Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Promise Keeper

O. T. #1763  "A Promise Keeper"
August 25, 2020
Jeremiah 16-Part 2


I just want to say thank you for your faithfulness in studying God's Word with me. I don't feel so alone out here along this country road. Although, my days and nights have become occupied with a new addition to our family-a baby kitten.  Its mamma had 3 kittens and she brought them to our front porch for me to feed. Then a couple of weeks ago, something happened to her and 2 of the kittens. (I think a wild animal got them.) Anyway, I continued to care for the runt outside, but it got sick. I took it to the vet and got medicine, so it is here in my office now. Finally, she is showing signs of improvement. I now understand the expression, "as weak as a kitten" because she could barely walk earlier. We have learned to love and cuddle the baby. I know that soon I will have to make a difficult decision whether to keep her or give her to a friend who said she would take her.

I said all of that to show that as I have grown to love this kitten, God loved His people of Israel and Judah even more. He tried countless times to draw them back to Him, but they would not. Let us not forget that discipline is a form of love, love for the good of those being disciplined.

What good would become of Judah being taken away into slavery in Babylon?
The MacArthur Bible Commentary explains:
The result of God's judgment on the Jews will be the end of idolatry; even some Gentiles, witnessing the severity, will renounce idols. After the return from Babylon, this was partly fulfilled as the Jews entirely and permanently renounced idols, and many Gentiles turned from their idols to Jehovah. However, the complete fulfillment will come in the final restoration of Israel.
He is referring to the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ as King in Jerusalem.
Previously, we read in verse 19 that God is our strength, stronghold, and refuge. Jeremiah experienced God's presence, security, and protection in those ways. When we run to Jesus in our time of need, we, too, can experience Him in those ways.

What was the good that would come from the Babylonian captivity for 70 years, in verse 21?
God said He would cause His people would know:
  • His hand,
  • His might,
  • and His name is The LORD.
Israel would see God's powerful hand, His might, and understand that He is the Only LORD God.

Have we experienced God's mighty hand in our life?
Do we stop and praise Him for being our God and we are His child?


Look at verses 14-15. God was known and remembered for His bringing His children from Egypt during their fist Exodus. But now, He is known for their second Exodus-deliverance from the north, Babylon. We studied about it in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
God promised He would bring Israel back again into their land that He gave unto their fathers. God kept that promise, too. He is a Promise Keeper.

He keeps hope alive for us as we trust God to bring us to heaven when we believe in Jesus as our Savior and our life on earth is finished.


Even though people do not always keep their promises, our God does.

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