Monday, October 31, 2022

How to be Strengthened

O. T. #2311 "How to be Strengthened"

Oct. 31, 2022

Zechariah 10-Part 4

And I will strengthen them in the LORD, and they shall walk up and down in His name, saith the Lord. (verse 12)


There are days that I need strength carry on, prevail over depression, be an overcomer of temptation to be self-centered, get out of the pit of self-pity, quit dragging my lip on the ground, and get up and get going. I imagine some of you are like me some days. How do we get out of those places? Where do we find strength to carry on? When we turn to Jesus for our strength we can go on.

The sixth blessing to be brought by the Messiah is national redemption. This will be a realization of the New Covenant. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) He will put His law in their hearts and will be their God, and they shall be His people. Believers are one of His people. Are you one?

The LORD of Hosts is speaking. He is the One who will do regathering, redeeming, and strengthening Israel in the LORD (Messiah Jesus). 

In verse 12, strengthen (in Hebrew) means be strong; prevail, be stronger; be valiant; exceed; confirm.

Strength is treasured up for us in Christ, and from Him it is communicated to us. It is through Christ strengthening in us that we can do all things, and without him we can do nothing. (Philippians 4:13) His strength is for this purpose. (Natthew Henry)

Strengtheneth means enable (increase in) strength; to empower; make strong. 

Psalm 68:28, NAS says, Your God has commanded your strength: Show Thyself strong, O God, who hast acted on our behalf.

Did you catch that-our strength comes from God and He acts on our behalf. Sometimes we need physical strength to carry on our daily tasks. Other times we need emotional and spiritual strength, reassured love. We need to know we are not in this alone. When it is almost gone, Jesus is there to cheer us on, lift us up, change our focus on Him, overcome evil with good.


What good use will Israel make of God's strength? They will be messengers of their Messiah in the millennial kingdom. Are we walking up and down, in all the duties of the Christian life, active and busy in kingdom work? Are we industrious, losing no time, letting no opportunity slip by us to witness for Jesus?

Christians are to walk up and down as messengers of Christ, depending on Him and His guidance, keeping our heart in His Word so it rules our life and give Him glory.

Colossians reminds us that in whatever we do, in word or deed, we must do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. I need reminding of that often.


Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.

It is well with my soul, for Jesus You provided it.

We need Your strength today, Lord. Please bless all who read this with Your salvation, your strength, Your love.


Friday, October 28, 2022

Just a Whistle

 O. T. #2310 "Just a Whistle"

Oct. 28, 2022

Zechariah 10-Part 3


You know how you and hubby can be in a store and get separated? Well, that happens often to us. I remember a certain product and go off to get it or I am looking at clothes and wander off. After I get it, I can't find where He went. So we have a restoring system- I whistle and we find each other. Actually, this practice began with his whistling at me, since I am short and hard to find in a store. Did you know that God will whistle in the future and folks will come? Continue reading to find out more.

In the last days, God will draw Israel together. Judah will be strengthened, saved, brought to their place, and receive mercy. For He is the LORD their God and He will hear them. (verse 6) This is the fourth blessing of the Messiah.

What about Ephraim , who was the most influential tribe of the northern kingdom? They will share in the blessings of Israel. They will be as mighty men and their heart shall rejoice. That joy will be contagious, and their children will see it and be glad, rejoicing in the LORD, too. (verse 7)

How will God restore Ephraim to Israel in the future?
He will whistle, call, and gather them from distant lands. (verses 8-9) The remnants of Ephraim, of the northern kingdom after Assyria and Babylon conquered them, will be drawn to Israel. Also, they will come from Egypt.

Keep in mind that this will occur after the Great Tribulation. This fifth blessing that the Messiah will bring is restoration. Although the Jews number will be few, they will increase in population on the earth as redeemed citizens. (verse 8) The three concepts in verse 8 are promised restoration, regeneration, and repopulation.


Anyone opposing Israel will be brought to an end, (verse 11) but Israel will be strengthened by God. (verse 12)
The Messiah will reunite and restore His people under His kingdom rule, and they will walk in His ways. 

Can we conclude from these prophecies of Zachariah that God continues to love His Beloved Israel? And He continues to love us, His church of believers in Jesus. Sometimes we need reminded of that as we struggle in the life.


Oh, how He loves you and me!
Jesus gave His live, what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you; Oh, how He loves me; Oh, how He loves you and me!
That You Jesus, for Your love never fails, it never gives us, it never runs out on me!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Source of Strength

O. T. #2309 "Source of Strength"

Oct. 27, 2022

Zechariah 10-Part 2

Out of him came forth the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the battle bow, out of him every oppressor together. (verse 4)


Has God shown you personal care and attention as He did to Judah? We received rain while we were gone to our state denomination meeting. It must have been a lot of rain, since it is still standing in places. Praise the Lord! And we made the long 6 hour car trip without any accident. Thanks be to Jesus! Let me tell you, it was quite a blessing to hear 300 men sing hymns and praise songs together for the glory of the Lord.

Judah was wandering around like sheep without a shepherd. (verse 2) Their leaders had failed to follow God and care for His people. His anger burned against the shepherds. (verse 3) But God will strengthen, deliver, and restore Judah. His compassion will be so great that it will be as though He never rejected them. (verse 6) The King is coming! ((Tony Evans)

Now the fourth blessing is coming to the house of Judah, making them strong and glorious as a goodly horse of a warrior was cared for with special attention so it was ready for battle. (verse 3) 

Did you notice how many time "out of him" is used? It is in reference to Judah. The Deliverer bestows the blessing and deliverance upon His people Judah:

  • From Judah will come the Cornerstone-Jesus. It is often the messianic title for Christ, for He is the foundation upon which His kingdom rests. 
  • Jesus is a tent peg, which is attached to the tent's center pole on which utensils and valuables were hung. The Messiah is the peg in the midst of His kingdom, for all the glory of the kingdom will hang on Him. (Isaiah 22:23-24)
  • Jesus is a battle bow-ruler. The Messiah will sanction every ruler under Himself.
In the Millennial kingdom, Jesus is the chief-man, with prominence and stability. All the government will rest upon Him. Israel's value will rest upon Jesus Christ. He will be the strength and defense for Israel. Their military powers will depend upon the Messiah. (Falwell)
Wow! What a day in which to live! 


