Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Which Road Are You On?

O. T. #1724  "Which Road Are You On?
July 1, 2020
Isaiah 66-Part 4


There is a word which appears 5 times in just this chapter and 49 times in this book of Isaiah. Have you found it as you read through?
 It is the word glory, which means splendor, honor, in the Hebrew language.
God's glory is mentioned in verses 18 and 19. Israel will declare the Lord's glory and splendor.

Liberty Bible Commentary explains it this way:

It appears 45 times in the Old Testament always associated with a visible manifestation of God. This is directly related to God's self-disclosure and His desire to dwell among men. This reference should be taken in relation to the preaching of the gospel. As the gospel of Jesus Christ and men come to know Him they come to experience His glory dwelling in them personally.
It is so amazing that a holy God and Creator would have a personal relationship with you and me.
Gentiles will continue to be converted to Christianity, as will as the Jews, now and during the Millennium reign of Christ.

We know that the Most High God dwells not in temples made with hands, but in the hearts of believers. It is not the outward rites of worship which pleases God, but those who worship Him in spirit and in truth wholeheartedly.

One day we will see our God in all His splendor and glory. What a day that will be. That gives us something to look forward to, folks.  Let the redeemed of the Lord Jesus say amen!


In Romans 14:10, Paul tells us For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ; and verse 12 says, So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Then Jesus quoted Isaiah  45:23 in Romans 14:11, As I live, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

All will confess Jesus Christ is LORD. Those who refuse to do so will be cast into outer darkness. It is the place where their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched. (verse 24)

We read this again in Mark 9:44 and Revelation 20:14-15.

Every believer is responsible for personal witnessing and soul-winning. There is a real hell to be avoided, and all those who do not receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior shall go there. There is a road that leads to heaven and a road that leads to hell.
Which road are you on dear one?

May the blessing of the Lord always rest upon you in hope, joy, and victory! (Dayspring)

Please Jesus, save all who read this post today.
You are the only way to heaven, the truth, and life.
No one comes to the Father except through You.

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