Friday, February 14, 2020

God is Creator of All

O. T. #1629 "God is Creator of All"
Feb. 14, 2020  
Isaiah 40-Part 4 
Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the beginning? Have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? (verse 21)


God asks question after question, showing His sovereignty over the nations; He knows all that is in the universe; He need not ask advice or consult Google because He is all knowing; He is unique, the one-and-only Lord of creation.

We are beginning in verse 18 today. Since humans are not worthy to be compared to God, how much less are idols, which are made with human hands?
Read our key verse. When was the first time you heard about Jesus? I recall hearing about Him in Sunday School as an elementary child. Having grown up on a farm, I knew there was someone who created all things, even before I understood about God. (As a child, I would go outside and sing to Him, before knowing any spiritual songs. Oh, childlike faith, so precious.) God has always been around me.

Recognizing God as our Creator is one of the basics of our faith. His creation can lead us toward Him.
Are we teaching children so they hear and know God? Are we explaining that God created things, in Genesis, and evolution is only man's substitution for acknowledging God did it all. I began teaching a group of children on Wednesday nights at our new church. At least one had not been to church and had not heard about God. Now that is a delight to tell about my God.


To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. (verse 25)

Wasn't Israel foolish to compare such a sovereign, almighty Lord with the gods of the Babylonians?
How is God described here in the New Living Translation?
  • Our God knows the stars and planets out in space. He calls them by name, such a multitude of stars.  
  • He sits above the circle of the earth. the people below seem like grasshoppers to Him! (verse 22)
  • He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes His tent from them.
  • He judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing.
  • Because of His great power and incomparable strength, not a single star is missing. (verse 26)
How can Israel, Judah, you, and me say that the LORD does not see your troubles? How can we say God ignores our rights? (verse 27) Let's put our name in there and make it personal-Linda, how can you say that God does not see your troubles?
Doesn't it put things in the right perspective? Since God is all-knowing Creator, He is trustworthy. And hasn't He been faithful in our years gone by?

What a mighty God we serve!
Everywhere I look, I see Your handiwork-in the red birds, kittens, eagles flying by, and babies.
Such love You have shown us.                  

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