What is your power source? Is it the worldly philosophies or God? With so many challenges in our life, we often get beaten down, discouraged, feel a failure, unloved. All things are possible with our God, friend.

The outcome of those previous three descriptions of Him reveals Israel's invincibility as the enemy's armies are confounded. (verse 5) 
In verse 6, the Lord says He will strengthen, save, bring, have mercy upon Israel and Joseph's house. (northern kingdom) 

Are you in need of strength? Ask God for it. He promises to strengthen His people in verse 6) When we stay closely connected to God, His Spirit will enable us to do His will, despite the obstacles. If we stray from God, we will be cut off from our power source.


Keep us close to you, never let us go, we lay it all down again, just to hear You say that we are Your friend. Help us find a way. Bring us back to You, Jesus.
Open our eyes to see You working in our life today. 
Bless all who come to read this. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pray for Rain and Mercy

O. T. #2308 "Pray for Rain and Mercy"

Oct. 26, 2022

Zechariah 10


What a hard year. We had a dry summer in a drought, and now we are experiencing a dry fall, in a drought. I have asked the Lord for rain every day, yet it lingers to come. the fields are brown for the cattle, deer, and wild animals to eat, as well as ponds and creeks are getting very low on water. I know rain will come when God deems best. The forecast is for rain here on Tuesday and Wednesday. (I am writing this on Sunday, so I don't know if it has come by the time you read this. My faith says He will do it, answer my prayers.)

Ask ye of the LORD rain in time of the later rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.  (verse 1)

Did you notice 3 times the word rain is used here? Each one has a different Hebrew word and meaning?

  1. matar', which is rain;
  2. malgowsh', which is spring or latter rain;
  3. ge'shen, which is to shower violently.
The Lord God knows which rain is needed and when to give it. Perhaps His withholding rain causes us to turn to Him more desperately. then we are to give Him thanks and glory when He sends it.

This is a serious thing. As I look at our trees, I see few walnuts and pecans on our trees and in our area.  When there is no breaking open these nuts, will there be no broken hearts over the sins of our nation? We are all broken people who needs Jesus and His blessings, right? Are we confessing our sins, repenting and turning away from the world to Jesus? 

What is the Lord telling Israel, the remnant? Ask the Lord for rain so the fields become lush pastures. What is He telling us? All good things come from our loving God. Depend upon Him for all things. Share with others what God has done for us.

Often rain is referring to the Holy Spirit. God promises to pour His Spirit on Israel (Zech. 12:10) and bring them to repentance and faith in Christ. The Messiah is coming again to get His children (rapture). Are you covered with the blood of Jesus?


In verse 3, we read of the idolatrous practices Israel's ancestors had done:

  • Diviners who lied, told false dreams, and comforted in vain. 
  • They were led astray by false claims. 
  • Instead of comfort and peace, the Israelites were troubled.
  • There was no shepherd, a true messenger of God who spoke of the truth of Jehovah.
Those false teachers and leaders were going to be punished by God. His mercy was going to come upon the house of Judah. He was going to give personal care and attention to Judah. (verse 3)

Don't we all need the mercy of God? Are we trusting in His promises?


Jesus, forgive us when we create idols of money, power, fame, or success. 

Your forgiveness is always there when we fail.

Only You can give us happiness and security.

How faithful You are!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Hope is Here!

O. T. #2307 "Hope is Here!"

Oct. 25, 2022

Zechariah 9-Part 3


There are so many people in prisons of their own making-drugs, alcohol, bitterness, jealousy, etc. What they need is hope. That hope can only come from Jesus Christ. Are we pointing them to Hope?

The third subject of the burden concerns the Messiah's blessings upon Israel (9:11-10:12):

  • deliverance (9:11-16);
  • a bountiful land (9:17-10:1);
  • separation from idols (10:2-3);
  • a Deliverer (10:4-7);
  • restoration (10:4-7);
  • redemption (10:12).
The unconditional Abrahamic covenant was ratified by blood sacrifice. (Gen 15:9-18) It was because God keeps His covenants, that Heset free the Jewish prisoners (still back in Babylon) from death in a waterless dungeon (dry cisterns). (As Joseph and Jeremiah were place in.) How were the prisoners viewed? They were prisoners of hope. They were looking forward to the time of freedom from the Persians. They returned to the stronghold (Israel).

Jesus, You are our living hope.


What does God promise in verse 12?

  •  He will repay two blessings for each of their troubles. Israel had received double for her sins. (Isaiah 40:2) He will restore double to them. 
  • He will conquer their enemies with the Lord providing defense. (verses 13-15)
  • He will deliver Israel and cause His people to sparkle like glittering jewels in a crown. (verse 16)
  • How lovely and beautiful! God will receive glory and honor then. (verse 17)
In that day, the Day of the Lord, after the church is raptured out, the Great Tribulation will come for 7 years, then the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to establish His kingdom during the thousand-year reign of Christ. The godly of Israel and of the Gentile nations, believers in Christ will make up the jewels. 

What a joyous time! No energy shortage, no famine. Jesus will provide abundance in all that is needed. What a time. 


What do we need to let go of today? People are searching for answers, looking for hope.

You are a good, good Father, and we are loved by You. You are perfect in all of Your ways. 

You have it all planned out, so we can trust You.

Such mercy, grace, love, peace, joy in abundance. 

Jesus, You are our Hope.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Burdens to Blessings

O. T. #2306   "Burdens to Blessings"

Oct. 24, 2022

Zechariah 9-Part 2

Rejoice greatly, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your King is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet He is humble, riding on a donkey-riding on a donkey's colt. (verse 9, NLT)


We have had a few presidents/potential presidents come to our local airports down through the years. I didn't attend those arrivals, because of the large crowds. However, we knew they were present because of the security planes flying over, roadblocks on the entrance, and news coverage. One day a King entered a city, but humbly on a donkey. Read on for the contrast.  

Israel had enemies in all directions, always had down through the ages, and always will, until the Messiah returns to reign as King. The first 9 verses of chapter 9 describe the judgment coming to them (at that time): cities were stripped of possessions, fire burned them to the ground, fall with fear and terror, hopes dashed, kings killed, deserted, pride destroyed.

