Friday, July 9, 2021

Bound in The Fire

O. T. #1979 "Bound in The Fire"

July 9, 2021

Daniel 3-Part 3


Declaring that they would not bow down to the king's gods nor worship his golden giant idol, the three Hebrews confronted their challenge and confessed the Lord. They believed God was able to deliver them from the furnace, but even if He chose not to, they would still remain faithful to Him. There are more things we can learn from the faith of the three Hebrews before they are thrown into the fiery furnace of Neb:

3. True faith confounds the enemy.

  • The proud king's temper got the best of him, although he gave them a way out, he then was determined to destroy them for refusing to obey his law. (The jealous Babylonian officials must have been happy because they wanted to be promoted in their place.)
  • The king ordered the furnace to be 7 times hotter for the Hebrews. (They would be on fire for Jesus.)
  • That furnace was used for smelting ore. It had a large opening at the top where the wood and ore could be put into the furnace. An opening in its wall allowed the progress to be checked, as well as use of bellows to increase the blaze of the fire. The furnace was large enough for 4 men to walk around in it.

So lately one weekend we were confronted with criticism, our past failures, and the other people's unforgiveness. We didn't expect it from the source, and it was devastating. Words were like hot coals burning my soul. They wouldn't listen to us, but kept beating the dead dog, not seeing the good we had accomplished. We were already judged for decisions we had not even made yet. This resulted in feeling like my heart was cut out and slashed into pieces. Tears continuously flowed down my face, but we did not walk away first. All this happened because we remained faithful to our God in serving Him for a lifetime. Needless to say, this event presented the hardest struggle of my faith, requiring forgiveness I have ever experienced in my life. Truly, we were in the fiery furnace.

Have you ever had such an experience? Time is helping me to love and forgive as Jesus loves and forgives my sins, too.


4. True faith confirms the promises.

  • We know the rest of the story. The three faithful Hebrews were bound in their coats (a cloak), hosen (a gown), hats (a mantle; a robe (an upper and outer garment).
  • And they were cast into the fiery furnace. (verse 21)

 Rather than sin against their God, the three Hebrews remained obedient and faithful to their God. They were determined not to do the king's will, but God's will. In face of execution and death, they knew their lives and souls were in God's hands. The faithful Hebrews had no hope unless hope itself intervened.

What has you bound today? Is it causing you to sin more or grow deeper in love and faith in Jesus?

Folks, I don't like to leave us here, but next time we will see how Hope came just in time. Finish this chapter and you will find Hope.



Greater is the One living inside of me than he who is living in the world.

God is a promise keeper. His Words never fail.

He restores broken hearts.

Release Your love and power inside of us. You reign forever.

We praise You God today.


  1. "no hope, unless hope itself intervened". Love that! How true. In a way, these past few months have been like that for me... I shared a little of how hope itself intervened: here is what I wrote:
    When you go to a doctor's appointment, it is usually about you (or whoever you have taken to the appointment) as it should be. I had an infusion yesterdayand going in I thought the appointment was about me. It was, yet it wasn't in a good way. My doctor shared something new she had learned about LC and I could tell she needed me to know she was doing more to learn about this pacasso disease. Then the nurse was sharing about putting her dad in a hospice. I could tell she needed reassured that she had done the right thing. Sometimes, if I can just be open, God puts me in places where He needs me at that time to do something for Him. It was that type of a day for me and it carried on through the day.
    I though that kind of serving had been "burned" out of me working in the community here through the past two years, but He showed me yesterday that there is still a type of serving He needs me to do.
    God is so good!

    Love you my friend!

  2. God blesses faithfulness, my friend. He walks along our road of life with us, using us for His purposes. We try to be encouraging to our medical team. They are always giving and helping. Every year I bake banana bread for those in our family doctor ‘s clinic. Smiles are worth a thousand words.
