Friday, March 25, 2022

Preventing a Boatload of Trouble

O. T. #2157 "Preventing a Boatload of Trouble"

March 25, 2022

Jonah 1-Part 3



How do we know if a teacher or preacher is the one we should be listening to? John tells us:

Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. (1 John 4:2)

They will teach or preach the Truth and sound doctrine by Jesus.

Mathew Henry said, "Test them-do they believe Jesus came in the flesh, is God's Son, is the Way to eternal life, was the Word with the Father from the beginning, and Jesus suffered and died for sin."

May I add, that Jesus rose from the grave and sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us right now.


We learned previously, that the Word of the Lord came to Prophet Jonah, telling him to go preach in Nineveh, Assyria. However, he had the wrong attitudes toward God's will, God's Word, the Gentiles, and his circumstances. Jonah refused to go, so he fled from the presence of the LORD, so he thought.

Presence means the face (as the part that turns); fear of; was purposed; sight.

Jonah ran away from God's purpose for his life. He fled suddenly in fear of the Lord. He bolted away from the sight of God, but God is everywhere, so not really. Yes, his God saw what Jonah did. He knew Jonah did not love the people of Nineveh and did not want to give them the message of hope and salvation if they repented.

The Jews were to be a blessing to the other nations of the world (Gen. 12:1-3). However, when the Jews were not doing God's will, nor living in it, they became a curse or trouble. We will see this is true about Jonah brought a boatload of trouble upon experienced sailors.

What did Jonah loose because he was not a blessing to unbelievers?

  • He lost the voice of God speaking His Word. (verse 4) Instead, God spoke to him through the sea, wind, rain, thunder, a great fish.
  • He lost his spiritual energy. (verse 5) Jonah went to sleep in the midst of a storm, unconcerned about others.
  • He lost his power in prayer. (verse 6) A pagan sailor was telling a prophet to pray, Refusing to do so, a pagan was used by the Lord to rebuke Jonah. In order to pray, Jonah would have to first confess his sins, then submit to the Lord's will.
  • He lost his testimony. (verses 7-10) Jonah was not living up to his calling as a Jew nor as a prophet.

If only Jonah had repented of his rebellion, the storm would have stopped and the whale would have swam on by the ship. Indeed, he would have prevented a boatload of trouble for those pagan sailors and himself.

Dear believer, have you gotten to the point where your witness and prayers are no good? Sin separates us from our loving God. Turn back to Jesus, who forgives sin. Let Him love you back into the fold. Then you will be a blessing because  your rebellion is a witness of the grace and mercy of our God.

So many of us have been through it. One time I did not go teach at the Christian school I knew God wanted me to. Instead, I rebelled and chose to teach at a secular school that paid almost twice as much. Things went from bad to worse and I left, went to the right school. It was a very difficult year, but I knew I was where God wanted me. Several of my students came to Jesus in salvation because I repented and got into God's will. What a blessing!

You, too, can become a blessing out of your disobedience.

Are you in God's will today, doing what He wants you to do? Stay there, even amidst difficulty, and you will be a blessing.


Jesus, give us wisdom to discern the right teachers from whom we are to learn Your Word.

May we learn from Jonah that rebellion against Your will is not what pleases You.

Help us to obey Your Word and Your will.

Bless all who come to read this with salvation and encouragement.

We need Your strength, Jesus, to continue in Your will. May it be done today.

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