The cities of the Philistines are mentioned in verses 5-8, enemies of God's people in David's time. In spite of God's judgment on the Philistines, He promised that they, too, would become a remnant for our God, worshiping Him instead of idols, becoming like a clan in Judah, joining the Jews as the Jebusites once did. (verse 7) 

What is good news in all of this? Read verse 9. Obviously, Alexander the Great was not the king describes there, but He is Jesus Christ.  He rode into Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey, humbled. (Kings rode white horses previously.) This happened before Jesus was crucified as an atoning substitute for sinners and rose from the dead. (Matthew 21:1-11) He will again enter Jerusalem, but this time as a triumphant King to establish His kingdom. (Tony Evans)

 One day there will be a vast number from every nation, tribe, people, and language worshipping the Lamb. (Rev. 7:9)

Are you ready, my friend? In the blink of an eye Jesus will appear for all to see and worship Him. Are your family members ready? You can be if you know Jesus as your personal Savior. Believe in your heart Jesus is God's Son, ask His forgiveness of your sins, Confess Him before others.


Between verses 9 and 10, lies nearly 2,000 years of the church, the age of grace, completely unforeseen by the prophet. (Falwell)

Zechariah is telling of the two comings of the Messiah together. At the second coming, Ephraim, the 10 northern lost tribes will be united with the 2 southern tribes. Jesus will speak peace, according to verse 10, His dominion will be from sea to sea, from rivers to the ends of the earth. 

This concludes the second message or subject of the burden to blessings upon Israel. Are we looking up for our Redemption to draw nigh? 


Jesus, Your name is power, breath, and living water; Your Spirit guides us to the heart of the Father. We sing praise to our King, give thanks, and honor You above all things.

Thank You Jesus, for not giving in, giving up, endured the beatings and temptations of sin and the devil, leaving the heavy cross to avoid pain all for us, because You love us.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Part 2 of Burdens and Empires

Part 2 of Burdens and Empires

*Something is wrong-I cannot write on this site as normally done. It is like there is a limit to the number of words. I don't know how to fix this, so here is the rest of the post #2305. Perhaps it is because of the content about Jesus.


These 6 chapters comprise one of the greatest concentrations of messianic truth found anywhere in Scripture, but eh truth is always related to God's purposes for His people Israel. Zechariah reveals Messiah as the humble King, the loving Shepherd, the mighty Warrior, the gracious Savior, and the righteous Ruler who will reign on earth as King and Priest. (Wiersbe) 

The coming of the Lamb of God was foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20), for He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8)

There are several cities mentioned here. Those who oppressed Jerusalem-Aram, Philistia, Phoenica-would be crushed. Damascus was the capital city of Syria. Tyrus built huge walls of 150 feet high to protect it. However, Assyrians laid siege to it for 5 years and failed. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon laid siege to it for 13 years and failed. The Medes and Persians conquered the area later. History tells us Alexander the Great defeated the Persians in 33 BC. 

The Jews in Jerusalem refused to pay taxes to Alexander as they had done to Persia. As his army was outside the city one night, the high priest had a dream. The Lord told him to have the people dress in white and open the gates to the visitors. they did and Alexander was so impressed that he welcomed them in peace. He even offered sacrifices to Jehovah in the Temple. The city and people were spared. 

How great is our God! the New Testament was written in the Greek language. Verse 8b says no oppressor shall pass through them any more; for now have I seen with mine eyes. 


Help us to trust You in all things, Jesus. Show Your power throughout the world. do what You are famous for-shut the mouths of lions (and liars), bring us through the fire, bring the walls down, save the lost, change hearts.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Burdens and Empires

O. T. #2305 "Burdens and Empires"

Oct. 11, 2022

Zechariah 9


Good news-the King is coming, Jesus Christ, to destroy Judah's enemies, protect them, and bring peace and prosperity. I like how Tony Evans put it: "His glorious kingdom will have a champion who will make the house of Judah the preeminent empire on the planet. Zechariah reveals the agenda of the King."

Zechariah is given a rough outline of God's plan for the times of the Gentiles from Israel's point of view. So now we have the details of the 2 burdens with details of various powers and the future of the redeemed nation. (Falwell)

There will come a time when God's enemies will be permanently removed. The first burden concerns Syria, Phoenicia, and Philistia as representatives of all Israel's enemies. Here are what was thought to be those empires:

  • Medo-Persian (chapter 1-8)
  • Grecian (chapters 9-10)
  • Roman (chapter 11)
  • Messiah's Empire (chapters 12-14). (Liberty Bible Commentary)
The first burden concerns 9:1-11:17. This burden (a heavy, weighty thing) of the Word of the LORD was grievous to the prophet since it concerned the wrath of God.
Are we carrying this burden to others? Jesus is coming soon to destroy the evil ones and establish His kingdom.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Joy and Gladness

O. T. #2304  "Joy and Gladness"

Oct. 20, 2022

Zechariah 8-Part 5


I have never had such a fun time studying God's Word as our group at church does on Wednesday night. Not a night goes by that we are not laughing, sharing, spilling the beans. Of course, we bear one another's burdens, too-cancer of daughters, dementia of a parent, sickness, accidents, everyday problems. I guess you could say we are real, not pretending everything is hunky doria. And we hunger for the Truth, God's Word. How about your church?

Here is the fourth message given by Zechariah. The Lord finally answers the question raised in 7:3-should the Jews weep and fast as they did in Babylon? Those 3 specific months were fasting times to remember when the Caldeans invaded Jerusalem, when the Temple was burned, and their being taken away to Babylon. God had not commanded those fasts and was not pleased by any of them. It was all due to the self-pity of the Jews. 

It was a nice little religious ritual, but God did not instigate them. Instead of weeping, long faces, and a pious look, how did God want them to come before Him with-joy. Look at verse 19. Judah was to be a house of joy and gladness, cheerful feasts, loving the truth and peace. Instead of sadness, God wanted the Jews to have festivals of joy and celebration. 

Are we enjoying being a Christian? Or are we allowing the world beating us down? We should come together to study God's Word and have fun doing it. 


