Monday, November 16, 2020

Captives Released

O. T. #1822  "Captives Released"

Nov. 16, 2020

Jeremiah 49


Have you, like me, felt held captive in our own home this year? With the threat of a deadly virus, we isolate ourselves trying to avoid it. But I became overwhelmed and down. Finally, I had enough and went to our shop a couple of times a week and to worship services on Sunday. We were made to need people. I am trusting in God to protect me. I had to step out in faith first though. How about you, dear one? Do you need to be released like a captive in today's lesson?


We discovered who Moab was and their doom coming as Jeremiah prophesied it. Now, the nation of  Ammon, who were also descendants of Lot through incest, had the same future ahead of them. (As well as the other 4 nations spoken of in this long chapter-Edom, Damascus, Arabia, and Elam.)

David had captured the Ammonite's capital (2 Sam. 11:1); during Jehoshaphat's reign, the Ammonites invaded Judah (2Chron. 20:1-30). They harassed King Jehoiakim and helped destroy the administration of Gedaliah (40:11-14). Other prophets predicted their doom-Ezekiel, Amos, Zeph. (Falwell)

The Ammonites were condemned for stealing land from God's people (tribe of Gad) and for worshiping the god Molech, to whom they sacrificed children.  They trusted in her isolation and materialism, but the seeds of sin always bring a harvest of judgment (Galatians 6:7-8)


King Nebuchadnezzrar of Babylon defeated Ammon in the fifth year after Jerusalem was destroyed. Yet, God promised one day to restore the fortunes of the Ammonites (verse 6) and bring back the captives. This was partially fulfilled under Cyrus, but will be more complete in the coming kingdom of the Messiah's second return. 

We must be sure our hope is in Jesus Christ. Then our hope will be renewed with strength. We will be like eagles, soaring above their problems; running and not growing weary; walking and not fainting. (Isaiah 40:31)


 Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

Keep soaring, running, and walking with Jesus.

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