Wednesday, August 12, 2020

O. T. #1754  "When You Are Plucked Out of Here, Where Will You Spend Eternity?
August 12, 2020
Jeremiah 12-Part 2


While Jeremiah was absorbing that warning of the plot to kill him, God continued pronouncing doom on Judah (verses 7-13). God used various illustrations to describe the wicked and His intended judgment. The Babylonians were coming with the sword of the Lord to devour Judah and Jerusalem.

There is a good promise that God makes His (rebellious) children-after this happens, He will return and have compassion on all people (evil nations and Judah), and bring them home to their own lands again, each nation to its own possession. What was required? If they will learn the ways of God's people and swear the LORD lives, then they will be included in this promise. (verse 16)

There is one promise in the New Testament that comes to my mind:
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. (Romans 10:12)

Dear one, have you called on the name of Jesus for salvation? Just believe that He was God's Son, lived a perfect life, died in your place to pay for your sins, and rose from the dead. Then ask Him to save you. Jesus is the only way to heaven and to God.

Everyone who is saved, say "Amen!"

(Folks, we have people coming to this site from countries around the world. That is why I am including this so much.)


The nation of Israel was so blessed. The 12 tribes of Jacob were given their own land/country. They were to be a witness of how faith in God brought them blessings. However, so many times they failed at this task as they turned to idol worship. The Temple was made with gold, silver, and precious materials, which the evil ones wanted and took.

When we read verses 14-17, what word is repeated 4 times? Pluck/plucked means destroy, forsake.

Did it get your attention like it did mine? Who was God going to destroy, pluck out of their land?
  • God said He was going to destroy those evil nations reaching out for the possession He gave Israel. (verse 15)
  • He would pluck out Judah from among them. (verse 14)
  • Then, God would return the believers to their own land, having compassion on them. (verse 15)
  • If they would not obey God, then He would utterly pluck up and destroy that Gentile, heathen nations. (verse 17)
The remnants of Judah and Israel did return to their desolate land some 70 years after Babylon captured them and took them for slaves.
The latter part will be fulfilled during the millennial kingdom reign of Jesus Christ.

God gave warnings ahead of time through the prophets of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Amos, Micah. They were without excuse, yet did not heed the warnings of repentance.

Are we being a faithful witness in our lifestyle and words that we are believers in Jesus Christ?
Do we surrender our heart to Him daily?

Did you know Jesus used the word pluck? In John 10:27-30, He said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave theme, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are one.

In the Greek language, the word pluck means to seize; catch (away, up).

What a promise for the Christian! Once we are save, we are always saved. Folks, we will never perish, for our soul is eternal. One day, we will be caught away to heaven, thanks be to Jesus!!!

When you are plucked out of here, where will you spend eternity forever?

Thank You Jesus for saving my soul, for making me whole.
Thank You Lord for giving to me-Thy great salvation so rich and free!

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