The rest of the chapter is in reference to the Millennium when Christ will reign as Priest-King. Verse 21 tells us what it will be like:

  • People will say, "Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD,
and go seek the LORD of Hosts."
  • This will happen in the nations going to Jerusalem. 
  • Gentiles will want to go with the Jews to the Temple.
  • The Jews will believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Messiah during that time.
Let's not live in the past, friend. Live in the future, for we can rejoice at the promises God gives us for a joyful future!
What a blessing when others want what God's people have. God blesses His faithful ones. He is blessing our church, bringing in other believers for fellowship and salvation, young and older ones. God is alive and moving among His people. 

Today is a new day. Let us pray and seek the LORD.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Truth, Love, Peace

O. T. #2303  "Truth, Love, Peace"

Oct 19, 2022

Zechariah 8-Part 4

Theses are the things ye shall do; speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates. (verse 16)


Mom always said that what goes around comes around. She taught me that I will reap what I sow. If it is love, then love will be returned to me. If it is bitterness, hate, then those will be shown to me, also. Stay with me while we find out more principles by which we are to live. 

I can't pass up the opportunity of digging deeper into verse 16. God promised to bless His people if they would do some things. We live in the day when lying is acceptable in every walk of life.  Examples of this is found in some businesses, advertising, media, government, military, educators, and scientists. Has telling the truth gone out of style? Children used to be taught morals in school, including telling the truth. Often dishonesty is found in marriages. Could that be the source of so many divorces? 

Do we speak truth in love? We can count on the Word speaking to us truth, because Jesus is the Word and The Truth. This is the foundation of our faith-the Bible is truth. Are we honoring His Word by not swearing falsely but truthfully? Are we practicing love?

LET IT GROW What are two other things the Jews were instructed to do as kingdom principles? Exercise justice and live peacefully are the things listed. If we expect God to do His part, we must do our part-obedience. Keep a right heart by loving God, His Word, and our neighbors. 

Have you been saved by grace and mercy through faith in Christ? Then these principles should be a part of our everyday life. Just because we are saved for eternity does not give us a ticket to live however we want. We owe a debt we could not pay; He paid a debt He did not owe. We needed Jesus to do it for us.


Help us Jesus to love You and other more each day.

How wonderful You are to me. 

May we share this love and mercy today with those who need love and mercy. 

Thank You Jesus for being Truth, Love, and Peace for us.



In The Meantime

O. T. #2302  "In the Meantime"

Oct. 18, 2022

Zechariah 8-Part 3

But now I will not be unto the residue of this people as in the former days, saith the LORD of Hosts. (verse 11)


One day it will be better. In the meantime, we hold onto the end of our rope of faith. Have you got Jesus? Have you got faith? Have you got the love in your heart? Is there joy? Israel had been in the land of Jerusalem for about 10 years and had not yet completed the Temple, which was why they returned in the first place.

Beginning with verse 9, we read the LORD saying:

  • Let your hands be strong and finish the task.
  • Hear the word of the prophets, who encouraged you while laying the Temple's foundation.
  • Before the work began, there were no jobs nor money to hire people or animals. No traveler was safe from the enemy, who were on all sides. Everyone was turned against each other, as the Lord willed. 
  • Here is a promise: God said He will not treat the residue (remnant; portion: that had escaped) as He had treated them before.
Israel learned from the bitter experience of captivity. They were in hard times. Why were there blessings they received?

When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7)

God was planting seeds of peace and prosperity among the remnant of Israel and Judah. (I always thought it was only Israeli Jews, not those from Judah, who returned.) Grapevines would be heavy with fruit. The rains would come, crops produce (verse 12) No longer were they symbols of a cursed nation. What blessings!

Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing. So do not be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the Temple. (verse 13) 


The LORD was determined to punish the remnant when their ancestors angered Him, but He was determined to bless Jerusalem and the people of Judah. What did God direct them to do?
  • He told them to not be afraid.
  • They were instructed to tell the truth to each other; Render verdicts in the courts that are just and lead to peace.
  • Do not scheme against each other.
  • Stop your love of telling lies that you swear are the truth. (verses 16-17) 
  Are our ways just and merciful? Are we telling the truth, always?           

Are there some practices from the previous list that we need to let go of so we obey God?


Monday, October 17, 2022

Overcoming The Overwhelming

O. T. #2301 "Overcoming The Overwhelming"

Oct. 17, 2022

Zechariah 8-Part 2


Are you old enough to recall children playing in the streets of cities? And the elderly could walk safely home from the store without being mugged or beaten? It is not so today, but it used to be during my childhood. My neighborhood girlfriends and I could safely ride our bikes down to the creek for a summer's afternoon of refreshment and fun without giving it a thought. (We had no air conditioning in our homes back then.) Our parents had no reasons to be concerned for us living on our country roads. Oh, that it was so for our grandchildren today. One day it will be, so continue on to learn when.

This third message given to Zechariah by God speaks of His jealousy over His people that will lead to their repentance and blessing. Look at the four wonderful truths found in this message which God gives:

  1. Jehovah is jealous for Zion (Jerusalem). (verse 2)
  2. Jehovah will dwell in Zion. (verse 3)
  3. Jehovah's security for Zion. (verses 4-5)
  4. Jehovah's restoration of His people. (verses 6-8)  (Liberty Bible Commentary)
During His Millennial Kingdom reign, the Messiah (Jesus Christ) will reign as Priest-King in the city of Jerusalem on the holy mountain of the LORD of Hosts. (verse 3) the King who lives there is holy.   Who are the most defenseless people of society? They are the elderly and the children, who will live in tranquility, peace, and security. The children will be safe to play in the streets. (verses 4-5)

All this may seem impossible to the remnant of God's people. but is it impossible for God? (The LORD of Heaven's Armies is asking.) and all God's people say, "Of course not, Lord.")

Luke 1:37 taught us, Nothing is impossible with God. Matthew 19:26b reminds us ... with God all things are possible. So does Mark 10:27 and Luke 18:27. 

God specializes in overcoming overwhelming odds. (Charles Swindoll) 

So what is overcoming you, overwhelming you, dear one? God never leaves His children alone. He is working out His plan. We know our situations are only temporary. Trust Him.


