Tuesday, February 21, 2023


N.T. #11 "Hometowns"

Feb. 21, 2023

Matthew 2-Part 6


I am so thankful that I grew up in a small town. I could ride my bike to town and visit my friend and be safe. We could swim at the creek without being afraid of terrible things that could happen to me and my friends. We didn't even have a stoplight downtown back then. Although sin was still around, it was a good childhood.

There were 4 trips that Mary, Joseph, and Jesus made:

  • The couple went to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.
  • They took Baby Jesus to Jerusalem for His presentation at the Temple. Then they returned to Bethlehem where the Magis visited.
  • Josephe was warned in a dream of Herod and the family fled to Egypt for safety. 
  • After a dream revealing Herod's death, they returned to Israel and settled in Nazareth.
What was significant about Nazareth?
It is an insignificant and obscure town 70 miles north of Jerusalem. In Hebrew, it means a branch or shoot. which corresponds with the prophecies found in Isaiah 11:2 and 53:2-3, Psalm 22:6. Jesus was given the term Nazarene because He grew up there and to fulfill prophecies.
This town was located near the crossroads of great caravan routes. So the people of Nazareth had an attitude of independence that many Jews despised. This is probably why Nathanael commented, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46)

Of course, we know the answer to that question is "yes." I always wondered why it was asked. Matthew paints the picture of Jesus as the true Messiah anointed by God through the prophets. He makes the point that Jesus, the Messiah, had unexpectedly humble beginnings as Micah 5:2 predicted.
[Reference: Life Application Study Bible, The MacArthur Bible Commentary]

Dear one, have you trusted in this humble Messiah as your Savior?


That region is where Jesus did a lot of His ministry, around the Sea of Galilee, then Jerusalem. Everything about Jesus was humble-his parents (Luke 2:24), His home (Matt. 2:11), and His hometown of Nazareth (John 1:46). Can you imagine Jesus standing and looking around at the hills surrounding His hometown? Those ere hills He created, too. He had the opportunity to observe the dealings of men and study nature. I wonder if Jesus wept over a world lost and needing to be found.

Today, Jesus draws people unto Him. When we draw near, He draws near. We find comfort, peace, and love as we draw close to His heart. 


Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin.

Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace. 

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