Monday, September 7, 2020


O. T. #1772 "Persecuters"
Sept. 7, 2020
Jeremiah 20
But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: 
therefore my persecuters shall stumble, and they shall 
not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall 
not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be 
forgotten.  (verse 11)


Read our key verse. How does Jeremiah describe God?

  • He is with Jeremiah;
  • He is a mighty terrible (fearful, powerful, mighty) One;
  • He will cause Jeremiah's persecuters to stumble and not prevail;
  • He will make them greatly ashamed and not prosper;
  • Their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten. 

Jeremiah was not a hard, thick-skinned man, and it hurt him when he
was ridiculed as his people did to him. Although, he did not give up
his calling. Jeremiah lost his friends because of it, which is hard to endure.

In his heart Jeremiah knew his persecuters would eventually stumble,
not prevail, nor prosper, but would be ashamed. That is what they would
be remembered for later on.

Are there people persecuting you, making fun of you, because you are
a Christian? Do they talk behind your back when you stand up for
biblical principles? Friend, remember that God is mighty and powerful.
He can handle them. So stay faithful to Jesus.


What happened to Jeremiah in the beginning verses of this chapter?
The chief governor, who was the chief officer of the Temple was in charge of security.
He smote (to strike, wound) Jeremiah with 40 lashes. Then, he placed the Prophet in
stocks (to confine). It was a thing in which a prisoner's hands and legs were detained
in a contorted position that resulted in cramped muscles. The next morning Jeremiah
was released.

Jeremiah told the man that he would be a terror to himself and his friends for the Lord
was sending Babylon to invade Judah. Some would be killed and some would be taken
captive. Also, this chief governor would die.
This is the first mention of who would do that-Babylon.

God can take care of our enemies so be encouraged.

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear, what can 
man do unto me?  Psalm 117:6

Trust God.

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