Don't lose heart or hope. Jesus has got this-your this. Hang on and hang in there, friend. We know in the end, God wins. We need to just let go and let our God.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Jealousy and Fury

 O.T. #2300 "Jealousy and Fury"

Oct. 14, 2022

Zechariah 8

Thus saith the LORD of Hosts: I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. (verse 2)


If you are like me, we have to guard our heart from jealousy. Jealousy of the neighbors who have new houses while I live in an old farmhouse; jealous of people and their abilities; jealous of grandchildren being close by. The list can go on. Did you know God can be jealous for us? Find out more about it below.

The land of Israel was desolate for the returnees after the 70-year captivity because of the sinful actions of their ancestors. Dare I say it was an extremely difficult time for them. They had to start from the ground up in order to rebuild their homes, businesses, and Temple. (They had stopped the building on the Temple for about 10 years.) Since it was desolate, that didn't mean that God's love for His people and their land had failed.

Before we get into the encouraging words of this chapter, let's take a look at the words that are mentioned several times here, according to J. Vernon McGee:

  • LORD of Hosts (LORD of Armies) is used 18 times;
  • Jerusalem occurs 6 times and Zion occurs twice;
  • jealous appears 3 times;
  • remnant occurs twice;
  • Thus saith the LORD appears 10 times.
So it is God speaking through the prophet Zechariah to His people, including us. When our toes are stepped on, it isn't me nor the prophet doing it, but God doing the stepping. Probably that is why few people study this book-they don't like their toes stepped on nor sins pointed out to them. But that is what makes us better Christians, being shown our sins and repenting, then turning away from them. Right?

Read our key verse for today. 
Jealous is used 3 times, which means to be or make zealous (in a bad sense); envious; be moved to or provoked to jealousy. 
Fury refers to anger; hot displeasure; rage; wrath.
When God says He is jealous, it is not like a man is jealous for his wife. God loves us so much (and His Beloved Israel) that He desires to pour out abundant blessings as tangible expressions of His love for His people. He does not act apart from this love. (Falwell)
When the Gentiles oppressed Israel and Judah, it provoked Him to be angry at them.
One of the promises God gave to Abraham was I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee. (Genesis 12:3)
Folks, we cannot live in the world, for the flesh, and do things the Devil wants, and serve God on Sunday. A follower of Jesus desires to please Him and love Him, and serve Him, being set apart from the world. When we confess our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us. Yet we are to go and sin no more.
Is there something we need to let go of so we can better serve God today? 
Help us trust You and love You with all our heart, Holy God. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Will God Hear Us?

O. T. #2299  "Will God Hear Us?"

Oct. 13, 2022

Zechariah 7-Part 4 

Therefore it is come to pass, that as He cried, and they would not hear: so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the LORD of Hosts. (verse 13)


I hope our heart is not as hard as a diamond, as in verse 12. Yet, it was the condition of the Jews' hearts before they were sent into captivity by Assyria and Babylon. Prophet after prophet was sent to warn them, to bring them to repentance of their sins of idolatry and draw them out of rebellion before God. However, they would not. Had they turn from their sins and back to God, they would not have gone into captivity for 70 years.

Did you see who cried first? It was God. 

In the Hebrew language, cried means to call out; invite; preach; pronounce; publish; read; say.

Since the Jews refused to listen when God called to them, He would not listen when they called to Him. 

MacArthur explains, "This reflects a severe form of God's wrath by which He abandons disobedient sinners." 

Proverbs 1:23-24, 28-29 says, Turn you at My reproof: behold, I will pour out My spirit unto you, I will make known My words unto you. Because I have called, and ye refuse; I have stretched out My hand, and no man regarded. Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not answer; they shall seek Me early, but they shall not find Me. For they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD.

Folks, we do not want to be like that! We do not want our family, neighbors, nor church to be like that! Keep praying for them and loving them to Jesus.

What good news is in this? God keeps His Word. He loves us so much that He will not let us keep straying away in sin. He will discipline His child and draw us to Himself or take us home.


Verse 14 tells us that the Jews were scattered, taken into captivity, and lived as strangers, but the discipline worked and over 50,000 returned to Jerusalem to rebuild it. Most people were of a new generation, and they had been told about their God.

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the Most High: And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. (Ps. 50:14-15)

My God has come through so many times for me, as I have shared before-when I stopped breathing after surgery, when my potassium and magnesium were depleted after a test, after a covid shot, and during a car accident. Thank You God for all You have done for me! Glory to God in the Highest! I owe You my life. Use me for whatever, sharing Jesus, hope in Jesus, love in Jesus, Your amazing grace.


How are we to live? Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. (Micah 6:8b) He gives peace in the storm, joy in the struggle, freedom from the chains of sin. I've got Jesus, so I've got joy. Joy like a river in my soul. How about you, dear one?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Is Your Heart Hard or Soft Toward The Word?

O. T. #2298  "Is Your Heart Hard or Soft Toward The Word?"

Oct. 12, 2022

Zechariah 7-Part 3


The Jews were religious, went through a ritual, but their hearts were far from God, and they were a disgrace to Him. (verse 12) The first message Zechariah was given for the Jewish returnees to Jerusalem was that obedience is better than fasting. (verses 1-7) 

Now the second message of four is disobedience leads to severe judgment. (verses 8-14) Israel was told (before the captivity of 70 years) to execute true judgment, show mercy, and have compassion on every man to his brother. They were not to oppress the widow, the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor. They were forbidden to show imagined evil in their heart against their brother. 

What were the Jews to do? 

  • Hear the words of the prophets and the Law and obey it; not pulling away the shoulder nor stopping up their ears (put fingers in their ears).
  • Do not harden their hearts as an adamant (from its keenness for scratching; a gem, probably a diamond) stone; hard as a diamond. 
The Jews had rejected God's righteous standard-worship only Him, obey His Word, love God. He used the heathen nations of Assyria and Babylon to remove them from their Promised Land. They were told to not let history repeat itself. Stay true and faithful to their God was the challenge. 


