming for all. 

Because sentence against evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. (Eccl. 8:11)

Mankind does not seem to changed, God was tired of the way the people of Israel had cynically twisted His truths. He would punish those who professed a counterfeit faith while acting sinfully. We know that God was silent for 400 years, before sending John the Baptist to prepare the way of Jesus. Sad, isn't it?

If we are honest, we have wondered where God's justice is now. Why does He wait to execute it? Friend, let us not grow weary in well doing. He is working out His plan. Sifting the wheat. Will we be found faithful?


Let us draw near to God with a faithful, humble heart.

May we do what we say and say what we so.

God is faithful.