Monday, June 8, 2020

Live It and Give It

O. T. #1707  "Live It and Give It"
June 8, 2020
Isaiah 61-Part 3


After the captivity was over for Israel, the ancient ruins were rebuilt. Those that returned to Jerusalem rebuilt the Temple, their homes and businesses, and the walls around the city. Their enemies became servants. The three men who led the return journey became governors-Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

In the new kingdom during the Millennial reign of King Jesus, Israel will be a nation of:
  • Priests of the LORD; (Moses was promised that His people would become a kingdom of priests, in Exodus 19:6.) (verse 6)
  • Ministers of our God;
  • recipients of a double honor and everlasting joy; (verse 7)
  • having an everlasting covenant; (Everyone will recognize Israel as the blessed people of God.) verse 8
We can see God's grace and mercy as He forgave and will forgive His chosen people for their idolatry and not acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of god and Messiah.


What about us Gentiles of non-Jewish blood? (Acts 13:34), since it was an essential event in fulfilling this promise made to David that his seed would be ruler over Israel in an everlasting kingdom. If Christ had not fully satisfied God by His atoning death, He would not have risen; if He had not risen from the dead, He could not eventually sit on David's earthly throne. But He did rise and will fulfill the kingly role. The whole world will come to Jesus as the great King. (MacArthur)

Under the new covenant, all believers are priests of the Lord (1Peter 2:5) reading God's Word and seeking to understand it, confessing their sins directly to God, and ministering to others. (Life Application Study Bible)

Each one of us can be ministers of God when we obey, do justly, and love mercy; when we pray, and give to orphans and widows; when we do so cheerfully, with humility, and live godly and uprightly before God. We must be a grateful people who praise God with our lips and our heart.

Are we living and ministering to others and our God?

Use us to show Your love to others, Jesus.
Help us to not only speak the Truth, but also live it.
Live it and Give it.

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