If you visit Israel, you will find desert from Jerusalem to Jerico and the Dead Sea. It is as bad as the desert in Arizona. They are using water from the Dead Sea to irrigate fig trees, which will eventually run dry. there are a few fertile fields north of Jerusalem, due to irrigation, where crops are raised. But the land has not totally been restored. Taxes are high there. they do not have a retirement system to take care of the elderly. Yet, one day, Jesus will return to Jerusalem, set up His kingdom, remove the unbelievers, and bless the land.


May we hear God's Word, study it, and obey it for His glory. May it be Truth. The world needs to hear it and repent of their sins, love only the True Living God, not false gods that are manmade.LET IT GO 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Learn From The Past

 O. T. #2297  "Learn From The Past"

Oct. 11, 2022

Zechariah 7-Part 2


What a wonderful weekend. We had our celebration of our 50th year since graduating high school. It was great to see old friends. (No pun intended.) Since I spent all of my school years at the same school, I knew everyone, some longer than others. We share memories together of our fun times. Of course, there were a few who have passed away and some who did not come to join us. A couple have cancer, which is sad. My takeaway from it was to be thankful for my days of life, reach out to others with the love of Jesus, and be all God wants me to be, for my time is getting shorter. 

We are still looking at the first message that God gave to Zechariah for the Jews. The people at Bethel sent some guys to find out if they should continue fasting each summer on the anniversary of the Temple's destruction, as they had done for so many years. Then the Lord said to ask if they were really fasting to Him. Even in the Jewish holy festivals, are they eating and drinking just to please themselves? Isn't that the same message the LORD proclaimed through the prophets when Jerusalem and Judah had all well?

What was the LORD's answer?

  • Judge fairly, show kindness and mercy to one another.
  • Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor. 
  • Do not scheme against one another.
  • Their ancestors refused, stubbornly turning away, putting their fingers in their ears to keep from hearing. 
  • They made their hearts as hard as stone so they could not hear the Lord's instructions or messages of repentance. 
  • That is why God got angry at the Jews.
Since they refused to listen when God called to them, He would not listen when they called out to God. So they were scattered among the nations and their land was desolate that no one even traveled through it. Their pleasant land became desert due to their rebellion. What a lesson from which to learn!
This fast is still observed today by orthodox Jews as the Fast of Gedeliah, their governor.


The important thing was for them to obey God's Word and His Spirit. It was not a matter of ritual. That is how great joy, peace, and prosperity to Israel came during David and Solomon's time. So this generation should obey instead of substituting rituals for obedience.  The Day of Atonement was the only annual fast required by God's Law. (Lev. 23:27) Although, other fasts were called for by God. (Joel 1))

Obedience is better than sacrifice the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22)

Do we examine the true motivation of self-gratification in our feasts/fasts? If our motives are wrong, God is not pleased with the external formalities and conformities.  It is the heart which He looks at. Our fasts should not be burdensome. nor for show. God is pleased by obedience, not by self-imposed fasts!

The Jews were to look forward, not backward. Learn from the past and be faithful in the future. 


Help us to spread Your fame, Jesus, today, in our corner of the world, and to those who need hope.

But I have spared you for a purpose-to show you My power and to spread My fame throughout the earth. (Exodus 9:16)ET IT GO

Monday, October 10, 2022

Why Fast?

O. T. #2296"Why Fast?"

Oct. 10, 2022

Zechariah 7


Tradition. Does your family, city, even state have traditions? Throughout out my state there are a lot of fall festivals being held. I think originally, festivals were meant to be a time of thanking the Lord for the great harvest He provided. However, now it has become a time of selling crafts and merchandise.

The Jews had their traditions, too. During the 70 years of captivity, they had their fasts throughout the year. Actually, it would be a day of mourning, not worshiping the Lord God. Their religious calendar included:

  • The tenth month when the Babylonians begun to lay siege on Jerusalem;
  • the fourth month when the city walls were broken through;
  • the fifth month when the Temple was burned;
  • the seventh month when the Jewish governor was assassinated.(Wiersbe)
It was going to be another 3 years before the Temple was completed and worship there established. A delegation was sent from Bethel, about 12 miles north of Jerusalem to seek the Lord's favor and inquire of the prophets and the priests at the Temple. (About 223 exiles had returned with Ezra and settled there.) 

Should we continue to mourn and fast each summer on the anniversary of the Temple's destruction, as we have done for so many years? That was the question. The answer is found in verses 5-6, which isn't actually an answer. The Lord asked if it was all really done for Him, the fasting, or to please yourselves.

The first message: Obedience is better than fasting.

We find out later that God's answer was to consider their heart-why were they fasting.
Why do we do things? Is it just a tradition? Is it because we love the Lord? Is it for us to feel good?


The Lord gave Zechariah the first message:

  • Judge fairly.
  • Show mercy and kindness to one another.
  • Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor.
  • Do not scheme against each other.
The second message: Disobedience leads to severe judgment. 

Do we show compassion? Or do we pull away our should and stop up our ears so we do not hear the Lord's instructions?


Help us to love You, Jesus, and love our neighbor.


Friday, October 7, 2022

A Branch

O. T. #2295  "A Branch"

Oct. 7, 2022

Zechariah 6-Part 3


I have mentioned before about the old pecan tree that had to be cut down in our back yard. The stump was never dug up nor burnt. so this summer, I have been watering sprouts that shot up from it. There must be a dozen of them. It is precious to me, for this illustrates our Jesus who sprang up as a Branch from Jesse (David's father) in little Bethlehem, growing up in Nazareth, and ministering in Jerusalem and Israel, all small places. Read on to learn more about this Branch. (After all these years of studying the Word, it dawned on me that David was a shepherd boy living in the Bethlehem area, too. That is where to do the census and Jesus was born there..)

Previously, the Lord told Zechariah to take the gifts of gold and silver that 3 men brought from those Jews back in Babylon area and use it to make crowns. Then, He told the prophet to set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua. This was done in a coronation service. 

In verse 12, the prophet was told what to say, Thus speaketh the LORD of Hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch: and He shall grow up out of His place, and He shall build the Temple of the LORD. 

Did you notice the phrase, behold the man, as a familiar one? those very words was used by Pontius Pilate in presenting Jesus to the multitude after He had been crowned with thorns. (John 19:5)

The Hebrew meaning of the word Branch (shibb'oleth) is an ear of grain (as growing out).

