Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Walking Through Deep Waters

O. T. #1714  "Walking Through Deep Waters"
June 17, 2020
Isaiah 63-Part 3


Here is a devotional we can use today from Charles Swindoll:
If your niche is encouraging, please don't stop. If it is embracing, demonstrating warmth, compassion, and mercy for goodness' sake, keep it up. Don't quit, whatever you do. I think many Christians are dying on the vine for lack of encouragement from other believers. It's a delightful thing to receive a good word just at your time of need.

God...will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.  (Hebrews 6:10)

Why were the people of Israel in such a mess in Babylon? Verse 10 tells us because they rebelled (disobey) and vexed (to pain or grieve) the Holy Spirit of God. So God became their enemy and fought against them.

Jehovah extended His mercy to His people; He sent His angel (Christ) to deliver them, but they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit (Is. 61:1) and Jehovah became their enemy. This was accomplished in Israel's history by allowing heathen nations to conquer and plunder Israel. (Falwell)

What good can come from this? Read verses 11-14. The people recalled the days of old with Moses leading them to cross the Read Sea in deliverance from slavery in Egypt. He surely saw their affliction and heard their cry, in Exodus 3:7-8. Those faithful Israelites knew their history.

God led them through the deep waters of the Red Sea, divided it so they could cross over toward the Promised Land. Israel was led by Moses' hand who in turn was led by the hand of God.
What was this compared to?
  • Like a horse in the wilderness, the people were able to walk with all obstacles cleared from their path.
  • It was like cattle who leave the barren, cold mountains to go down into the valley where they find abundant pastureland.  
  • Israel was able to enter the land of Canaan where God gave them rest.
  • God gained a magnificent reputation, a glorious name, by doing this.
May we continue to share the good deeds of our Great God, who shows us loving kindness and mercy.
Are you walking through deep waters today, difficult times and storms of life, dear friend? God delivered His children through their deep waters, and He can do it again in your life. There is dry ground ahead, so keep walking by faith, trusting Him.
I have to remind myself of this. Just yesterday, God brought me through the deep waters of asthma. I do not take breath of life for granted. I thank Him everyday.


Back in Isaiah 43:2, God promised to be with us.
You know what, it is when we are spiritually in the fire, knocked down by swift rivers, and treading in deep waters, that we turn to God and experience Him in a new way. Will we pray? Will we give glory to the name of Jesus? Will we find rest in Him during this difficult time? Will we remain faithful? Will you continue to encourage others?


When you feel like giving up and giving in, God's love is the reason to not.
His love is the reason. He is the peace. His love is the reason to keep on believing.
Every minute He is with us. He is our hope.

May we rise together.
It's all God's children singing, "Glory, glory, He reigns."
I love those new songs on my radio. Hit that refresh button through prayer today.

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