August 7, 2020
Jeremiah 11
And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (verse 9)
There were 6 covenants in the Bible that I can find. They were made with Noah, Abraham, Moses, priests, David, and the everlasting covenant of Jesus Christ. These covenants that God made promised blessings for obeying and curses for disobeying (Deut. 27:26-28:68).
Here at the the beginning of this chapter, God is restating the basic terms of the Mosaic covenant-obey and be blessed, disobey and be cursed. (verses 2-5)
In verse 5, we read that God was faithful to keep His oath by giving Israel a land flowing with milk and honey.
Folks, we come to God on His terms, not ours. We are blessed when we obey His voice and keep His commandments. Are you blessed today?
In spite of the history lesson, Judah remained disobedient to God's voice and His commands. Most of the people in Judah did not obey, remaining to idolatry.
How did God describe the breaking of the covenant in verse 9?
He said there was a conspiracy (an unlawful alliance, treason, confederacy) found among the people of Judah and Jerusalem.
The word conspire in Webster's Dictionary, means to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement; a scheme.
Falwell said there were 3 conspiracies: a national conspiracy, against the Word of God and its messenger, and against God.
- It was a shameful thing for Judah to break their covenant with God, having numerous idols in the streets of the beloved city of Jerusalem. They turned back to the sin of their forefathers, refused to hear God's words, went after other gods to serve. (verse 10)
- This was so serious a thing that God did not hear their cries and hearken unto them. (verse 11)
- When people reject God's Word, they reject His messenger, also. The Lord revealed their shrewd doings to Jeremiah.(verse 18-19)
- Jeremiah's reactions to the threats were as a lamb, even when they wanted to cut him off from the land of the living. They didn't succeed in such a conspiracy, for his name is still remembered in the Word of God. The Lord saw to that. (verse 19)
- God said there would be no remnant of those evil men. (verse 23)
Jeremiah's fellow townsmen from Anathoth, one of the 48 cities throughout the land dedicated to the Levites, plotted his death, destroying the tree. (MacArthur)
Jeremiah was kept alive, for he had more prophesying and preaching to do. God told Jeremiah that He would punish the evil ones as they died by the sword and famine.
When the world and Satan conspire against a servant of God, they are really conspiring against the invincible God. He takes care of His own children and brings revenge on those who seek harm to them.
Isn't it sad that people tried to persuade others to not hear nor heed God's Word and His messengers?
And that today, we have those who do the same things, who conspire against those in authority over them, who attempt to destroy the good ones. Keep praying for the rebellious ones in our nation, friend. God can soften hard hearts. Keep proclaiming hope in Jesus, standing firm.
God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever. (Ps. 73:26)
When people try to shut up our mouth of witnessing for Jesus, stand firm. God is in charge still.
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