The Branch is symbolic of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ:

  • He will appear as an antitype of Joshua. (verse 12a)
  • He will grow out of His place, having a lowly origin, yet will grow into universal prominence. (Micah 5:2)
  • He will build the Millennial Temple. (verses 12b-13a)
  • He will bear the glory; it is His by virtue of the fact that He fulfilled every promise made to Abraham and Israel for His provision of righteousness and regeneration for Jew and Gentile alike. 
  • He will be King-Priest. (verse 13c,d) One day He will be installed by the Father upon His own throne forever as King-Priest. (2 Sam. 7:8-16) Melchizedek was the only one with that roll. (Gen. 14:18)
  • There is peace and harmony between Jehovah and Messiah, as far as the attributes, being one person in the Messiah with both offices.
  • The Messiah will combine the Jew and Gentile together. (verse 15a)
  • The Messiah will corroborate the truth of God's Word. (verse 15b)
  • When Israel witnesses Gentiles brought into fellowship with and service of Jehovah, they will know that the LORD of Hosts sent the Messiah to them.
Tradition says that the crown was kept in the Temple until the Messiah, Jesus Christ, came to earth. It was then destroyed along with the Temple by the Romans in AD 70. The important thing was the crown to remind Israel of God's universal purpose to use Israel as the means to reach all the world. They lost sight of this. 


What is the last instruction mentioned in verse 15? The Messiah will demand absolute obedience. What a ministry and mission for Israel, yet they did not. Their failure will still be turned to obedience and blessing and benefit if they obey God. During the Millennial reign of Christ, Israel will acknowledge Him as the Savior, Messiah, The Branch.(Jeremiah 31:31-34)

It all depends on God, not on us. We fail so many times, but His grace forgives us and brings us back into the fold. 


One day all the earth will shout Your praise, Jesus.

Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing, "Great are You, Lord Jesus!"


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Who Do We Crown?

O. T. #2294  "Who Do We Crown?"

Oct. 6, 2022

Zechariah 6-Part 2


In a few more nights, our local football team will crown a girl as their homecoming queen. It will be quite an honor in my hometown. We will be there to watch. We will be celebrating with our former classmates 50 years since we were seniors. And I will remember the sweet gal that our team crowned as its homecoming queen, Rita. She was and is everyone's friend. She deserved it. One day there will be One crowned a King. Read on to find out more.

The previous eight visions are brought to a conclusion by a symbolic action in keeping with the instructions given by the Word of the LORD. In verses 9-15, we read of the coronation and commissioning of Joshua, the high priest. Zechariah is instructed to meet with 3 men who brought gifts from Babylon of gold and silver. (They had not come to Jerusalem with the two previous groups of the remnant.) 

How were the gifts to be used? The prophet was told to use the gifts to make crowns. One crown was to be placed upon the head of the high priest, Joshua. this is very unusual because the high priest had not previously worn a crown, as did the king of Israel. Joshua was representing Jesus as the coming High Priest of Israel. After the resurrection of Jesus, He passed through the veil, with His blood, ascended to heaven, Now He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us to the Father. 

After that ceremony, the crown was removed from Joshua's head and the priestly mitre (diadem, hood). It was a turban worn by the high priest to which a golden plate was attached on which was engraved "Holiness to the LORD." then they clothed Joshua with the high priest garments. He was then ready to minister before the Lord on behalf of the people. Then Joshuas was all dressed up in the righteousness provided him by the LORD Jesus. (Liberty Bible Commentary)

This illustrates justification for us, made by Jesus. Nothing we can do will justify us before Holy God; it is through the righteousness of Jesus that we are justified before Holy God. He is the One without sin, not us. He is the One who clothes us in righteousness. 

Are you clothed in the righteousness of Jesus? Have you asked Him to be your Savior and forgive your sins? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?


Zerubbabel was not to be crowned as king at that time. (The next time a crown is worn on the throne will be when King Jesus returns to earth to reign during the Millennial.) Zerubbabel was the governor appointed by king Cyrus of Persia. 

Jesus now serves in heaven as King and High Priest. He will do so on earth when it is time for Him to return to reign for a thousand years. He will be the only one to function in both capacities at the same time. Previously, Israel had a priest to tend to the spiritual life and a king to tend to the political life. 

What a day that will be!


We crown You with praise, glory, and honor, King Jesus!

You are the only One worthy of worship and praise.

Thank You for being our High Priest and King of our heart.


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Jesus Has Got This!

O. T. #2293  "Jesus Has Got This!"

Oct. 5, 2022

Zechariah 6


No matter what has you up at night, has you wringing your hands, captures your thoughts, friend, Jesus has got this! I know it is hard to continue on. Grace, God's grace, is greater than all my sin and your sin and the world's sins. Sometimes we just need to hear this.

The eighth and last vision of Zechariah is found in this chapter as a universal vision. The emphasis is on the horses and chariots, not the riders and their ministry in accomplishing God's ministry and purpose. The four chariots represent the four spirits/angels assigned different parts of the world to do God's bidding. First of all, they were between two brass mountains. They are Mt. Morah and the Mt. of Olives, which have the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Kidron Valley between them.  

Mt. Morah was the place where Abraham took Issaac to sacrifice him to the Lord. It is also Jerusalem where the first two Temples of worship were erected. the Mt. of Olives is where Jesus prayed in the garden before His crucifixion.

The various colors of horses indicated their missions and have representation:

  • bay, red was war and bloodshed
  • black was calamity and distress, famine
  • white was victory and joy
  • grizzled, spotted, was plagues and pestilence.
Those could represent the 4 great empires in Daniel's vision. They could refer to those in John's vision of 4 horsemen in the Great Tribulation found in Revelation 6. The thing is, the judgment of God will eventually come, at His timing. 
Are we ready?


The four spirits of the heavens went out, as well as the two horses, north to Babylon and south to Egypt. Cyrus conquered them. In the future Israel, the Messiah will conquer the enemies of Israel and destroy them. King Jesus will rise up to reign as the world's great king in authority.

Some powerful nations today may think they can conquer all and rise to be a world empire, but not so. Our God has it all planned out. The future will go as He has deemed it to go. Evil will not prevail, but good will be victorious. 


You alone are God, Almighty God, the only One to be worshiped and served.

As we go through today, help us smile and say, "Jesus has got this!"

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

What's in Your Basket?

O. T. #2292"What's in Your Basket?"

Oct. 4, 2022

Zechariah 5-Part 2


If you are as old as I am, you will recall when Alan Shepard Jr. was the first American to travel into space, and in 1971, he walked on the Moon. Objects flying in space has not been an unusual sight for this generation, has it? Even with the early invention of the airplane as early as 1903, man has maneuvered objects in the air for quite some time. I said all of this to say, back in Zechariah's day, any flying object would have been a very, very unusual scene to behold. 

In the prophet's sixth vision, he saw a flying scroll. Now in the seventh vision, Zechariah saw a woman flying in a ephah (ay-faw'), which is a measure for grain for the Hebrews. Here it is larger than a bushel basket, flying. The prophet did not even know what the object was so he asked Jesus (angel).

New Living Translation says it like this: He replied, "It is a basket for measuring grain, and it's filled with the sins of everyone throughout the land. Then the heavy lead cover was lifted off the basket, and there was a woman sitting inside it.

Here was the first woman in space, and Zechariah wanted an explanation. The ephah was a little more than a bushel of dry measure, such as flour and barley. It symbolized trade or commerce. When Israel returned home from Babylon, they had an insatiable love for money and desire for material things. Nehemiah dealt with the high rates of interest charged when lending Jewish brothers. In Malicah 3:8, the prophet asks if a man robs God. It had been so through their guilt of covetousness. They did not tithe and hurt their brothers in order to do it.

The woman symbolized wickedness, wrong, especially morally; fault. 

Webster's Dictionary says it is morally very bad, fierce, vicious. 

To make sure the woman did not escape from the flying basket, Jesus put a lead lid upon it. It was talent in weight, the heaviest used by the Hebrews. She was not going to escape.

Are we weighed down with sin? Is impatience getting us down? I find getting another car or the smashed one fixed is not a speedily process. Oh well, I can't drive yet anyway. I get tired of seeing it parked in my driveway. Someone needs to get the process going, like yesterday. And then there is the painful injuries. I have only had one restful night sleep and I am worn to a frazzle. I will get off my soapbox. Just wanted you to see that we all have things weighing us down, right?

The thing is, Jesus can help us carry that heavy load. His yoke is light. We need to ask His help to get through whatever it is in each of our lives with flying colors.


So was does this woman flying in a basket with a lead lid on it symbolize?

  • It is a reference to the man of sin. Although the outward idolatry was cured, the inward sin by the Babylonian captivity was not. 
  • The wicked woman was not able to escape, although she tried and didn't want to be removed with the ephah.. Women represented Assyria and Babylon who were used of God to remove wickedness from His people.
  • Commercialism was a way of obtaining the money and material things the Hebrews experienced, saw, and learned from Gentiles while in Babylon. The Hebrews became good businessmen with an insatiable love for riches.
  • God was revealing His intent to remove that spirit of covetousness from the land of Israel. 
Then what happened? Two angels with huge wings like storks lifted the basket above the earth. (Storks were considered unclean birds.) The children of Israel were originally a people of agriculture, using the land for livestock, grain, and vineyards. The basket was taken to Babylon and put on a base in their temple of false gods. During the Millennial reign of Christ, Babylon and its wickedness will be destroyed. The land of Israel and the earth will be rid of evil. Only God the Father, Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit will be on the throne.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. (1 Tim. 6:10, NKJV)


Help us love You, Jesus, more than money, houses, cars, things, jobs, and everything.

You alone are Savior, Jesus, sustainer, Redeemer, Provider.

And we love You!  Fill us with a basketful of love overflowing today to others.

Monday, October 3, 2022

A Flying Roll

O. T. #2291" A Flying Roll"

Oct. 3, 2022

Zechariah 5


In this chapter, God performs a cleansing operation and deals with the sins of the nation Israel. The sixth vision that Zechariah had was a flying roll or scroll. This would not have bben an ordinary sight. What do we learn about it?

  • The roll was 30 feet by 15 feet, which was the same size of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle. That is where the high priest took the blood of a perfect lamb and sprinkled the Mercy Seat with the blood once a year. It was an offering for the sins of the nation Israel. He was a representative of the whole nation. No one else was allowed to go behind the veil in front of the room. The high priest was standing on redeemed ground, having been redeemed by the blood. (McGee)
  • The flying roll was probably made of the bark of trees or papyrus, or animal skins. It was flying because it contained news of judgment going to be poured out swiftly against the individuals of the nation. The indictment is large and detailed. It was no small matters. (Falwell)
When we are redeemed (10:8), we are released, delivered, severed, a ransom paid. It is not by gold or silver, precious stones, or precious jewels, but the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. We are delivered from the penalty and power of sin. 
John 3:14-15 says, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Folks, we are so loved by God that He was willing to give up His only Son to redeem you and me. It was the blood of Jesus that purchased us, cleanses us, and provided a way for us to go to heaven, since we are all sinners in need of a Savior. We could not do it by ourself. We can't keep all of the Ten Commandments, but Jesus Christ did. Therefore, He was our perfect sacrifice for our sins. Thank You, Jesus!! Have you believed in Jesus and asked Him to forgive your sins, come into your heart to be your Savior and Redeemer?


The roll flies over the land and whole earth, which is brought under the indictment of the curse. Two sins are summarized-stealing and swearing, and mentioned, which represent the Law of God. The people were stealing from God with tithes and offerings or lack of and taking advantage of their neighbors. Also, false swearing by God's name were individual sins. The curse would remain in a person's house either over night or permanently. 

Those who sin openly will not hinder the God's work, but God's judgment is upon them and there is no escape. When the Messiah returns, He will pour out judgment upon the earth and will remove every sinner from the land. 

God gives us grace as Christians. The Holy Spirit in us produces fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, and faith. Those are no mentioned in the Mosiac Law. Judgment begins with God's people. (1 Peter 4:17; Ezek. 9:6)


Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer!

Thank You for dying for me a sinner!